[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 24 points 1 day ago

worlds most based millenial

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 19 points 1 day ago

sorry, theyre all chrome forks

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 32 points 3 days ago

there is speculation that the pager attacks caused hez to fall back on more modern, compromised lines of communication that israel took advantage of.

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 21 points 4 days ago

havent mainlined this many decades since prigo FrogPog

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 52 points 4 days ago

i feel like iran getting played like a fiddle was kind of a suffering from success kind of deal. unlike russia, who was left with basically no strategic depth after 2014, iran broke out of the encirclement of the early 2000s and has had israel on the ropes with pressure from lebanon, syria, iraq and yemen. getting played was a naive but optimistic and, dare i say, humane option that they could afford to take. pity that they were dealing with the great satan and now the price must be paid in lebanese lives.

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 38 points 5 days ago

someone @ me if we get footage of a merkava getting hamas-red-triangle by a golf cart

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 25 points 5 days ago

if the us loses israel, it loses most of its regional leverage and influence and, following that, a good chunk of the legitimacy that underpins its economic hegemony over the rest of the world. it's not really a question of agency or intention, the reality of the situation is that israel has a game plan (the same one as 2006, as has been its mo since 67, i might add) and that game plan is part of a chain of events in the region that may or may not lead to its ultimate destruction. the us' role and probable intention is to make judgment calls all along this chain of events to preempt the destruction of israel. many of those decisions involve direct intervention.

the apparent 'dragging' of the us lies primarily in the unnecessarily provocative and ultimately self-defeating nature of us/israel doctrine wherein they first target leaders, then civilian infrastructure and population centers, then ground invasion; they still live in an era where the use of violence is an exclusive western privilege that uniformly results in acquiescence wherever applied. this doctrine will only result in larger and larger backlashes against the entity and the associated american interests, resulting in an escalating spiral of conflict that can only end with the self destruction of regional hegemony in the middle east. obviously and objectively the wrong thing to do, but as far as we onlookers can tell, it is the only thing they know.

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 40 points 6 days ago

its stuck strategically. optics are terrible if ukraine is left out to dry so it tries and fails to push europe and nato to directly intervene, israel was getting pummeled strategically and diplomatically and knew it was just a matter of time and so allowed oct 7th to happen so it could do atrocity porn to draw the us in and save itself, meanwhile the one thing the us actually wants to do is start a proxy war in the pacific but the japanese and pinoy dogs arent barking as loud as the us would like.

the sarmat and df tests i think were just messages to the us that if it really wants to get stuck in, itll have to be in the middle east again. in this way kursk and the various israeli atrocities were also signals for the us to intervene more actively, since if the situation were actually tenable for western proxies then there would tangible progress on the ground instead of hollow symbolic victories designed to be spun as positively as possible.

feels like rest of nato is just waiting for us to go in on israel so they can finally turn the tables and get out from under the americans.

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 69 points 1 month ago

so ukraines ambassador to japan just paid his respects at the war criminal shrine the other day

idk if fake news or not but it is weird that its basically not been reported on

apparently got scrubbed from ukrainian embassys twitter right after it got posted lol

tomatoes snapped (hexbear.net)

fucked up again this year and didn't support my tomatoes fully because i figured the stems were thick enough

rainy season hits and two of my biggest plants snapped in half because they were too top heavy lol, lost like half my first batch. is there any coming back from this or are things joever for me this season?

wat do (hexbear.net)

i'm trying to improve the soil quality in my yard, it's hard and clay-like and roots have a hard time going down below like 4 cm. i have cow patties, rice hulls, rinsed coco coir and some cardboard.

currently the plan has been to mix up the patties and rice hulls and bury that below ground (completed already), then mulch with the coir + hulls + patties, then finally cover with cardboard. the yard is small so not much cardboard involved. i'm growing cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and beans this year, they should have been in the ground already but i wanted to grow from seed and my cats got to the sprouts. so i gotta get new ones agony-acid

please tell me what i am missing or what i could do better.


recently there has been this problem that has been getting more frequent, my computer just randomly freezes up/blackscreens and then fails to post when i do a hard restart. this doesn't resolve itself until after i open it up and play musical chairs with the ram for a bit.

shit that i have tried:

  1. swapped the ram around to different slots. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't
  2. cleaned out the case
  3. wd40'd the ram pins (helped with the posting but seems to have increased crash frequency, not enough data to tell for sure)

no idea where to begin with this one, can't tell if it's a motherboard or a ram issue or something else entirely. the sticks are of differing sizes and manufacture so that may also be an issue. would give specs but the thing just died on me in the middle of posting this and i can't boot in just yet. motherboard is a supermicro x9 something server board.

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 78 points 1 year ago

if this guy turns out to be @LiberalSocialist in a tradsuit i'm gonna logout

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 80 points 1 year ago

entity with the time, resources to try to sway public opinion

why would any foreign political entity waste its valuable english proficient resources on astroturfing an online backwater filled with politically illiterate nobodies? peak liberal solipsism

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 80 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

the GLF was economic policy made in response to withdrawal of soviet technological and financial aid during the sino-soviet split, one of the primary motivating factors of which being soviet insistence on china essentially allowing the soviets to recolonize the port of dalian to build a naval base from which to deploy its pacific fleet.

on top of being under sanctions from the west, the sino-soviet split further deprived china of markets with which to support its all-important capital intensive industries and so china was forced to resort to agricultural export as a method of making up the shortfall. collectivization was also pursued simultaneously to pool domestic capital for internal consumption, but due to various geographical, technical and political considerations, internal consumption was not sufficiently stimulated to support manufacturing, and so agricultural export became the primary way to finance china's continued industrialization. most accounts that are not hysterically anti-communist (including liberal darling amartya sen) of the period around the 1958 famine have records of aggregate production being more than sufficient to sustain the overall population, with the primary points of failure being overzealous local governments in highly productive areas, as opposed to popular western conceptions of overbearing central government mandated directives.

all this to say that hitler and the holocaust's relevance as a point of comparison to mao and the GLF as anything beyond 'people died when he was in charge' is laughably superficial and mostly only functions as a thought terminating associative fallacy for juicing your dopamine receptors in order to immunize your brain against more correct opinions.


this was my garden a few weeks back. i'm basically totally new at this despite having done this for a few years now and this is gonna be a sort of lessons learned kinda deal.

the story so far is that i decided i was too busy to fuck too much with replanting seedlings this year and figured that i would just go straight from seed, hoping that the unusually cold weather we were having in spring would kill most of them so i would have less work to do down the line. that was a completely unfounded and stupid assumption on my part and i had to replant/uproot a bunch of plants (see above) because i ended up just haphazardly scattering seeds everywhere and the distribution of plants was totally fucked.

a lot of them started flowering last week-ish so i decided to fertilize this week. this was initially impossible because i hadn't really done any maintenance on my little guys since i replanted them and so the place was basically a jungle. after two afternoons worth of effort the garden now looks like this (didn't really do much to the guys in the planter, there's a drainage layer but the big drainage pipe is above the drainage layer for reasons outside my control and i really need to get on that...):

all this to say that for anyone starting out, just bite the bullet and start your seeds off somewhere where you can keep track of them and replant them (IN AN ORGANIZED FASHION) later on. you'll save yourself a lot of trouble and won't end up spilling fermented soybeans all over yourself because you tripped over a potato while trying to maneuver yourself around your poor man's tomato cage.


is this a bad idea? plan on mixing some topsoil in, but dont have very much on hand


i can't believe this exists

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