So who is the CEO of Brand Shield? 🤔
I think the backstory is so that there aren’t enough jobs for everyone due to automation, so they offer people who don’t want much the option of Basic (income), with the option to get more if they get a job or start a business.
So anarchists want Basic from the Expanse pretty much?
Basic in the world of the Expanse provided people with a very basic apartment with a bed, table and a TV along with three nutritionally complete (not delicious) meals per day for free.
If you wanted anything more, you had to work or enlist.
Who is allowed to rent to the people who don’t want to buy?
Should the city own property just for that and run it as a non-profit?
[citation needed]
We should stop messing with clocks first.
Then we can have another 50 years of arguments on standard time vs daylight savings time
We don’t build bridges by committee, why would politics be better?
It’s a specific skill set to understand legalese and the processes
So is sexual assault, and the next president has done that too
He can be, but they won’t.
Drunk people and consent is a moral and legal gray area - it doesn’t matter if they initiate
Blender is hardly an alternative, it’s the clear #1
The irony is that the Apple CSAM detection system was as good as we could make it at the time, with multiple steps to protect people from accidental positives.
But, as usual, I think I was the only one who actually read the paper and didn’t go “REEEE muh privacy!!!” after seeing the headline.