[-] njordomir@lemmy.world 23 points 1 month ago

Agreed. I love trains and it frustrates me to see them bungling the implementation. When they try, they always seem to make the same mistakes trying to bring it to my area.

To see meaningful ridership out here, the train needs to go fast enough to negate the penalty you get at the other end when you have to go from the station to your destination. They wanted to run them at ~55-70mph here, with a few stops between major cities, to parallel a freeway that is 65-75mph. Drive 1 hour (1:10 with parking) or spend 2 hours going to the station, riding a slow train, then going from the station to where you are going? I hate cars, but as someone who only gets a handful of hours to myself after sleep, work, and chores, I'm going to save my time and pick the car. If they ever build the train, as it is planned right now, it'll just be another commuter train that's only really used at rush hour when the roads are jammed rather than an all day all week car replacement solution that I can ride to Sunday night dinner at a friends house as easily as a 6am meeting.

/un-requested rant

[-] njordomir@lemmy.world 30 points 2 months ago

There is no best. My recommendation is to download a bunch, then uninstall them one by one until you end up with the one that you like best. I settled on my favorite, and I had to give up some great apps with great features to get there. What do you value in a forum-style app?

[-] njordomir@lemmy.world 24 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I would like to avoid shorts entirely. If I never have to hear that ear grating robot voice ever again I will celebrate like you wouldn't believe. Also, hearing everything 2 times because a video is designed to loop unnoticed is causing my blood to boil with unmatched hatred. Also, stop up-talking every time you speak you brainless degenerates. >:-( (not any of you here on Lemmy, ya'll are cool)

If this stuff could stop polluting our ears and our eyes, I would love that.

Having said that, I think they're banning it because of all the people talking shit about them on there. I can't imagine an American politician doing a good thing for good reasons.

Consequently, I find myself in the position of being a pro-TikTok TikTok hater.

[-] njordomir@lemmy.world 15 points 2 months ago

I believe that people are naturally industrious and my goal in asking was to hear how peoples priorities would change without the threat of starvation and the like being weaponized by corporations to extract value from the working class. I know many of us would probably sleep for 2 months straight before starting anything. :-D

Perhaps the better question would have been:

If you had your basic needs guaranteed, how would you spend your time?

[-] njordomir@lemmy.world 19 points 3 months ago

I fail to understand why we have to restrict an amazing new technology to the degree where it impacts its utility instead of enforcing instances of it's misuse. What's so hard about putting two officers sitting on a bench next to a trail writing warnings for overtaking without a bell or going faster than 20mph on a shared use trail. Car engine size isn't restricted, why should we cripple bikes. Also, big cargo bikes need extra big motors just to lumber along.

[-] njordomir@lemmy.world 20 points 3 months ago

You mean after the price hike they also hiked the number of ads? I canceled when they hiked the price and managed to get it down to the old price a few months later, so I renewed for the personal heatmap. Looks like I'm definitely canceling again. I doubt they'll give me the price break twice anyway.

Baking ads into a timeline like Strava and some other apps do has to be the worst app trend ever.

[-] njordomir@lemmy.world 21 points 4 months ago

You put words to the feeling I get whenever I turn on my work PC. It has relatively little to do with my actual work. It's the dread of the psychological abuse of everything asking me to update, upgrade, and look at how cool our AI is, try all of our other products, share your opinion, etc. etc. etc. I would be twice as productive if they let me BYOOS (bring your own OS) and if my day to day tools were Linux compatible. There are best practices for this kind of thing, but many of the most "reputable" tech companies willingly disregard them in favor of mind games and dark psychology.

[-] njordomir@lemmy.world 31 points 7 months ago

At this point its pretty much a moral transgression to buy music from any labels, organizations, or groups filing these lawsuits. If no one bought their music, they'd have to join a mock trial team or debate club and we might finally be able to straighten out the mess that is copyright law. :-D

[-] njordomir@lemmy.world 27 points 9 months ago

You got me, I had my torch and pitchfork ready and my FOSS-themed chanting was growing louder...

[-] njordomir@lemmy.world 18 points 9 months ago

I latched onto the same stat, but for a different reason. What percentage of those 75,000 don't ride to work because they are now working from home?

I don't ride to work anymore, but I put in more miles than ever. 30 miles round trip to grab a beer with a friend on Saturday afternoon, hell yeah! Sometimes I go out on my lunch breaks to wake up and re-energize myself.

[-] njordomir@lemmy.world 27 points 9 months ago

Yargghh?! Seriously though, I was furious when they bought Mojang and partially enshittified Minecraft.

[-] njordomir@lemmy.world 18 points 1 year ago

Potentially, and Ive also seen it used for ads. The first time Spotify noticed me mute my system and paused the ad, I became enraged. Its's a step too far. Luckily with external speakers I can just mute at the speaker level instead.


Hi folks,

My Nextcloud server has been complaining about being out of date for a while and I finally figured out I needed to update Debian, not extcloud. I managed that, but nextcloud choked on the update when I went to bring it up to date and I've been wanting to do it all over again and hopefully understand the process a little bitter the second time around.

I have a server on the public cloud (think AWS/Azure/Linode/Digital Ocean) with Docker running on it. Is it feasible for me to load up namecheap, lemmy, and pixelfed on the same server in separate docker containers? Anything I should be aware of before trying this?

I worked in the cloud (once again think MS/Amazon/Big Tech), but my role was only partially technical though I have been a GNU-Linux tinkerer since 2005 or so. That is to say, I have no idea what I'm doing, but I can generally read documentation okay.

I believe my previous install was directly to the server via the repos.


Hi Friends, if I want to delete my reddit history, minus a few irreplaceable niche subs, do I have to do this before the API change? Do these tools require API access to work? I already managed to back up my comments and posts to a CSV using some kind of "Power Delete" or something like that. I'm just waiting to see if I actually need my reddit for anything before I launch the nukes and wipe the account to about 10% of what was on there.

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