unfortunate to see, it's been a great app for a long time. Anyone know of an alternative that's good? I mostly just read on mobile through firefox on mangafire now, but would love if an app offered a better experience
woah, thanks for letting me know! i'll see if i can get it to do what i need it to now :3
oh, i didn't think they had an official app yet, either
good to see!
yeah, doesn't this wreck your contrast? usually you have diffusers in front of those studio lights, no?
By agreeing to the settlement, the CCRD's case against Blizzard Activision will be withdrawn, with the former agreeing publicly that "no court or any independent investigation has substantiated any allegations [of] systemic or widespread sexual harassment at Activision Blizzard".
well, that's some garbage.
If you'd like to make content, you'll have to decide on it for yourself, friend
i love its play button eye
we waited this long, i guess it can take a little longer, lol
for what it's worth, i got the 7600X for the same price back in May from Newegg
Massive Attack was so ahead of their time with this whole album, heck