Yeah they probably just use a 20 years old out of date system (like any government agency that respects itself) that doesn't take into account that maybe a car doesn't have a driver

I'd love to see that happen

[-] 2 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

haha ouais j'ai eu le même email tantot, j'utilise aussi mon nom de domaine mais j'étais pas sur si c'était un pur hasard comme j'utilise un catch-all. Merci d'avoir confirmé!

ça serait vraiment pratique d'avoir un système de signature automatique avec SimpleLogin avec protonmail comme proposé dans ce blog: comme ça, seul le courriel avec la signature unique peut recevoir des messages, et des messages perdus par des bots qui tentent des noms de domaines au hasard qui pourraient avoir un catch-all se font automatiquement rejeter.

update: simplelogin fait quelquechose presque comme j'aimerais, mais c'est pas aussi bien intégré que j'aimerais

I think the issue is theres no specific person or driving license, purely by speculation

Update on this: This is an issue in Mutter, and Robert Mader has started work on a fix for GNOME 47. The issue happens due to GTK and Mutter doing scaling differently and them not being in sync (the issue only appears in Nightly)

Issue: Fix MR:

They really can't make Exynos chips work huh. This effort is probably useless because the biggest issue in having an inneficient chip is not the heat, its that it will eat through the battery much faster than it should. I had a phone with a snapdragon 888 (manufactured by samsung foundry) and the thing barely lasted 3h30-4h on a full charge. After 2 years I got fed up and got an S23, with a smaller battery than my Zenfone 8 and I got basically more than double the battery life (8h-9h of screen on time with the same usage). Better cooling wont solve this. The heat is tolerable because unless the user is playing an intensive game, the phone is never truly hot, its just warmer than it should be for rendering a website.

Finally, ultrasonic are order of magnitudes better in terms of speed, accuracy and they don't blind you at night

[-] 40 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

likely content blockers preventing the trackers from working properly and invalid user agents. So i would expect about the same ratio of usage on there as well. Maybe very slightly more Linux since maybe the users are more likely to tinker with their browser configs and install content blockers, but even there Id say its an extremely slim minority of even linux users who do that

StatCounter also sometimes miscounts when new versions of windows or macos come out. At one point (I think at windows 11 release) there was a huge dip in windows 10 users and a huge gain in "unknown" and it was quickly fixed.

Yeah thats pretty weird, maybe this is related to identities in proton pass? But they are not released yet

That's electron for you!


Vous en pensez quoi de ce projet de loi? Personnellement ça fait juste me donner l'illusion que Fitzgibbon est encore plus un magouilleur qui a des chums à rendre heureux... C'est pas le pire projet de loi du monde, mais il donne plus de libertés au privé ce qui me semble être une pente très glissante.


Why is my hair smooth and soft compared to the other hairs?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by to c/

cross-posted from:


Hey there, I don't know if any of you noticed something similar recently, but I have noticed my cursors have gone HUGE, like 2x what it should be at least. I think this is related to the affected apps using a beta version of Libadwaita 1.6, but I just wanted to confirm here before I create an issue in the repo. I use 200% scaling, GNOME 45, Fedora 39. Does anybody else have this problem? Thanks!!

How it should look (in Pods, firefox and most other apps)

How it looks in Ptyxis

How it looks in Adwaita Demo (latest update, which bumped the libadwaita version to 1.6)

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Hey there, I don't know if any of you noticed something similar recently, but I have noticed my cursors have gone HUGE, like 2x what it should be at least. I think this is related to the affected apps using a beta version of Libadwaita 1.6, but I just wanted to confirm here before I create an issue in the repo. I use 200% scaling, GNOME 45, Fedora 39. Does anybody else have this problem? Thanks!!

How it should look (in Pods, firefox and most other apps)

How it looks in Ptyxis

How it looks in Adwaita Demo (latest update, which bumped the libadwaita version to 1.6)

[-] 123 points 3 months ago

This is an Xwayland and Electron issue, not a Discord or Gnome or a Display issue. This is because Electron under Xwayland (and also somewhat under Wayland) doesn't behave well with fractional scaling. If you want a true comparison, try opening Discord on Firefox with Wayland. It will be night and day in terms of sharpness compared to regular DPI displays

[-] 110 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Linux users and Wayland users

Linux users with X11 users

Linux users with GNOME users

Linux users with KDE Plasma users

Linux users with Systemd users

Linux users with openrc users

Linux users with snaps users

Linux users with flatpak users

Linux users with appimage users

Linux users with native packages users

Linux users and Ubuntu users

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

Rockstar has revealed the GTA 6 trailer earlier than expected, probably because it was leaked on Twitter. I think it looks amazing!!

I can't wait to see what the community does with the images and what we will know almost for sure before the release

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

C'est surprenant que je publie ça a voir mon pseudo...

Voici un court résumé tiré de la page web:


  • Des revenus récupérés, dès l’exercice financier de 2024, de 82,3 G$ ;
  • Des gains d’efficacité en éliminant les chevauchements de 8,8 G$ ;
  • La péréquation est une illusion de dépendance, le Québec reçoit au net 9,6 G$, bien moins que ce que François Legault avance ;
  • Pour le ratio dette/PIB des engagements bruts, en 2e position du G7 et largement en dessous de la moyenne. Seule l’Allemagne ferait mieux ;
  • Pour les engagements nets, en 3e position du G7, avec une dette nette nettement inférieure à celle de la moyenne ;
  • L’étude pro forma du Parti québécois est vérifiée par six économistes.>>>>
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Bonjour peuple,

Je me demandais comment je pourrais batir mon score de crédit sans trop de risques/passer par des chemins sketch. Je vis chez mes parents, je suis étudiant au Cégep et j'ai environ 8-10k$ en revenus par an. J'avais appliqué pour la carte de crédit Tangerine mais j'ai été refusé. J'aurais aimé l'avoir car ma banque est déjà Tangerine et ça aurait été facile pour les paiements automatiques etc

Alors je me demandais quelles sont vos recommendations de carte de crédit (ou autres moyens de batir du crédit sans passer par des chemins sketchy)


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