You think? lol
Kind of fighting back. Two democratic congressmen spoke out. The rest of them are fighting for who can be the biggest nazi.
Counting their doge coin
When NPR dedicated all of 2016 to breaking Bernie down I knew it was compromised.
Methinks you give them too much credit to their ability to rationalize and think. THeir frontal lobes are smaller than their amygdala.
Oh ffs. Fuck right off congress.
Initiating thought process... .... ok I see a headline that the DNC did something and I already want to set everything on fire but I am going to do my VERY BEST to reserve the kneejerk reaction and read folx comments and the story and who this dude is.... Initial thoughts from the news story: Minnesota, huh? Is this the DNC’s new strategy? When in trouble run for Minnesota politicians? The new improved “Southern Strategy,” if you will? Also, who the hell was the chair before? A Jaime Harrison from South Carolina. Huh, I know nothing about him but I guess the news says his tenure was filled with him arguing with the White House. Wtf does the DNC even do? Break their “code of neutrality” and back shitty primary candidates no one wants. Oh, and they fund raise, ignore constituent’s needs to build campaigns that suck, and do the whole outdated convention bs. Anyway, back to this Martin dude. If the White House was unwilling to listen to Harrison then why would anyone believe a game of musical chairs would fix any of this. The issue is corruption. The democrats are rotten from the inside. The party needs a full restructuring from ground up and at this point, we are very possibly to damned late.
Hmm. Well one zio is now blocked. =)
As for the article, I think the Nicaraguan revolution is another important one to add to the list. The urban areas quietly communicated and organized with the rural areas and that's how they managed to topple their dictatorship. But... it was violent. I'm no PhD'd history buff but I do know there isn't a single non-violent revolution that free'd a people.
Whoa. You are amazing. Adding that to my read list.
Yea. I bet. =(