[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 2 points 2 days ago

No problem my friend, Thanks for your help ❤🥰

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 2 points 2 days ago

Thank you for supporting us 🥰❤

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 2 points 2 days ago

Thank you for supporting us ♥♥

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 4 points 2 days ago

Thank you for supporting my friend ♥♥

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 2 points 2 days ago

Thank you for supporting ♥♥

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 3 points 2 days ago

Thank you for supporting mo ♥♥


I need your help and donation. I am Mahmoud from Gaza. I am suffering from the war. My house was bombed, and my property was destroyed. I have lost my job since the beginning of the war and there is no source of livelihood or any income to meet our best needs because of the war. I hope that you will help me by donating so that we can meet our needs, so that we can live in better conditions, due to the high prices and the spread of diseases in war. I hope that you will help me or publish and share the link. https://gofund.me/5156f6e9

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 3 points 3 days ago

I like chicken more, and you?

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 17 points 5 days ago

Breakfast includes thyme, olive oil, hummus, and falafel For lunch we eat maqlouba, which is rice and chicken with potatoes and eggplant. My favorite dish is shawarma.


When we ask for help from either I am or Sister @ayamohamed@hexbear.net here, because we trust you, your support, friends, gives us hope and to continue fighting our harsh conditions in which we live in a genocidal war. Our lives have changed 360 degrees because of this genocide, and our lives have become a form of suffering in every way. Suffering getting food, water, medicine. I hope everyone can help us with anything, and if you can’t, you can share this post. This is a link to Gofund Me https://gofund.me/5156f6e9

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by mahmoud@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Firstly, I want to thank you for everything you have done, guys. Important. The point is, I'm sorry if you see some people from gaza taking advantage of our death and the genocide we're going through. I want you not to think that everyone is like this. On the contrary, we in Gaza have our dignity above all else and great self-esteem. I hope that one of you will come to Gaza to share your experience and the hospitality of the Palestinian people in Gaza. This does not mean that just because some people are exploited, all people in Gaza are like this. We are not like that, but there are some greedy and exploitative people. while at swear to you that when Gofund Mai started, I felt that something detracted from my dignity. In the end, I would like to thank every person here who stood with our just cause and stood against the genocide we are experiencing. I hope you will share this post

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by mahmoud@hexbear.net to c/mutual_aid@hexbear.net

There is nothing to write. Everyone knows our suffering and sadness. I am tired of talking a lot and I feel depressed. I only published this post because of our suffering and the suffering of my family. Thank you for your support, friends.


submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by mahmoud@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

What gifts would you bring there with you?


When Trump wins the elections, we hope he does not win them. because it will be a major disaster for us in Palestine,(especially Gaza). The matter will get worse and the genocide will increase more than before.When Trump comes to power because, Trump supports Netanyahu to continue and exterminate everyone in Gaza. We truly feel In great fear, the coming days will be much more difficult than before. If Trump wins, pray for us


Hello, I am Mahmoud from Gaza

I was born into a middle-class family, but since my birth I have suffered from a chronic brain disease called (epilepsy), and since childhood I have suffered from it. During the war and the lack of treatment, it came back and was more difficult than before, to the point that I do not go out in the sun. I do not make any effort to prevent the condition from occurring.

Our financial situation before the war was good, but when the war came we lost everything, our home and our work , My friend Mohammad suggested that I make a go fund me since the beginning of the war, but I refused to , because throughout my life I had never thought to ask anyone, and I really want you not to think that I am a beggar, but the circumstances have become very difficult. I felt broken in my mind when I made Go fund Me

This is my story, my suffering, and most of the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza And I want to thank you for your support and support ♥ https://gofund.me/5156f6e9


ولد يحيى السنوار في مخيم في خان يونس بعد ان نزح عائلته من مدينة المجدل شمال شرقي قطاع غزة ولد عام 1962 اليوم يوافق عيد ميلاده 62 تلقى تعليمه في مدرسة خان يونس بعدها التحق بالجامعة الاسلاميه في غزة تخرج منها بدرجة بكالوريس ونشأ في ظروف صعبة و عاش بداية طفولته في خيمة و تاثر بالاعتداءات ومضايقات من قبل الاحتلال الصهيوني نشاطه السياسي كان عضوا في الكتلة الاسلاميه وهي الفرع الطلابي لجماعة الاخوان المسلمين بفلسطين شغل مهمة العام اللجنة فنية ثم اللجنة الرياضية ثم نائب لرئيس المجلش ثم رئيسا للمجلس وساعده ذلك في اكتساب خبرة اهلته لتولي ادوار قيادية في حركة حماس بعد تاسيسها في عام 1987 خلال الانتفاضة الحجارة واسس جهاز امنية (مجد) كانت مهمة هذا جهاز الكشف عن عملاء و جواسيس الاحتلال الإسرائيلي اعتقل اول مرة بعمر 20 عام بسبب نشاطه الطلابي و وضع رهن الاعتقال الإداري 4 أشهر وأعيد اعتقاله بعد أسبوع من إطلاق سراحه، وبقي في السجن 6 أشهر من دون محاكمة. وفي عام 1985 اعتقل مجددا وحكم عليه بـ8 أشهر في 20 يناير/كانون الثاني 1988، اعتقل مرة أخرى وحوكم بتهم تتعلق بقيادة عملية اختطاف وقتل جنديين إسرائيليين، وقتل 4 فلسطينيين يشتبه في تعاونهم مع إسرائيل، وصدرت في حقه 4 مؤبدات (مدتها 426 عاما) تخيل انه اعتقل لانه قتل عملاء فلسطينيين وقضى في السجن 23 خلال هي الفترة تعلم لغة العبرية و غاض في فهم العقلية الإسرائيلي و خلال مدة سجنه اصدر كتاب (الشوك والقرنفل) يحكي به في معاناة الشعب الفلسطني ومعاناته خرج يحيى السنوار و 1027 شخص من سجن في عام 2011 مقابل الجندي الإسرائيلي جلعاد شاليط ضمن صفقة( وفاة الاحرار)
من بعدها انتخب لعدة مناصب في حركة حماس واهمها انتخابه رئيسا لحركة حماس في غزة تعرض منزله للقصف لاكتر من مرة في عام 2012 و 2014 و في 2021 يوصف السنوار بأنه شخصية حذرة، لا يتكلم كثيرا كما لا يظهر علنا إلا نادرا، كما أنه يمتلك مهارات قيادية عالية وله تأثير قوي على أعضاء الحركة و بعد عملية طوفان الاقصى في سابع من اكتوبر اصبح المطلوب رقم اول اضافة الى محمد الضيف القائد العام ل عز الدين القسام محمد الضيف انه قصة لوحده هل تعلم ان اسرائيل حاولت اغتيال محمد الضيف اكتر من 11 مرة خلال ثلاثين عام نرجع ل موضوعنا الاساسي تعرض يحيى السنوار خلال هي الحرب للكثير من تشويه صورته من خلال قنوات صهونية سوا في اسرائيل او في دول العربية الصهونية لا انسى عندما كنت في غزة كان الاحتلال الصهيوني يرمي مناشير و يضعوا فيه صورة السنوار و وضعوا فيها مكافاة مالية للذي يعرف مكانه و غير الكلام الذي موجود من شتمه وسبه وتشويه سمعته من قول انه هو وعائلته في انفاق و انتم في خيم كانوا يحاولون تشويه سمعته طوال الوقت و تكرر رمي مناشير اكثر من مرة يحيى السنوار الذي رفض ان يبقى في الانفاق و خرج في صفوف الامامية في ساحة المعركة وكشف احد مقاومين انه كان يحارب منذ دخول البري على خان يونس اي قبل 11 شهر من الان في حي كرامة و من ثم انتقل لرفح للقتال هناك و رغم انه كبير في سن و عمره 62 الى انه خاض معارك في كل جبهات و دمر العديد من دبابات و جرفات العسكرية و ارتقاء في اشتباكات رحم الله هذا القائد الشجاع عاش بطل و مات بطل واخيرا عيد ميلادك في جنة يا بطل

Muammar Gaddafi (hexbear.net)

Muammar Gaddafi

Muammar Gaddafi is an honest and frank man who fought the Zionists everywhere and warned the people against them. He was not afraid of the Zionists and he is a hero, despite the distortion of his image in the Arab countries, especially the Arabian Gulf, and calling him an infidel so that his people would rise up against him. Yes, the sheikhs of the Gulf issued a fatwa that he was an infidel for the sake of money. They are the dogs of the rulers, and we and most of the Arab peoples do not recognize that they are sheikhs. They are a disgrace to us. Muammar Gaddafi, who fought the American government and its unjust policies everywhere.

Muammar Gaddafi, who supported the resistance anywhere in the world and was always warning against the Zionists and the Zionist project, whether in the world or the Arab countries, and fought most of the Arab countries because they support the Zionist project in the Arab region, especially in the Gulf, they have been America's dogs for a long time, and Muammar Gaddafi described them and said about them dogs and they are truly dogs.

One of the great positions of the hero Muammar Gaddafi is that he supported the Palestinian resistance, whether in weapons or money. Did you know that the main weapon that is with the resistance in Gaza is the Libyan Kalashnikov and most of the RPGs that are with the resistance are from Libya and also the great financial support. We in Palestine and especially Gaza love Gaddafi very much. He lived a hero and died a hero, although his image was distorted by the Zionists when he died and they said that he was hiding in the sewers. This was not true, but he was fighting and I think everyone knows this and they know how heroes are distorted by the Zionists. Finally, I pray for mercy for him and for every hero like him

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by mahmoud@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

He was caught in Lebanon after it was discovered that he was a Mossad agent. He fled to Saudi Arabia, where he met with the Saudi royal family, who rewarded him with Saudi citizenship and helped him create a bogus Islamic organization. Now, he appears as a daily guest on the Saudi Zionist news outlet Al-Arabiya.

Al-Arabiya serves as an Arabic spokesperson for the Israeli army, with the Israeli military even leaking some information to it before the Hebrew media to give it credibility.

I also want to remind you that Saudi Arabia opened a land corridor for goods to reach Israel at a time when no one could bring a little food into Gaza. We will not forget when Saudi Arabia opened its airspace so that Israeli aircraft could strike the port of Hodeidah in Yemen. Look at the amount of filth. We in Gaza feel remorseful، Because what is happening in Lebanon was for our sake, Many people were displaced, their homes were destroyed, and thousands died for us

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