I had some plastic clothes-pins that became severely degraded from uv sunlight.
Let them eat cake, with no eggs. Just flour and water cake.
Writing developed quite a bit since then. It's a lot about cognitive efficiency. Upper case letters and other grammatical cues aid in efficiency. not using these conventions benefits the writer but not the reader
The Six Million Dollar Man. I became fascinated with this show recently, I find it amusing.
WKRP in Cincinnati is pretty funny too.
I was watching some of The Jeffersons episodes recently, it was on for 11 years. It's a spin-off of All In The Family. Movin' on up!
In a quiet lot, on a bench under a tree.
Alot is incorrect and is close to allot. Lot is a pretty confusing word in english, like it's possible to have a lot of lots, each a particular allotment maybe. A lot is both one and many, one single lot, or many things, a lot of things. Hope that clears it up haha.
I think the word lot comes from allotment.
I also prefer the silver cylons, I just think they're cool, and they have wit, they make a joke or two in the series.
Probably because I watched the originals as they aired. The remake was too much drama for me, wasn't fun. I've watched the original several times. Every kid wanted a Muffit.
I tried watching the Buck Rogers tv series recently, Buck's just too much of a dick head with the ladies. A product of its times maybe. Been passing the time with Logans Run, and android was introduced in the tv series, helps run the plot and provides some wit.
Which Galactica? I'm a fan of the original and the 1980 spinoff, but not the remake.
I have an inexpensive desktop plugged into my tv, for watching shows and movies. My laptop is my main computer, plugged in to a monitor and surround speakers. My phone is for laying on the couch scrolling brainrot.