Dolohins are the only ones I'm nearly 100% certain they have some kind of sapients. Probably some octopodes too but that will likely be completely alien.
I do that sometimes and im in my early 20s if it makes you feel any better. My sense of time was broken from covid though.
I'm still not entirely sure what the story was about but damn the game is good.
They support sexual predators at the very least.
I think the easiest answer is to play online games with a mic until you meet someone you click with then make a discord and grow it. That's what I did when I had online friends at least.
ah yes the male fantasy of riding horses.
Hey thank you. I've seen a lot of canadian saying the same thing about us that dear leader says about immigrants and its heartning to remember that not everyone falls into the trap of wrath.
I like my keyboard a lot and the local TTS is a huge positive, but it hates me swearing. Ive added it to my personal dictionary in every space I can think to. But it still corrects fucking to sucking and shit to shot constantly.
I never though about it but I zone off and end up staring at people more often then most I'm pretty sure but I was taught so repeatedly in childhood that staring at someone with any kind of disabilityis wrong so my eyes just kinda pass over them.
Or there is only a cheap option or an option over 10x as expensive with no middle ground.
that is indeed how you mention someone. Yeah being pedantic for the sale of it isn't something I understand. Unless it impacts my ability to enjoy the story I couldn't care less.
It really is interesting how simultaneously big and small the world it now. I have times where people call an artist the biggest up in comer and I have never heard of them but they somehow have 10mil monthly listeners.
I got off tiktok a while ago and the only thing that I miss is small musicians that post their early works to the platform.
Their music is interesting I'll definitely have to check out more of it to see how I feel about it.