But then the whack-a-mole game continues, and you're constantly having to find new extensions to serve the same task. When you could simply switch to firefox, deal with the very minor growing pains, and keep using uBlock with no problems whatsoever.
I agree, but I think his closing statement says more about his position than anything else. "Losers fight battles that are already lost, winners look for new battlegrounds." Which I agree with, it's pessimistic to say that mining corps have won. But it's true. Labor will need to move to 'new battlegrounds' to have any chance, the example provided was the Future Made in Australia proposal. Jordie helped me connect the dots that THIS is the new battleground. Government owned industry in the next advancement of infrastructure/electricity.
The single greatest policy any pollie could ever implement would be proper taxation on gas/mining/oil companies. Completely absurd, but not surprising at all to me that it isn't in effect though, with Murdoch media and all. Imagine how great this country could be if we had Norway levels of taxation on mineral assets.
While this argument makes sense on paper, it completely nullifies the point. Both should be taught for the following reasons:
"It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war."