
joined 2 years ago
[–] hibsen@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

They don’t plan to fill them. They plan to eliminate the position of anyone who takes this option.

[–] hibsen@lemmy.world 8 points 2 days ago

Oh geez. I’m so used to reading sexual trauma records from the DoD that I just assume immediately. Sorry about that, my bad entirely.

[–] hibsen@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

~~In-service death tends to be an almost automatic grant of service connected death benefits, likely only burial in this case. DoD failed this person. That doesn’t mean that the VA will.~~

Edit: I managed to read the article and still get the country wrong.

[–] hibsen@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

And here I’ve been using a 1 charm belt because I can’t bear to give up on the resists to slot + to charms. I know they changed it to have a visible indicator but I still haven’t really seen the change.


For me, it’s got to be Ironride. It looks so perfect on the mercenary, I couldn’t stop myself from wearing it into maps, even though it was far outclassed by rares at that point. What’d you wear for too long?

[–] hibsen@lemmy.world 6 points 2 months ago

Not much of one, but…

  1. He’ll appeal.
  2. Even if it’s permanent and the other kids are less shitty than the eldest, at the end of the day they’ll probably keep the propaganda going because they like being rich.
[–] hibsen@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago

Plenty of folks will be with you on this, me included. Tried a few, didn’t like them, nbd.

[–] hibsen@lemmy.world 6 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Awaiting sentencing — here's the relevant bit:

Jessup on Monday told the Guardian that he must fill out certain paperwork before he could step down. The county council chair had mailed him those papers, but they had not immediately arrived, said Jessup, who is awaiting a sentencing hearing tentatively scheduled for April.

According to what Jessup told the Daily Reporter, he was prepared for prosecutors to argue that he deserves between eight and 20 years in prison. Jessup reportedly said that his attorneys were going to seek a sentence of probation.

[–] hibsen@lemmy.world 8 points 3 months ago

US politics is temporarily not allowed as a topic. This question appears to be about Ukrainian nuclear defense capabilities, which would not qualify as US politics.

[–] hibsen@lemmy.world 8 points 3 months ago

Even if voters may not expect any better from Trump, Gaitan said, “they feel they can trust him on the economy.”

So...they're stupid?

[–] hibsen@lemmy.world 6 points 4 months ago

That game was the most fun I've ever had playing a video game. Lots of other great games have happened, but the low barrier to entry (buy-to-play instead of subscription) and the reward for slotting a useful 8 skills that worked well with each other and well with the other 7 or so people in your group cannot be beat.

[–] hibsen@lemmy.world 6 points 4 months ago

I've done some (grunt-level) work in chemical packaging. I didn't see in the article if it specifies, but the place I worked handled tons of different types of chemicals and they'd all have their own precautions needed. If this place was the same (big if), the sprinklers are probably standard for fire, and the chemical in question should be delivered sealed in watertight drums and only opened/handled inside a small room-sized fume hood. We had specialized rooms for things like spontaneously combustible chemicals and poisonous inhalation hazards — those chemicals were never unsealed outside those rooms.

All that goes out the window I assume if this is the only chemical they handle.

[–] hibsen@lemmy.world 64 points 4 months ago (19 children)

Are you the only one in here who bothered to look? I saw your comment and decided to look, too, and unless I'm reading this wrong, you're right and I don't understand the point of this story.

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