It's just cool to see Lemmy in any search result. It kind of reinforces that what we are doing here matters. Downside is that if an instance goes down, only a potential archive is there.
Trump absolutely obliterated profits from manufacturing with the steel tariffs. That's the whole reason that I'm struggling really hard right now. It forced me to order even lower quality steel because as the buyer, you're the one paying the markups. It isn't the affected country. This forced me to really put my limited metallurgical knowledge to the test because I had to ship critical components that wouldn't fail to the best of my ability. I had to adjust everything from tool paths to cutting times because they both affect the integrity of the material. I already had to charge way more for the parts I make because I'm not in India or China making $2/hr. I really hate to say it, but American made steel is just too expensive and I can get it from Japan for maybe 3/4 the price. China is even cheaper with nearly the same quality. And, no, I don't order it directly shipped. There are distributors.
I've been screaming at colleagues for years now that Trump has absolutely no clue about real world manufacturing or how it works. He wants to destroy NAFTA, which would absolutely destroy the supply chain I rely on for non-metallic (mostly glass-filled plastics) materials. I make a fair amount of G-10 and G-11 fiberglass parts for nuclear power - from GE, to Hitachi, WestingHouse, to (oddly) Mitsubishi. Want to talk about how nuclear is expensive already? Yeah, go ahead and erase NAFTA. It would go from improbable and financially impractical to absolutely impossible. Get an order from some local business to make some parts? You have to charge at least an estimate of $70/hour just for labor and machine time. With the tariffs, I've had to bump that to about $90/hour.
However, because the costs for me have gone up so much I've had to go from making money to paying to live. I have the skill, equipment, and knowledge to run a machine shop by myself. That orange fuck set it up that if I didn't already have well-established long term contracts, I'd be in a ditch after selling my dog for a month's worth of food. Trump knowing manufacturing, or how it impacts the manufacturers? Get the fuck out.
Sincerely, A trans woman that has been in manufacturing her whole life.
Source: Being a 20+ year career machinist.
Were you trying to kiss yourself in the mirror?
This is all funny until you do it. Trying this kind of shit in 2009 as I was starting to fully transition got me a full swing baseball bat to my hip. I laid there for maybe 30 mins before I could crawl to a phone.
From a safety standpoint, please don't do this. Just flip them off as you walk away and then vote as if your life depends on it, because it just may.
Missed opportunity to have one guy yelling ":!q"
I don't understand someone having such a blown out pallet that they can't tell the difference. They are markedly different.
Al will take over the world with his magic.
Console output with status of the current operation, including error and warning messages
I think this is it. I am so fucking sick of being politically aware. I am tired of knowing that most of the bullshit in the US was caused by Jerry Falwell standing to lose money from desegregation. I am tired of being trans in an idiot state governed by those that fuckers he influenced over 50 years ago. I am tired of only being able to vote or hold a sign. This whole thing is fucked.
I am tired of having literal rocks thrown at me if I dare to speak when my voice doesn't match my presented gender. I am tired of being told that I shouldn't exist. I am tired of being completely ignored at work even with over 20 years in the trade.
I don't know why this sent me over the edge reading this, but I am so ready to cash out my savings and live in a dark bunker, letting an ignorance of this garbage's existence wash over me.
I say this with all of my being: The GOP and neo nazis like this fucker can sit on it and spin.
I really wish this didn't have a giant kernel of truth to it. I've had to leave so many tables because such a large percentage of people insist on making it weird, that I largely have given up.
On more than one occasion, there has been a dude that intentionally played a lesbian character upon learning that I would be playing and not so subtly directed the million unnecessary sexual advances at me in an indirect manner.
Apart from that general incel style bullshit, there seems to always be a fucking white knight nice guy that refuses to see past my rl gender and acknowledge that I am playing something like a male half orc stereotypical barbarian.
D&D has been a huge passion of mine since the 2e days, and I really understand that it draws in people that tend to be socially inexperienced and/or impeded in some way (hell, I'm one of them), but at this point I am trying to play with 40+ year-old men that are fine in social situations outside of the game, but once the session starts they immediately get creepy.
I know this is long and ranting, but I think there are a lot of people that need to hear it. Even if the overall tone of the game is light-hearted and silly, you still need to be a fucking adult when interacting with other adults.
I know when you are pretending to look at your phone as an excuse to stare at my tits. Stop.
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the hiway.