[-] kescusay@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

How did they compare to younger Biden moments? One of the things I've been thinking about is how his stutter manifests. In the past, when he encountered a word he had trouble with, he'd often try to switch to another word, and you could practically see the gears shifting in his head in specific stages. Stage 1 would be "oh shit, that's gonna be hard to say." Stage 2 was an obvious attempt to navigate the word. And Stage 3 would be "Nope, can't do it, let's try a different word." Sometimes the different word would fit. Sometimes it wouldn't.

How did his performance today compare? Were the pauses like that? Or did they seem materially different?

[-] kescusay@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

That's a fair critique, but I genuinely do think the debate performance was a one-off, a shitty confluence of events, and that he's otherwise been fine.

I'll eat crow if the interview is terrible or highly edited, though.

[-] kescusay@lemmy.world 14 points 1 day ago

Dude, he's already been in public multiple times since the debate. He did a rally, he gave some speeches, and he did a medal of honor ceremony. He was fine in each, and you can watch them completely unedited.

Unless he's caught another cold and is high as balls on cough medicine, he'll be fine.

[-] kescusay@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

Oh look, it's "small government" types getting government to interfere with private medical decisions.

[-] kescusay@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Nah, she's the magic crystals lady.

[-] kescusay@lemmy.world 24 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Disclaimer: someone calm me and op down.

Nope. Too busy losing my goddamn shit over this insane, dictator-making, Enabling Act 2.0 garbage.

[-] kescusay@lemmy.world 19 points 3 days ago

If he bows out, I'll breathe a sigh of relief. In a way, it doesn't matter if he had a cold and jet lag during the debate, and he's tip-top now. In fact, I've watched footage of him since the debate, and it seems to be true. He's back to his normal self.

But the political damage could be too much, regardless of his actual health.

At the same time, if he doesn't bow out, I will gladly crawl through broken glass to vote for him.

[-] kescusay@lemmy.world 82 points 4 days ago

He committed those acts before he was president, and he paid out of his personal accounts. I seriously doubt he's going to be able to wriggle out of this. Of course, his strategy is delay, delay, delay, so this is still, frustratingly, a win for him.

[-] kescusay@lemmy.world 22 points 5 days ago

And that, right there, was the goal. This decision, rather than clarifying anything, intentionally muddied the waters - and treads awfully close to turning the presidency into a monarchy - in order to allow Trump to drag things out even more. They really, truly do not want him to face any sort of justice for January 6th before the election, and they hope the election will result in him never having to face justice at all.

I don't care if you fucking hate Biden, people... Vote for him like democracy depends on it, because it fucking does. This is not a dress rehearsal. There will be no do-overs. If you let Trump become president again, America is done.

[-] kescusay@lemmy.world 276 points 3 weeks ago

Hey, uhh, Europe? Can we talk?

Look, I know the way the left has been handling immigration has you upset, but could you please take a closer look at the absolute freaks you're electing today?

I mean, just take a good look at the United States, circa 2017 through 2020. Did we look like electing an absolute freak worked out for us? Did it fix our own immigration problems? Did it make electing your own Donald Trumps look like a good idea?

[META] Help! (lemmy.world)

Hi everyone,

News is weird. When it's weird enough, it reads like articles from The Onion, and that's what we're all about. But as the community grows, there's more and more content being posted here that just isn't very Onion-y.

Jimmy Carter Becomes Second President Convicted Of Felony For Sticking Up Waffle House

Take a look at that headline from The Onion today. Or this one:

World Series Of Poker Entrants Play One Hand Face-Up So Everyone Can Learn Rules

Or this one:

New Hormone-Free IUD Wards Off Sperm With Steady Emission Of Police-Grade Pepper Spray

That's the flavor we're going for. We want real, credible news articles with headlines that read like they're from The Onion.

This is not the community for:

  • Non-Onion-y political news (it's gotta be absurd enough to look Onion-y)
  • Non-Onion-y regular news (it's gotta be absurd enough to look Onion-y)
  • Satire (it's gotta be actual news)
  • Fake news from fly-by-night "news" sites (again, it's gotta be actual news)

That means not every ridiculous thing a politician does qualifies as appropriate content here.

I need your help, though... I need people to report content that just isn't Onion-y, and I need people to try not to post non-Onion-y content in the first place.

Finally, I need help moderating, so this is also a formal call for new mods! Post below if you think you're ready to take on moderation for one of the larger Lemmy communities! Tell me why you'd like to mod, and link to a news story from any time (it doesn't have to be current) that has a properly Onion-y headline, to show that you really get this community.

I'll pick two people to become new moderators for the community from participants. Good luck!

submitted 1 month ago by kescusay@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago by kescusay@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago by kescusay@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world

Some context:

Former Trump White House Communications Director Michael Dubke suggested on CNN Tuesday that Trump had mobilized his allies and proxies to the courthouse in an effort to “get around the gag order” imposed on him by Judge Merchan.

Yep. He's trying to violate the gag order indirectly. Unfortunately for him, the gag order specifically includes attempting to have surrogates violate the order on his behalf.

I suspect there's another gag order hearing incoming.

submitted 1 month ago by kescusay@lemmy.world to c/movies@lemmy.world
[-] kescusay@lemmy.world 317 points 1 month ago

My son is trans. Please vote for Joe Biden so he can have the protections he needs and I don't have to stay up at night worrying about him.

submitted 2 months ago by kescusay@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world

This is what a DOJ that hasn't been twisted by political bias looks like. It doesn't matter that Cuellar is a Democrat. If he did the crime (and he's innocent until proven guilty), he should do the time.

Republicans: Take note.

submitted 2 months ago by kescusay@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world

The Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments on Trump's claim of "absolute immunity." Several news organizations are carrying the arguments live (including the linked article). You can also listen on several YouTube channels, including:

submitted 2 months ago by kescusay@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world

Donald Trump’s valet Walt Nauta was told that if he was charged with lying to the FBI, the former president would pardon him when he won a second term in 2024, according to notes from an interview with a witness in the federal classified documents investigation.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by kescusay@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world

Those calls came after numerous media outlets reported potentially identifying biographical information about the woman, including her job and the neighborhood she called home. Fox News Jesse Watters highlighted the juror's details while reading through public pool notes about the selected members. "This nurse scares me if I'm Trump," Watters said.

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