
joined 4 months ago
[–] 1 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

buyer of the craft could invest the resources required to go over every inch of circuit and line of code and find it

Buyers do not get source code either. Israel gets a special version with no US software control.

[–] 1 points 18 hours ago

Beyond any "off switch", you need permission on every flight for the "on switch". Lockheed doesn't even give US military manuals, and so only Lockheed consultants can maintain/repair the planes.

Beyond that, it is a horrible plane that is horribly expensive. Low flight time. Everyone in the world who approved buying any, is primafacie corrupt traitor, and straight to jail.

[–] 20 points 19 hours ago

It's fascist city states that market themselves as tax free libertarian, likely hedonistic. Tech has little (maybe ultra deregulated healthcare) to do with anything other than billionaires who came from tech get to decide who is allowed in. This is a model in Israel and Arab kingdoms with less hedonism, but high slavery levels.

The US is definitely on path to collapse. Current administration is accelerating it. Gifting federal lands to become tax havens is setting it to 11.

Many of these tech bros also talk about an actual solution: Freedom dividends. High tax libertarianism with freedom for all. Power redistribution. Don't compete for jobs we can't do as well as China or robots. Or spend on/promote war. Freedom dividends ends crimes and makes fair labour markets. Fascism and slavery as the "libertarian utopian phoenix from ashes of US" is going to be straight mad max fascism and slavery instead of utopia.

[–] 1 points 21 hours ago

fair, but Harris would have won without election rigging. Voter suppression and forced provisional ballots that were never counted.

[–] 32 points 22 hours ago

By far the absolute worst election promise of Trump47 was to give blanket immunity to police for murder, which directly leads to "don't let this extortion turn into a murder, and don't say liberal shit".

Musk recommending to pardon George Floyd cop murderer is a ploy for protests and crackdowns on protests. During Trump45, the Jerusalem capital/embassy was opportunity to murder protesters, and he also amplified George Floyd protests as a re-election ploy to keep suburban moms safe from the uppity negroes.

Musk is intentionally inciting domestic violence through his divisive and hateful recommendation. He'd just prefer the violence be directed at angry negroes than his cars.

[–] 0 points 22 hours ago

But tilting at windmills is still patriotic.

[–] 1 points 22 hours ago

Needs influence over auto companies mostly.

[–] 3 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) (1 children)

Article starts with Honduras, and wtf does that have to do with US, but

the Network Staters want to build them in our national parks.

The key is how much "we" get paid for their privilege, and does it buy the "utlimate tax free sov cit dream"? while residents get to make money from America, and evade American tariffs.

Best part if it fails, everyone leaves, it can be turned into unregulated nuclear waste dump with child hookers.

[–] 10 points 23 hours ago (3 children)

27% growth in solar, 8% growth in wind is actually comparable to other 2 big regions.

China 28% solar, 18% wind (from much larger base though. They achieved decline or near zero growth of fossil electricity while massive demand increase)

Europe 4% solar, 37% wind. Also larger base that saw 10%+ reduction in fossil electricity. Still demand increase.

[–] 0 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago) (1 children)

You're a nice innocent troll just repeating stupid shit. The demons are above your paygrade.

The western side of Minsk process behaved such that Russia can never trust them again.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

quick lookup showed pure bismuth at $300/kg. That is not too expensive to make chips, but it would divert demand away from other uses, and we're gonna need a bigger mine. China will find a way, and likely cost reductions will result from volume.

Still, this is a couple of years (wild optimism and resources devoted to it) at least away from Chip products.


Also, this is permanent. April 2nd will have reciprocal tariffs, but not on USMCA compliant trade.

What Canadian US trade is not USMCA compliant?


March 6 is likely to be a failure in this power grab, in part because several EU states understand the war on Russia to be evil or unprofitable. That Poland, with rabidness, is against centralization of defense is a certain death knell to the posturing.


well written.

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