Painesville, Cleveland, Gallipolis, and Dayton will all see some of the money.

[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 176 points 4 months ago

This sounds like the battery and the charger's problem to handle, not mine.

All this tech, all this automation for every damn thing, and people keep coming at me like I'm supposed to do everything manually with my fingers and eyes and maybe an alarm or something to keep me on schedule. No. Stop it.

Make the charger handle it, or shut up. Make the phone, the charger, and the battery handle it together, you know, with digital automation. Do not even mention it to me.


fade into u


This is the face of transwoman lust, for reasons I do not understand, this is the goldfish flakes that drives women mad, I post, this is your problem now


Check your registration and see if it's still okay.

I find that while the Secretary of State website still offers registration through a web form, my local County Board of Elections is talking about some sort of paper - not online - form that you have to turn in to their office to get registered.

Do I need it? Or am I already covered from last time? Maybe the piece of paper is only required for new voters in the county? Who knows, so check your own situation. I suspect the fuckery has been ramped up since Republicans in office got results on marijuana and abortion that they didn't like when the voters showed up last November and August.

I am a guy who glanced at the Secretary of State and local County Board websites, and not an authoritative source, you'll need to research your specific situation in your county.

I close with a reminder that they sneak all kinds of stuff onto the primary ballots, they are never just about who is going to end up President.

For example, my local ballot will have a vote on it to refresh the funding for the developmental difficulties program, and the local public parks. This is why I show up, I'm looking for this stuff, it's not going on other ballots, so you have to get at it during primaries.

We still have mail-in voting, and early in-person voting, both of which start on February 21, a day after the last day to register, which again is February 20.

The official Primary Day is not until March 19, but the voter registration cutoff is 30 days earlier, that's the important date, one more time, February 20.

Keep using these rights as much as you can stand, because I don't think they intend to let us keep them if they can help it.


Cape Verde is an island nation off the coast of Africa. They are malaria free.

oops (midwest.social)

Credit to the newsletter Future Crunch

"A court in Ecuador has ruled in favour of the Siekopai Nation’s claim to their ancestral homeland, Pë’këya, on the border of Ecuador and Peru, restoring property title for 42,360 hectares of some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet, and mandating public apologies for centuries of violence, racism, and conquest" - Future Crunch

ancient wunk (midwest.social)


[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 61 points 7 months ago

This election is going to be one of the worst ones and that's saying something.

[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 49 points 7 months ago

Oh well, I suppose everyone will lay down and die with no access to music. What will artists do without that all important half a peso for 5000 streams?

Cash money says there's already a native competitor just waiting to get that money. If not there will be soon. Maybe people will just buy records again, shit. Uruguay isn't doing half bad, financially, maybe they'll bring tapes back.

It has been quite something to see American tech companies rolling out across the world trying to pull that same old "sign the EULA or lose everything" bullshit and it's just not working for them. Too bad we can't kick them in the dick like other nations can.


August was just the preamble, this is the big show. If you managed to drag yourself into the booth for that August thing, don't leave us hanging, now.

Here's a Columbus Dispatch article breaking down the situation a bit more professionally.

There is a constitutional amendment to protect the right to an abortion in Ohio on the ballot. It's a pretty big deal, so if you Voted No on Issue 1 a bit ago, get your booty in that ballot room for this one. All that was about this, so don't drop the ball.

Legalizing recreational weed is also on the ballot, I get the impression that it's an acceptable enough law, not like the previous one that was so bad that NORML was telling stoners to vote it down. This will NOT be a constitutional amendment, just a new statute, and can be tweaked later on, it's not as big a deal as Issue 1, abortion. If it wasn't for Issue 1 it would be the biggest deal on the ballot.

As always, the ballot will be full of little nobodies to vote for, except those little nobodies will end up controlling the situation in your literal backyard, so get a ballot and make sure the head of your local Klan isn't running for anything, vote him down if he is. Keep an eye on your school board elections. Look for "Shall we fund the local library?" type stuff. Expect variety.

Some of you will find yourselves, oh, choosing between 1 of 4 Republican sheriffs and similar situations. I don't want to hear the teenaged logic, vote for the least of 4 evils if you must. Next year, know their names better. One of those guys will be least likely to tell his troopers to shoot first, so try to vote for him.

Head straight to your county's election board website for a proper example ballot that YOU can expect to see, so you can do research. The state website will just end up sending you there, since each ballot is sorta personalized with stuff specific to your county, like school boards, funding measures and such.

It's not too late to send in your application for an absentee ballot, the cutoff to send the application is Oct 31, but don't quote me. It does take weeks to get a ballot in your hand, though, with lots of back and forth through the mail.

Early vote is the move, in my opinion. On a good day, it's a ten-minute process on a Tuesday afternoon. Done. Lookin at you, person with a service job and weird weekdays off. Go for whatever works, though.

Best of luck out there. Tell your friends to vote.


At roughly 3:15 pm EDT on Monday April 8, Northwest Ohio will experience a Total Solar Eclipse, this is where the Moon completely blocks the Sun plunging the local world into darkness for a short time during a period of normal daylight.

The phenomenon should occur in full in Cleveland, Toledo, Akron, and Dayton, including all the smaller towns around and between those. If you have people in Indianapolis, they'll very much see it too.

You can view the eclipse with the proper equipment, including special glasses, expect to pay about $15 for a pack of 5 glasses. Here is a link for a list of reputable suppliers.

There are several ways to observe the eclipse, such as DIY pinhole cameras, and it is safe to watch anyone's livestream as well. The glasses will be nice to have, though. You have several months to prepare.

An Annular Solar Eclipse will also happen on October 14 of this year, and we won't see it, since the phenomenon will pass through Oregon and Texas, plus the states in between, missing Ohio completely. In an Annular Solar Eclipse, the Moon is in front of the sun in such a way as to create a "ring of fire" from the Sun blazing behind the Moon. I'm sure it's going to be very cool for everyone who sees it.

Solar eclipses happen on a regular basis, but because it is the angle of your location with respect to the Sun and Moon that creates the eclipse experience, that means that you will either miss most or all of them during your life. You need to travel a lot to see solar eclipses frequently.

A total solar eclipse is quite a thing, and it is an exceedingly rare thing to be able to see from the comfort of your backyard, in Toledo, so heads up to everyone who even remotely cares.

The eclipse should be fairly short, so you'll need maybe a half hour out of Monday to properly experience it before the Sun and Moon move and it's over. If you can get free for a bit, do it.


Early voting has started for the November General Election, it's the way to go, probably in and out, if you already have a good idea of how you're voting.

[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 65 points 9 months ago

Every day on the internet, a lucky 10,000 get to learn "common knowledge" for the very first time.

Like everyone said 50 times, yar har be pirate, all that.

Or, buy hard copy, which is refusing to completely die because of this shit, right here.

BUT, you have to make sure the data is on the hard copy and that you can access the data (play the songs, watch the movie, etc) WITHOUT internet access, that is you have to make sure the hard copy of the media is really on the damn disc, and it's not just a glorified access key to media that will then be streamed from their servers they control. If it is then do not pay for it.

This is honestly why vinyl is still a thing, once you rip things back out of the digital realm it gets a lot harder for them to pull bullshit, they pretty much have to put the songs on the wax if they want your $40, and they do, oh boy they do they want that money bad.

Piracy is always a bigger pain in the ass than internet techies act like. No, I don't want to buy a Plex server and learn how to use it and learn how to make my own VPN and make sure the VPN doesn't just report my activity to 7 Eyes or whatever that things called and and and and, and results like "my movie got unbought" are also unacceptable.

Yes, we know, there are "special" websites that you can just surf to and it's like a janky Netflix that "just works" so long as you already know the name of the thing you intend to watch, otherwise it's just a blank search bar. Also, you cannot tell other people about the website or the website gets taken down. Nothing is more useful than a website that you absolutely can't tell people about, wow, what a problem solver that is.

"I want to watch a movie" is a very "This activity must offer zero friction, I will only accept push button get movie" kind of activity so, yeah. "Be pirate" is not that useful, it's just the internet's go-to answer, they always speak loudly for the tiny minority in this place.

What we're actually doing is drastically limiting our spending on any of this type of thing, and never, ever pay money to "own" something digital. That era is over. It sucks, but it's yet another shitty thing that would take bullets to change, and since it's not worth bullets it's not changing.

Honestly I doesn't even take bullets but if you're going to build the kind of political movement it would take to create change then all that work would be absolutely wasted on this problem while everyone eyerolls at you like you're stupid and worthless for caring so yeah, it's not changing.

So yeah, do not pay for digital ownership of any kind, ever. It's only ever a lease with one-sided terms, at best. Amazon lost the contractual right to provide that movie, so you lost the right to watch it, and "buying" it meant buying a license to watch it on their terms, the end. Don't pay for it.


"Brazil's Supreme Court has rejected efforts to restrict native peoples' rights to reservations on their ancestral lands.

Six of the 11 justices on Thursday ruled in favour of restoring territory to the Xokleng people, from which they were evicted.

The ruling sets a precedent for hundreds of indigenous land claims and is expected to have widespread consequences for indigenous land rights.

The decision was met with celebrations and tears of joy by members of indigenous groups from across the country. " - BBC

[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 143 points 9 months ago

I believe you can still get "dumb" flatscreens, but they're getting rare, and they cost at least hundreds more than their "smart" brethren. So of course those sell very slowly.

The older I get the more I miss the sheer freedom that was built into our daily lives back when technology was just a notch or two less advanced. Phones that stayed trapped on their wall, not in your pocket, tracking you. TVs that were made of dumb stuff that could still pull free content from the air. You had to be part of a special "Nielson family", fully set up with a little tracking box and all that, for the TV to tell anybody what you were watching.

People expected you to basically fall off the earth for 8 hours at work, and didn't expect to contact you for less than a housefire-level emergency, which meant you spent most of the day free, and not just while you were at work. Nobody blinked if you stepped out for the evening to go shopping and could not be contacted for hours. Now people end up in screaming arguments because they didn't answer that text fast enough. It's misery.

I had a shock the other day, watching some YouTube short featuring a young woman (an adult, not a minor) complaining humorously about her mother, who always knows where she is, and thus has all sorts of unwanted opinions on her location. Mother always knows because of an app called Life360, which is basically the kind of spying app that an abusive spouse would hide on your phone. But it's not hidden. You force your children to install it on their phones. It's a leash. So now this adult woman, who of course cannot quite afford to leave home, because economy, cannot simply delete this spying app from her phone without consequences and arguments, so she has no privacy in her movements, from anyone, never mind the government and such. Never mind what actual minors are now putting up with.

We have officially left the era where the adults pissed and grumbled about them damn kids wanting them damn phones they don't need, and we are now in the era where some kid has absolutely been beaten with a belt because he tried to leave his phone in the bedroom and slip out of the house in privacy.

Things like Life360 are normalized among children and parents, so other people will now expect to track you and treat a refusal of tracking as a violation of trust, and probably a sign that you are elderly, thus your rights are becoming debatable.

Again, 5 minutes ago this was evil shit that abusive spouses snuck onto people's phones, suddenly, it's normal, and people will just expect it.

I guess the ongoing shock is that we expected Big Brother to somehow slap a shackle on our necks that we can't take off, but this is all worse. This is putting the shackle on your neck, every morning. It doesn't even lock. You could, theoretically, throw it into the lake at will. Nobody would stop you. But you don't. All the chains are made of other people. The whips at your back are the opinions of children, and what they think is normal. The surveillance cameras do not loom from posts in the sky, no. They're in every pocket. They're much harder to hide from than a security camera ever would be.

I hope I'm just melodramatic, or something.

[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 49 points 10 months ago

One of the unsung reasons that Americans eat so much fast food is because, somehow, the tip crap didn't get into that business model (yet), so if you have $8 for lunch and the McValue Meal costs $7.50 you have lunch money and change coming back, end of story. No tipping, no percentages, no shaming, just buy your food like a regular item and go. It would seem like every place outside the US acts like that, so no wonder we love McDonald's and shit.

Knock wood and touch brass for luck that it stays that way. I am not tipping at Taco Bell.

I... I think I just managed to actually quit nicotine over this shit. The vape shop suddenly had a tip setup starting in 2020, and the clerk had to push some sort of button to get past me putting "no tip" into the screen, because absolutely not. Now I've stopped, and that's one less tip screen in my face.

I've been following inflation and wage growth closely, too. Wage growth has leveled off, inflation is slowly, begrudgingly coming down. Cash money says these tip screens aren't going away, no matter what.

[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 52 points 10 months ago

Yep. Some of us remember when it was Fuck Ellen Pao, they seem to like their sacrificial CEOs over there, though I'm sure they get paid too much to be the scapegoat.

That just makes me stop and think about how bad Musk loves being That Guy. The other ones will take the heat and then float away on their golden parachutes, you never really hear from them again. Not him. He keeps making new companies so he can be That Guy at them.

[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 55 points 10 months ago

Aw shit, gotta show her the decoy emotions, the ones you can have in a movie for women

[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 48 points 11 months ago

That is a "meth as a career" 36.

[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 45 points 11 months ago

Also the trolley is how you get to work, so if you stop it you can't get to work and pay your rent so

[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 50 points 11 months ago

Reddit has been dying for a while.

Subreddits like AskScience, that it was famous for, are now shells of what they were because the real scientists who put serious time into that subreddit decided they were done wasting that time. This situation is at least a year old, it predates the protest.

You can see this same dynamic across the site. Places that were once vibrant are slowing down, the flood of posts becoming a trickle. Bots are making most of the posts on big subs. Smaller subs that used to hop with human posts are where you can see the truth. It's not normal for a sub with 500k subscribers to see 10 posts in a week. You see that more often, now.

The truth is that Reddit was always small potatoes. It feels like a big deal when you're there, but it's not. The real user numbers are on TikTok, and Instagram, who each have up to a billion users depending on where you get a number. Reddit is barely there, as social media rankings go. There are people with more views on a YouTube video than Reddit has users. Reddit is an also-ran social media site. It's really not a competitor. It's just easy to steal from, because text.

Reddit has long had a bad reputation as a shitty, toxic place. Habitual Redditors don't know this, not really, you have to talk to outsiders. People aren't that interested in coming to Reddit, they just want answers to their Google searches. It's not a recipe for growth.

Now the true power users, who provide those answers, are moving away from both Reddit and Google, speaking of a company who best watch its step. A lot of people are starting to talk about Google search the way they talked about Reddit search, which never did get good.

Reddit doesn't have that far to fall, is what I'm saying. There isn't a mass exodus, though. You're seeing a late spasm from a steady tide that has been going out for years. 10 years is a looooong fuckin time for a social platform to be around, they start to rot after the first or second year. Reddit has been rotten for some time.

I see a lot of people, here, and elsewhere, trying to act dismissive about the protests, or about how important the moderators were, but the site's entire business model depended on hundreds, even thousands of people doing a ton of real labor for absolutely free. If they've decided to take an "everyone's replaceable" attitude and treat volunteers like employees, they'll pay. It'll be their IPO sagging down to a couple dollars as they limp to bankruptcy, or purchase, but they'll pay. I swear I'll have to buy a couple shares as a collectible.

I'm putting it down as yet another well-earned reminder that you have no business building anything that matters to you on a platform that other people own, it is worth the five minutes a day that it takes to post on it, and no more.

Do not make a job of it, ever, unless that job pays you and pays you so well that people think that you're really a stripper and your job title is just a cover story. "Social Media Manager", gotta be code for OF, bro.

That's how much money you should be making doing labor for a multimillion-dollar corporation. It was fuckin Conde Nast for a hot minute. If the boss can just take your mod and your community away, then you only ever worked there, for free. You were never building a community, you were building their property, for free. You have to stop doing that, and you have to stop presenting it as a virtuous act, unless some fundamental things change.

If you're going to put a lot of work in for your own reasons, then you owe it to yourself to do it under your own control, or not at all.

I see an opportunity on the Fediverse to start from the old model of internetting and jump off to something new that just looks old, where it makes sense to put that work in, but for now it is what it is.

Reddit still lives, like Theoden cobwebbed in his throne, but nobody will come and banish Wormtongue. It's still gonna take years for that old man to die.

Fuckin Yahoo isn't anywhere close to dead. Neither is Digg. Well, maybe Digg.

The thing we North Americans are always a bit too arrogant about is if Reddit somehow gets big in India, or Brazil, then they don't need us, and we'll never know because we don't speak the language. So it's gonna take time for Reddit to fuck that up, they got options.

But don't be too dismissive about the idea of "mass exodus". Digg lost most of its userbase, literally overnight, and it was because of shitty ads. If the only app you can use now is the app that sucks and serves lots of shitty ads in your face, that will do it. People aren't that habitual. It is very, very easy to leave a social site.

I quit TikTok over one shitty post that was my last straw, you just delete the app and forget about it. Yet TikTok is social media heroin. Reddit is a bunch of dudes yelling about shit that isn't worth yelling about. It is much easier to quit. The phone app era means once you delete, it's gone, and it helps to break the cycle. It can and probably will happen, 90% of the remaining users will drop it like it's covered in bedbugs, they just have to stick huge unskippable ads in everyone's face, and they're fucked.

I just don't think that is going to make the splash you'd expect.

But no, no mass exodus, not yet. I'd keep the popcorn bowl close by if I were you, though. I will not put it past them to turn an IPO into a fail state.

[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 50 points 1 year ago

That dead woman called Tumblr is still walking with a healthy strut these days, also soaking up some displaced Redditors. Horny shit is slowly but surely returning to Tumblr's fields, as well.

Tumblr illustrates the problem with porn in general, they didn't shut it down for no reason, they shut it down because the pedos had decided to use it as a dissemination portal for their vile shit, and the structure of Tumblr made it difficult to moderate away, especially at scale. Thus, Apple threatening to pull them from the app store, for good reason. All they could do was go scorched earth on porno.

So that's the issue we're going to have, here, and I'm not sure if the "some guy running an instance for the fuck of it" model is prepared for it.

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