
joined 2 years ago
[–] lambalicious 1 points 4 hours ago

The 2A is there for you to do things, but it's not only simply about rising up. It's about instrumentalization. When every citizen can be armed "just in case", all you need is for that to statistically compound into a Luigi or two getting three lucky marked shots on the tyrant du jour.

[–] lambalicious 13 points 4 hours ago (13 children)

I see calling people "tankies" is the "woke" of the Fediverse.

[–] lambalicious 1 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

I mean, they're normies... anything that's not just a one-step process buttoned as "App" is going to give them "off putting vibe".

[–] lambalicious 0 points 11 hours ago

I'm fine with requiring mail sign-in with the usual "what am I fighting for" essay, yeah, but... “We” need l.s.o. to be SDF Members only? Who is this “we” you speak about? I'm certainly not in it. Limiting the number of users who can be in l.s.o. in that way could very well lead to instance upkeep, which has already shown to be a problem, to be just Not Worth It.

[–] lambalicious 8 points 18 hours ago

There are a few good ones I can recommend, depending on what experience are you looking for (programmer, writer, simple note-taking).

Apostrophe would be the first, better for freestyle writing IMO; and then in no particular order I'd recommend Formiko which seems to work wonders for technical / programming-related writing, Remarkable and Ghostwriter for that no items, text only, final desktop kind of experience. Most or all of these should be findable in software stores like Flatpak, too.

[–] lambalicious 1 points 18 hours ago (3 children)

The entire point of c/piracy is sharing freedom. Why would you not talk to people about Linux? (plus the torrenting tools are just so much more efficient there...)

[–] lambalicious 2 points 18 hours ago

I can't hug you right now due to limitations in the inherent fabric of timespace and the further limitations imposed by capitalism, but I can send you a virtual hug virtual voucher, valid for one virtual hug.

[–] lambalicious 0 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

Ewwwww, it uses AI!

Imagine wanting to support something as efficient and energy-friendly as SQLite, then throwing an AI on top of it.

[–] lambalicious 18 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Women are the gatekeepers who get to decide whether or not a baby gets born

Not under Republican rule they don't!

[–] lambalicious 2 points 1 day ago

Por favor espere mientras se reinicia el sistema (él reinicia el sistema).

barra de progreso de nyancat

[–] lambalicious 13 points 1 day ago

The simple truth is that you as a user do not have any way to certify that a remote server actually obeys DNT, and as such there is no sense in giving them this extra bit of profiling information. There is no way nor reason to assume that a site that says to respect DNT, let alone one that doesn't, is part of the "Good Guys" (what is even that?) in this year of 2025.

Also, a legal system should not be designed such that privacy is opt-in; it should be tracking that is opt-in, and thus the absence of the possibility of DNT is a clear indication of the belief that the legal mandate should be that the default position of the law is "do not track". If we want to add a "Do Track" header later, be my guest.

As such, remving DNT is fine.


(Only half joking with the poll options, too.)


Aquí en la mejor instancia de feddit celebramos el largo de Chile. Y en otras instancias, parece que también.


RFC 3339, the "alternative" to ISO 8061, was extended to RFC 9957, which also allows adding interpretative tags.

Sounds like unnecessary complexification to me. What is wrong if anything with "2024-04-26"?


Today in our newest take on "older technology is better": why NAT rules!


Hablando en serio.

Todo el mundo habla de lo mal que está la educación, que los profesores, que los estudiantes y blah blah, y no estoy en desacuerdo que hay cosas ahí que están mal. Me podría mandar un ensayo en cómo no puede ser que una manga de pendejos de 12 vengan a amenazar a un profe en la sala. O que las salas en cuestión no deberían tener más de 20 alumnos.

Pero igual hay temas de método y de material de fondo, como este.

¿Por qué no es más común en Chile enseñar las cosas de una manera más atractiva? O al menos, más inmersiva que "copie el texto aprobado 131 veces". O, no sé, cuando yo estaba en la media la manera que nos enseñaban castellano era penca (ni qué decir del inglés) pero pucha que aprendimos harto el un (1) (uno) semestre que nos hicieron escribir y ejecutar una obra de teatro.


Hey everyone I was wondering how do you spice up your cursors, icons, themes, etc., In particular for desktop environments such as XFCE, Mate. Are there any good repositories to use?

I've taken a look at a number of apparently cloned sites like "", "", "", but while they seem to show a wide offering of themes, it seems downloading from them is blocked via uBO since it reports a "fp2" fingerprinting script without which apparently downloads are not enabled. Are those sites trustworthy? They seem to be associated to a "OpenDesktop" initiative of which the only reputation I can find is that they were added to EasyList Privacy blocklist.

If there are other alternative hubs or repos from which to theme a distro (as agnostically as posisble) that'd be welcome info.

Cheers. Thanks. Et cetera.


publicado de forma cruzada desde:

  • ISO 8601 is paywalled
  • RFC allows a space instead of a T (e.g. 2020-12-09 16:09:...) which is nicer to read.

I've seen the Wikipedia article on year 9 doesn't mention anything of relevance happening during November. Closest thing seems to be September. Since people around have spent a few years making lots of ruckus about how the date with "9, 11" has some sort of importance as a date, I was wondering if I'm missing something here.


Basically title. 2019 edition of the Standard denotes the "T" prefix to time as mandatory (except in "unambiguous contexts"):

01:29:59 is now actually T01:29:59, with the former form now designated as an alternative

But date does not have a "D" prefix, not even in "ambiguous contexts".

1973-09-11 never needs to be something like eg.: D1973-09-11

Anyone know the reasoning behind this change and what is the intended use? The only time-only format with separators that I can think would be undecidable in ambiguous contexts would be hh:mm which I guess could be mistaken for bible verses?


En English pero bueno, qué se le va a hacer.

Hoy que se unen las coyunturas de los 50 años del golpe y la dictadura, el cambio climático, y los socavones de los edificios en Valpo, este artículo se ve particularmente relevante.

Si no hubiera sido por el golpe, quién sabe, Long Chile AU o tal vez podríamos haber sido una potencia mundial de la sustentabilidad climática.


No lo había visto por acá así que aprovecho de compartirlo. La noticia la vi originalmente reposteada en, pero no los voy a someter al uptime de ese servidor xd.

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