So you're telling me 2% of new Window's users won't be forced to make an account? Neat!
This is not about the technically savvy. The populace is being conditioned into not owning what they purchase. This will in turn make everyone's life worse.
So you're telling me 2% of new Window's users won't be forced to make an account? Neat!
This is not about the technically savvy. The populace is being conditioned into not owning what they purchase. This will in turn make everyone's life worse.
I appreciate you so much for actually linking actionable steps
Therapist: Stop being silly, you can't hear emojis.
^ the emojis
Agreed, the "well regulated militias" argument was always nonsense.
People can barely work together in office spaces, have zero appreciation for democracy, and have zero discipline. Yet we expect these same people to painstakingly learn combat, change their lifestyles, and agree who the enemy is.
For full transparency, I support 2A - but I support it because it is the best way to be uncooperative with violence. This is extremely important for not only having any chance against a corrupt government, but also your hysterical neighbors - who want to lynch you for being a witch.
P.S. Remote areas tend to be significantly more violent than populated areas. This is a phenomena observed through both anecdote and data. Protecting yourself from rabid neighbors in remote (often rural) areas is a genuine use case!
I think the rule of thumb is to never take a conservative at their word. They seem to only argue in bad-faith for their own personal gain (whether it be money or pleasure); and will go as far as changing the meaning of words and reality to be "correct".
When a conservative makes a hypothetical, just assume it has no nuance, practicality, nor scientific process. If it did the militia argument would've been dead-on-arrival.
I challenge you to look at this from a different perspective.
The people with the (severely under-powered) guns come out, shoot some people, and then what?
The American populace has shown itself to be completely spineless and incapable of doing anything useful. At least 50% of the country will condemn your actions as "not the right way" - even as fascists are rounding them up and sending them to El Salvador.
So what did you just throw your life away for? Making no change, and potentially even setting back the cause. Guns will not fix the deep seated rot in America - no matter how many times you say it. Anyone with a brain looking to win (not the same as being correct!) will not show their hand now.
Just no man.
Yes, JavaScript has been the most popular language but it is exclusively because of the front-end. Many companies do not want to pay for separate back-end devs and ask their front-end devs to do it instead. These people (ab)use JS because they're most comfortable with it and are under crunch; so we end up with the abomination that is back-end JS.
It is NOT rivaling much lower-level languages; it can't even rival C#.
First off, it is interpreted. You are never going to be faster than competently written C, C++, Go, nor Rust. Secondly, the resources it takes to exist makes in a non-option for embedded machines - which Social-Security facilities are all but guaranteed to use.
Not to mention the horrendous (and insecure) package infrastructure, and under-powered core libraries - it would be the fullest extent disaster.
The saddest part? The larpers at DOG(shit)E are all but guaranteed to pick the worst tools for the job, over-engineer, and have extremely poor management. Meaning whatever they ship WILL collaspe the system day 1; and all of the people refusing to pay attention will be like "hOw CouLd THis HaPPen"
Yeah, the world is sliding into global fascism, and fast.
Even "Never Again" Germany has a major political party sympathetic with Nazis (AfD). If you talk to the average person in America, it is okay to have all of your rights stripped as long as you can use TikTok. We're in very dark times right now.
If anything, I think that people from around the world are very disconnected on average. The average person can barely care to support Ukraine, when Putin is clear-as-day running Stalin's playbook.
Lemmy and Reddit are not real life.
I've said this in another post, and I'll say it again.
Where are the resources? Where are the leaders? Where are the groups?
People are scrambling right now because there are a million people screaming and no one leading nor taking direction. We need courage, focus, and precision to win but everyone is acting spineless, scattered, and aloof.
We need every single person online using TOR and/or a VPN. We need an underground railroad. We need protocol to fight against ICE raids. We need places to find weapons (yes, even in blue states because a lot of people still don't own). And most importantly, as our greatest civil disobedience, we need to stop paying federal taxes. I would even like to go as far as a general strike.
So how are we going to get this and more together? Or are we instead going to sit and cry about this?
Can we stop talking about "we should, we should"? Who is actually doing?
The time for talk was over November 4th, but it is beyond over now - arm yourself, period.
Where are the community resources for community building and fighting against ICE tactics - this is what the internet is for? Who is running the underground railroad? Why are every single one of us not educated on TOR and VPNs? Who are we primarying? What are the plans for removing propaganda from our real life communities?
There are no accessible answers to these questions - this is unacceptable, and we get this in order now. No one is coming to save us, we must do it ourselves. We have a 2 month window between now and when the most in-person activity will happen (summer).
P.S. Everyone screams at the gun owners and politicians about why they won't do anything. But why would they? They'll basically throw their lives away for nothing - especially when the people they claim to fight for are so fucking spineless.
If this woman can have her First Amendment RIGHT stripped and arrested in the street by plain clothes, and every single person in this country isn't rioting, guns and laws will not fix it.
P.S P.S If you are not from America and are in a relatively free country, one of the best things you can do is host the resources for fighting the Nazis. American companies, individuals, and organization are automatically compromised.
If are an American, create an onion service or host using an EU VPS and domain registar.
thanks again. and yeah my mistake on the warcraft (now edited)
I can very easily buy a fake badge, flash it at you, and say I'm police.
This is why uniforms and agency-labeled vehicles (with id numbers!) exist. The fact that we still do not know the names of these officers should be enough evidence to prove that these could've not been officers at all.
My favorite iteration of the first point is "we take your privacy seriously" to "we take your privacy. seriously."