[-] mojo_raisin@lemmy.world 33 points 14 hours ago

Trump is incredibly dangerous. For that reason I would rather fight him with methods that work,

Because non-violence has been so effective at stopping fascism historically?

[-] mojo_raisin@lemmy.world 28 points 14 hours ago

I'm not saying it was a smart thing for the shooter to do, or that I'm celebrating this event or what it could've been, I'm just saying that it's perfectly normal and understandable for an oppressed peoples to not have sympathy for the misfortune of their oppressor.

Plus, the whole advocating for political violence is NOT a sign of a healthy society

Yes, we are not a healthy society

[-] mojo_raisin@lemmy.world 54 points 14 hours ago

Y’all are on the precipice of finding out firsthand the difference between “OMG I’m so oppressed

Sounds like the perspective of a privileged person who's life hasn't been in danger for years because of this person. Why is it bad to celebrate the misfortune of a person who has caused massive harm and is promising to eradicate your kind?

[-] mojo_raisin@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I not sure this is true.

As I understand, humans have an extremely acidic stomach compared to other animals, even carnivores. Our stomach acid is on the level of scavengers, and this is to kill bacteria and parasites in the food we eat. Humans could be more tolerant of spoiled food than most other species.

The modern western diet/lifestyle can damage our digestive tract in ways that affect our pH and microbiome making us susceptible to what we should normally be tolerant of. Anyone taking antacids or dealing with heartburn type issues I would expect to more vulnerable to food poisoning since any pathogens can more easily pass deeper into their digestive tract.

The short digestive tract in a dog is all that is needed to extract nutrients from animal sources, digesting plants requires help from a microbiome and they need somewhere to live and do their work, this is why plant eaters have extensive digestive tracts that are not very acidic so they don't kill them off. Humans (not sure about other animals) neutralize the "chime" exiting your stomach so that it's pH is appropriate for the microbiome living in the intestines.

The human digestive tract suggest sit evolved for adaptability, a healthy human can safely eat anything from carrion (not saying it's fine, just that we evolved to be able to survive it), be a vegetarian, or eat mostly meat and thrive.


Sometimes when I cough just right after a hit, Sweet Leaf starts playing in my head.

[-] mojo_raisin@lemmy.world 115 points 3 weeks ago

Larry Finger, your work has made a significant positive impact on my life and I'm sure many others. Thank you.

Now can you work on a driver to allow communication between the living and the dead?

[-] mojo_raisin@lemmy.world 139 points 2 months ago

Nothing sinister, we just don't delete what we say we delete. Instead we keep it in your profile to feed the algorithms and set the "deleted" flag to make you think it's gone.

[-] mojo_raisin@lemmy.world 61 points 2 months ago

They lost dream job status for me when I realized I was facilitating some evil shit. Like "oh! great job in genomics! I can help cure cancer!" Then realize it's "oh, help China build population scale genomic sequencing, wonder what they're gonna do with that?"

And "oh, edge computing, sounds cool", then realizing "oh, edge computing is mostly useful for facial recognition, wonder what people will use that for?"


This guy figured out how to turn the results of scientific experiments showing how it's possible to cool the temperature of a material below ambient temperatures by radiating heat into space using exotic or uncommon substances into something you can do yourself with easy to acquire and safe materials.

[-] mojo_raisin@lemmy.world 53 points 2 months ago

Yep, you probably end up working with different groups of people too also making unionization harder.

[-] mojo_raisin@lemmy.world 62 points 2 months ago

Anti-anarchist pretty much think

  • Anarchy = chaos

This is heavily promoted by mainstream media and language

  • Anarchists are pacifist

Many people seem unable to comprehend how a community might defend itself without a standing military and so assume we must be unwilling to defend ourselves.

  • Nothing can be accomplished without coercion

Because most of us have grown up within strict hierarchies coerced to do things we don't want, we have trouble imagining any other way.

  • Everyone is inherently a selfish asshole

This is probably projection in most cases

[-] mojo_raisin@lemmy.world 98 points 3 months ago

NixOS sounds like a way to avoid learning Linux by learning an abstraction.

[-] mojo_raisin@lemmy.world 83 points 3 months ago

There's 2 types of right wingers, dumb ones and disingenuous ones.

[-] mojo_raisin@lemmy.world 57 points 3 months ago

Technically CD quality digital is superior, but the recording and mixing can have a lot to do with it. For example, it could be that an decades old Dark Side Of The Moon on vinyl (played on proper equipment) could sound better than a modern remastered CD with maximized loudness (See the "loudness wars").

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