[-] hemmes@lemmy.world 33 points 1 week ago

I'm an IT engineer, 100% of my time is spent on computer problems.

[-] hemmes@lemmy.world 30 points 3 months ago

I was basically going to say the same thing, they'll vote anyway, party over policy. It doesn't matter what they propose. As long as Democrats disagree with it, their constituents will vote for it, standard team-driven advertising.

Most voters don't care about politics at all, we just want what everyone else wants - a chance at opportunity, some form of health care and social security, you know, the good life. We can all pretty much agree on that and it's really not that interesting a topic. So, politicians turn politics into a sports game because that's what people care about and engage with, sports and competition, our old friend, Ego.

Follow your heart, not your ego.

[-] hemmes@lemmy.world 33 points 4 months ago

A brief search indicates that only 1-2% of children are unable to receive traditional vaccinations due to allergies or immunocompromised conditions.

I'm willing to bet that the unethical doctors writing exemptions likely have an unbalanced amount of child-vaccination exemptions to administered child-vaccinations ratio. Such discrepancies should be thoroughly investigated.

In other words, if more than 2 out of every 100 children, a particular doctor consults with, are given vaccination exemptions, then something is suspicious.

[-] hemmes@lemmy.world 34 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Actually on second thought, let's just give him a marble notebook and crayons and tell him that's JavaScript.

[-] hemmes@lemmy.world 31 points 6 months ago

Not for nothing, but that would be a response more appropriate for Michelangelo

[-] hemmes@lemmy.world 37 points 6 months ago

Five-bed home looks gorgeous on the outside - but inside there's a horrifying amount of NEMA 5-15 receptacles


[-] hemmes@lemmy.world 38 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Surprised that no one here mentioned Pi-hole. It doesn't work for ads on all streaming apps, but pi-hole successfully removes all ads for my Paramount+ subscription.

[-] hemmes@lemmy.world 40 points 8 months ago

This is why they've been running nonstop ads about their "code of ethics" and how they help the community. The ads have been run practically on loop for several weeks in English and Spanish. At first I was just like, what a joke, tell that to 2007. But then it was just getting weird how often the ads would play...now I know why. They must have known this was coming to light.

[-] hemmes@lemmy.world 36 points 9 months ago

It’s not like you’re gonna find them all flying over to Russia together, like during the 4th of July or some crazy shit like that…

[-] hemmes@lemmy.world 32 points 10 months ago

I have not seen any of that and I sort by All.

[-] hemmes@lemmy.world 32 points 11 months ago

ICANN has an Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP) that requires your registrar to give your domain a 30-day grace period before deleting the records. ERRP also requires them to shutdown your DNS resolutions 8 days before deletion.

You’d have to be really mismanaging your domain if you miss all the required email reminders and don’t notice your domain has been non functional for a couple of days.

[-] hemmes@lemmy.world 34 points 11 months ago

Yeah, not a good situation.

The main story I found seems to indicate that many government communications have been misdirected due to the typo of .ml instead of the intended .mil - reserved for the US military. 🤦‍♂️ There has been an entrepreneur that holds the contract to manage Mali’s country domain and that’s expiring Monday (24th?). I’m assuming the government is not renewing the contract and will instead be taking over the domains and any related data. He has been collecting some of that data and warning the US government about the issue to no avail…for 10 years.

Control of the .ML domain will revert on Monday from Zuurbier to Mali’s government, which is closely allied with Russia. When Zuurbier’s 10-year management contract expires, Malian authorities will be able to gather the misdirected emails. The Malian government did not respond to requests for comment.

Their contents include X-rays and medical data, identity document information, crew lists for ships, staff lists at bases, maps of installations, photos of bases, naval inspection reports, contracts, criminal complaints against personnel, internal investigations into bullying, official travel itineraries, bookings, and tax and financial records.

ICANN is the body responsible for the gTLD initiative, which gives you names like .social and .world. They are an American non-profit with a multinational committee, handling nearly all of the databases that store our Internet address records, etc., you can be relatively assured that your domain won’t be messed with.

The instances really have no option here than to test out moving their systems to an alternative domain and “bench test” their migration to discover a path that works or a least come to the conclusion to start all over.

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