Neither have I. Lucille Bluth wink
I get him now. Using Jira has made me want to kill people too.
Why would they check for piracy when it's not them you're pirating from and stopping piracy would remove the most popular use case of their product?
No you don't. I've shared with people and I've never had a pass.
No shade or anything but how does that work in a single player pretty linear game, what's the draw after you finish it a few times?
This was shitty, but the giants are worse than the smaller companies. Roku works fine and ad-free if you block the ad/tracking domains. Try separating the ads/tracking from the stuff you need on a Google device.
I don't understand the question. I'm reacting to this story, what the company is doing, without distinction between the branded TVs and peripheral devices.
Still being on Reddit in 2025 has turned into a real leopards eating my face situation.
Roku is the worst thing to happen to TVs since motion smoothing.
It may help, but that's just a guess.
I use it daily without issues on a residential network. You might be getting blocked because they know you're on some kind of VPS network.
I'm a dev, I'd say it's a combination of it being bloated enterprise software with the usability issues that come with that, plus the project management processes that it breeds.