[-] jaemo@sh.itjust.works 2 points 3 days ago

Fair point but no one wants to deal with my incessant whining, and you couldn't pay me enough to deal with it. Sometimes a scratching post is what the cat needs.

[-] jaemo@sh.itjust.works 1 points 4 days ago

Yeah! You show 'em!

I'm 100% sure your personal outrage and principles are the keys to 2024. Just squint super hard, focus on your very narrow perspective and ignore the bigger picture. That's the ticket! What could possibly go wrong?

[-] jaemo@sh.itjust.works 7 points 4 days ago

Yes. We like teeth.

You come close enough to the border with your mouth open and your attention diverted.....we gonna get them teeth out your mouth.

Real sneaky-like.

[-] jaemo@sh.itjust.works 26 points 4 days ago

My word, but Christians are truly among the very worst examples of humanity. No wonder churchgoing is plummeting, even the lack of civility in modern society can't pave over the abject awfulness of this cult.

Back to the stone age, where you belong, sky wizard cultists!

[-] jaemo@sh.itjust.works 7 points 4 days ago

Somewhere, a Genie is howling with laughter at the magnitude of that wasted wish.

[-] jaemo@sh.itjust.works 7 points 4 days ago

Enjoy what you deserve.

[-] jaemo@sh.itjust.works 0 points 5 days ago

You will get absolutely what you deserve in 2024.

[-] jaemo@sh.itjust.works 44 points 3 months ago

Boy it sure says an awful lot about Maga that they are going to go to war for a swollen pustule like Humpty Trumpty. If it's a movement, wouldn't it transcend a single individual? What a weak group of simpletons.

[-] jaemo@sh.itjust.works 73 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I sort of feel like the exceedingly casual posting on Facebook about this very world-wrenching moment in his life is proof enough for me that he's made a few horcruxes in his time and has a maimed soul.

If I was in his shoes, those 3 words would be on loop in my head, and I'd be curled up in a foetal position bawling, insensate, forever. Like the end of a particularly disturbing Black Mirror ep.

[-] jaemo@sh.itjust.works 45 points 4 months ago

GenX and I'd sooner vote for someone with 81 years behind him than 91 charges ahead of him.

Also: fuck every last garbage person conservative, climate change is fucking real, trans rights are human rights, black lives matter, universal healthcare is a right and property is not a fucking investment.

[-] jaemo@sh.itjust.works 52 points 5 months ago

"From the good people who brought you twitter..." reads like a threat.

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