[-] fazo96@lemmy.trippy.pizza 4 points 6 months ago

I played over two hundred hours of the steam version on Proton 8

[-] fazo96@lemmy.trippy.pizza 4 points 6 months ago

Compatibility with old games on linux is great, much better than it is for newer games. Those 2010 and earlier (all the way back to windows 95 or so) games that have trouble on Windows 10 generally work better on Linux than on Windows 10.

For dos games you'd use dosbox on both Windows and Linux so the experience is mostly identical.

You also get quality of life stuff such as: if a game starts at 640x480 on your 4k monitor, it doesn't change your desktop resolution to 640x480, it just gets scaled up to the full screen.

Specifically check out the Lutris software: it has integrations to install and run your old games from GOG or the original discs onto Linux.

[-] fazo96@lemmy.trippy.pizza 3 points 7 months ago

Check out distrobox. It's a way to have a Ubuntu (or any other Linux distro) container and allows you to install Ubuntu packages, even desktop applications.

It works great for when you need to install a random .deb file or follow a very Ubuntu specific step by step procedure. I use it exactly for this kind of stuff.

No rebooting needed, integrates fully with the host system, no virtual machine either.

[-] fazo96@lemmy.trippy.pizza 5 points 9 months ago

DLSS works fine on Linux, but I don't know about frame generation and ray reconstruction specifically. It could be those two don't work yet.

[-] fazo96@lemmy.trippy.pizza 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Yes, this game is like that. This game also has more in depth simulation and mechanics, but it's way less accessible.

One major difference is that RimWorld has a narrator AI that will make up events for your colony to experience, while dwarf fortress tries to simulate a world and the events are most of the time the result of the world simulation.

This makes RimWorld more gamey, meaning dwarf fortress can kind of get stuck in weird or bad situations, and men in black won't magically show up to save your colony. But for many players that's part of the charm!

[-] fazo96@lemmy.trippy.pizza 4 points 1 year ago

I also run a self hosted instance so I would be interested in a bot that stays subscribed to communities I want "synced" into my instance without me also being subscribed

[-] fazo96@lemmy.trippy.pizza 3 points 1 year ago

Sure. Dwarf Fortress is a fantasy world simulator and fantasy story generator

It has 3 game modes: fortress, adventure and legends.

You begin all 3 by creating a world. The game will simulate the geology, tectonic plaques, erosion that eventually lead to a world that is habitable

Then the game puts elves, dwarves and humans on it and simulates a couple hundred years of history.

Civilizations rise and fall, go to war. People marry, have children and die.

Then you start your game. In fortress mode, you lead a group of dwarves to establish a new settlement. It plays like a city builder, colony sim and a little like the Sims

Every npc is simulated very in depth with thoughts, memories, relatives, moods, needs. This means there is stuff like trauma and npcs deal with it in different ways and eventually process into into a change in their personality and stats. The personality affects their social relationships.

You guide the dwarves to dig and build rooms, workshops, taverns. You organize the military and trade.

Eventually you might get attacked by globins or something. Each goblin will come from a specific village, they will have a family, thoughts and moods and memories.

You can see how the game is unique. No other game will go to this extent in simulating the world and its people.

Adventure mode is how you play with just one character and explore the world. It's not good to play yet because most of the development at the moment is for fortress mode.

Legends is like Wikipedia for a world you generated, you can browse all events, people, places.

What makes the game amazing is the stories. One time, a beast from the caves arrived. It was a monster in the shape of a slug, made of lava, with wings.

It flew up my well and was about to kill everyone. But some beekeeper dwarf was lowering a bucket. The bucker hit the Beast so hard it fell into the water reservoir and died (it was made of lava).

Some water evaporated and the hot steam hit a few dwarves sending them to the hospital.

Another story is a mayor I had that was so good at consoling people he became legendary at it. He suffered trauma because a drunk angry citizen punched him. Also he lost his cat. He reflected on this and "found peace", it's kinda funny but that's how the game rolls. After that his stats changed or something and he was never bothered by anything. Managing stress in the game is important so this guy being so zen kept me on the edge of my seat when he was in danger due to how valuable he was as an unstoppable beast in consoling everyone all day every day and preventing fist fights or worse as we were dealing with a war with elves.

Bottom line is, the game is extremely deep to a fault even, but I love it so much. I love how the stories are so unique and how things can go in such weird ways, I love seeing characters develop so organically with no scripted events at all.

[-] fazo96@lemmy.trippy.pizza 6 points 1 year ago

Thankfully the lemmy developers are aware of those issues and are working on improvements.

Looks like soon, viewing content will always be done through your instance and links won't take you to other instances. The clunky way to search for communities on other instances if your current instance doesn't know about them yet will get fixed too.

Multireddit style aggregations of communities are also being worked on

Plus these days there is a massive influx of users, once this stabilizes a bit all major instances will be federated and know about communities on each other, so many problems of discovery will get mitigated.

[-] fazo96@lemmy.trippy.pizza 6 points 1 year ago

you can make only one account, but it has to be on an instance that allows NSFW. Then you can see NSFW from other instances too.

Many instances are disabling NSFW because it's hard to moderate and the nature of lemmy means NSFW content could come from other instances and be problematic.

[-] fazo96@lemmy.trippy.pizza 3 points 1 year ago

Sandbox RPG games with deep simulation and emergent gameplay elements cranked up to 11. Stuff like Dwarf Fortress, Kenshi and to some extent RimWorld.

I don't know if there is a name for this genre and if anyone has similar games to recommend, please do!

[-] fazo96@lemmy.trippy.pizza 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Like markipol@beehaw.org said (sorry I don't know how to mention users yet) in the other comment, this can be resolved without centralization.

For example "unions" of communities could be made that are the equivalent of a multi reddit. They would group together posts across all major "technology" communities into one feed.

Then anyone from any instance can engage via comments. Making a postswould require choosing to which of the communities iin the union to post to because each one would have its own moderators and rules.

Users would subscribe to the union to see technology contents across all technology communities.

Any user could create a union on any instance so major instances would have their own unions that include content from other major instances that they are in a good relationship with.

Would this not resolve the problem while keeping it decentralized?

[-] fazo96@lemmy.trippy.pizza 11 points 1 year ago

I guess multi-reddit style aggregations "supercommunities" could also be curated and subscribed to and maybe even nested. This would allow users to find a "technology" or "book" "supercommunity" that aggregates all communities with the same topic across many instances.

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