nazokiyoubinbou I think it's more likely that Mozilla is trying to become another Google. FWIW, for some reason turning off hardware acceleration seems to reduce overall memory usage. Somehow. Doesn't make sense (it should only affect VRAM) but it helps.
But your fundamental point stands. A simple page uses far far more RAM AND CPU than it should. I like to do a handful of things on a little mini PC I bought a long time ago (I use it sort of like an HTPC) but the processor it uses shoots up to 60+C just opening some sites. Simply opening the site. If I open two bad tabs at once it spikes to 70.
@Debs Agreed 100%. I think the primary problem here is that most of those who could possibly forgot about its existence.
Imagine a much more complex modern game with its basic mechanic too. I could see this actually being really interesting in a 3D world. Sort of like Deception, but less dark, lol. First person might make it even more interesting still.
@Debs @trd As far as I know there never was a spiritual successor other than of course Lode Runner 2 itself which really wasn't the same thing at all. I think licensing issues caused the Lode Runner games to fall into an IP limbo or something and somehow somewhere along the way everyone seemed to have forgotten about these games.
I have seen a recent "3D" Lode Runner appear on the Switch, but IMO it wasn't any fun at all. I'd still consider Sierra's Lode Runner game to be the best of them all personally.
@Debs This was one of my absolute favorites back in its time -- though I far preferred the PC version. (The editor is better with a mouse and save to files that could be shared/downloaded.) Something about a game having an editor always appealed to me as a kid even though I never really did anything significant with one. (I just enjoyed building stuff, lol.)