det klart att man inte kan beskylla vindkraftens för de senaste årens... instabiliteter. men jag är van vid norrländskt vattenkraftspris där vi som mest betalade 18 öre per kWh så sent som 2020. nu bor jag inte kvar i norrland men priserna även i elområde 1 har påverkats rätt rejält av fluktuationer i produktionen. kostnads"golvet" har krupit upp rätt rejält på ett fåtal år. nog för att det är en mem att säga "vI bEhÖvEr pLaNeRbAr eL" men vindkraften har försvårat för industrin i och med att den är så kaotisk. det känns som bakvänt att hoppas att om vi bygger nog så slätar kurvan ut sig. får hoppas att återstarten av juktan kan hjälpa, men jag tänker mig att det måste vara svårt att reagera fort med en jätteturbin.
asså med tanke på att vindkraften har drivit upp elpriserna så pga att den är så slumpmässig så ser jag hellre att man lägger pengarna på att hitta en vettig storskalig lagringslösning först.
detta är fortfarande kasst av dem och jag vet att man inte bara kan omfördela pengarna på det sättet.
i can chime in with some actual experience!
my current problems with KDE are
- the greeter only accepts my password on the secondary monitor
- the compositor shuts down whenever something uses the GPU even though the setting is off
- my primary desktop randomly shunts itself to the right, plopping on top of the desktop on the secondary display and leaving a big black void on half my primary until plasmashell is restarted
- my panels keep collapsing their content down to the width of a single pixel until i resize them
- Wayland just crashloops and is completely unusable (no, i don't have an nvidia card)
- i still can't get the acrylic transparency to work :(
and what's fun about this is, the issues are so intermittent and random that i never know what i'm going to get on a given day!
no that's literally the description of the other axis...
as i understand it, the money goes to the foundation, and it's the corporation that develops the browser. so it's probably not strictly forbidden, but it does imply that the money is not for browser development.
good point, ruby is a good comparison. although, ruby is very different under the hood. it's magically dynamic in a completely different way, and it also never really got the penetration on the system level that python did.
none of this is to take away from the fact that python packaging is bad. i know how to work it because i've been programming in python for 14 years, but trying to teach people makes the problem obvious. and yet.
it's when you dodge all the shots
the Chilluminati podcast episode on him talks about how he had a really squeaky voice. like, imagine if mickey mouse could karate chop you.
also, he is still alive.
in the health sector specifically, IT is a mess because you can't stop people from working or there will be deaths. one thing you should take away from this is that their jobs are important and it is crucial that they can do them. it is your job to support them; anything that stops them doing their job or makes it take longer, even once, is dangerous. improving infra for its own sake is not a good idea because it comes at the risk of peoples lives. the details don't matter in the face of that.
if this stresses you out, you can absolutely change jobs. i did.
if you think you can work within those parameters, and you think you can find ways to improve the system in-place while mitigating the risks, then you will be highly respected.
hypothesis: the last reply is usually left there to stop hundreds of people replying that exact same thing below.
mozilla takes donations, but they don't fund Firefox development with that money. that's usually what people have against it.
most of europe explicitly does not have free speech, because it's commonly understood that harmful speech exists. i don't know what he's trying to convey with that idea but he comes across as misinformed, and not a little bit controlling ("should")