it just wastes my system's resource for no gain. imo it's sufficient to have a proper adblock + js/cookie/xhr whitelist + container tabs.
if you're really paranoid you can rotate ip address or something similar,,
it just wastes my system's resource for no gain. imo it's sufficient to have a proper adblock + js/cookie/xhr whitelist + container tabs.
if you're really paranoid you can rotate ip address or something similar,,
Awesome. May I ask the Disqus scraper you used?
they even got rid of the login button lol. having a small userscript to insert the login button as html works tho as the method/css remains.
does no derivatives mean i can't press "fork" in its github page..? lmao that's pretty anti-foss
Maybe you can just install a pirated copy for them?
tbh i would just pirate and block network
i just use my local searxng instance and get results from like 10 engines including ddg, then filter with ublacklist
The only con is that its super slow with many engines enabled..
Damn its gone now.. I really think we need to backup IA. Contents frequently disappear because of copyrights..
Yeah, Newpipe is a lot better option.
Not really though, more like if you need open source drivers. Nvidia cards with the proprietary driver work great on OSes like Illumos (solaris) or FreeBSD, Linux on X11 where no other card works properly.
tbh this can happen with everything now so..
i'm not sure what would be the solution, sadly.