Yep that story about you will own nothing and be happy is a reference to our futures being modern serfs outside of the property class.
Yeah let’s not poke this bear, every time I think this kinda thing this country seems to find a way to lower the bar under bedrock.
And loot boxes too.
Hmm, idiocracy fits I guess. Seems to describe our country well enough.
Needs a lot of work yet but I like it. I’m using it for non game shenanigans personally.
Perfectly balanced.
I will die on meese is plural hill. It’s my fetch, I’m gonna make it happen.
As a recently former hpc/supercomputer dork nfs scales really well. All this talk of encryption etc is weird you normally just do that at the link layer if you’re worried about security between systems. That and v4 to reduce some metadata chattiness and gtg. I’ve tried scaling ceph and s3 for latency on 100/200g links. By far NFS is easier than all the rest to scale. For a homelab? NFS and call it a day, all the clustering file systems will make you do a lot more work than just throwing hard into your nfs mount options and letting clients block io while you reboot. Which for home is probably easiest.
Yeah I can’t find any indication of chicken in here.
Good prices on drills tho.
Please don’t release the geese, followed by the meese.
Honestly, be proactive about it.
Yeah the Weimar Republic was many things and it was a pretty progressive place prior to 1933. Then it quickly changed.