He didn't even give a single citation. I decry sanctus@lemmy.world worse than the Republicans in the article.
A single group photo of Republicans would have been the bare minimum to back up his claim.
He didn't even give a single citation. I decry sanctus@lemmy.world worse than the Republicans in the article.
A single group photo of Republicans would have been the bare minimum to back up his claim.
I think people will change their mind when presented with facts
The very same
That is a terrible idea. The basic privacy advice is to use end to end encryption wherever possible.
his family is obviously devastated
Maybe it might even be a slam dunk life insurance payout.
GIF of woody harrison crying and drying his tears with US $100 bills.
bUt iF MeXiCo sIgNs a dEfEnSe pAcT WiTh gUaTeMaLa tHeN ThAt's bAsIcAlLy aN AtTaCk oN Us! AnD We'lL NuKe tHeM If wE'Re aTtAcKeD.
Oh my god! They're going to be so embarrassed. I mean that's a crazy accident. /s
Wait till they learn about seahorses
No longer letting my family member rants about [insert today's Russian propaganda] go unchallenged.
One of the many reasons why I lost all faith in a person when I realize they're a conspiracy theorist.
The goddamn government tracking plans are on fucking wikipedia and they're worried about chips injected in a vaccine from some twitter shitpost.