She's entitled to a "default mode of victimhood"! She is your victim!
Eric Schmidt, genocidaire
"poor people have had it too good for too long and slavery is the only answer. I consider myself a pragmatic centrist"
I don't make the rules, so you'd have to consult whoever does make the rules. I'm not really sure who that is though
The solution for people in extreme poverty with zero access to healthcare is to get them healthcare, not to boil oceans so that silicon valley people can get rich from giving them disastrously bad medical advice.
ChatGPT: not just useless, but worse than useless.
He looks like younger, bow-tie era Tucker Carlson. Twat.
That's because there is no "movement" and the whole thing is a stunt to promote the ideas of the least thoughtful of all the unthoughtful people who nonetheless consider themselves intellectuals.
Wow, these people have not planned anything at all. They're going to homeschool all 7+ kids? And go into politics, a job that infamously has long, unsociable hours?
They bought this house and the one next door for $575,000; they allow their neighbours to live in the second house rent free, in exchange for childcare.
Seems normal !
Eugenics in action:
Danish parenting tests under fire after baby removed from Greenlandic mother