[-] onlinepersona@programming.dev 3 points 2 days ago

Love it! He had an assumption, created a method of testing that assumption, tried it multiple times, was proven wrong and accepted it.

Now, if more people could operate this way...

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[-] onlinepersona@programming.dev -1 points 2 days ago

It's a keyboard shortcut, that calls a script which pastes the contents of a file into the clipboard and sends keystrokes to the OS to paste (Ctrl+P). I'd prefer if lemmy frontends gave the option of adding a signature, but alas... in the interim, this has to do. There's no time for me to learn whichever framework they're using to whip together a PR and have it rejected.

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[-] onlinepersona@programming.dev -2 points 2 days ago

This is why when I read about "new browsers" being developed, I kind of shrug a little. Yes, browser standards are dominated by Google and it's shit, but instead of just playing in Google's stump of a playground, why not try and do something new and innovative like what Alan Kay is describing? Pipe a program or a script or web assembly or something else to another computer and let it render it. Or hell, come up with something different.

If everybody just tries to play Google's game where Google makes the rules, they're going to lose. The game is rigged. Create a new one.

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[-] onlinepersona@programming.dev 1 points 2 days ago

You believing Serbia is part of "the East" is hilarious. They're the S in BRICS, right? 😂

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[-] onlinepersona@programming.dev 4 points 2 days ago

Mate, "the West" isn't limited to Western Europe, the USA, Canada, and Australia. Australia is the same longitude as China. Are you going to say it's not the West because of that?

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[-] onlinepersona@programming.dev 1 points 2 days ago

Probably if you use a VPN and connect to French national TV channel France 1-4 you might be able to watch it with DRM. Downloading, not so sure, since I assume it'll all be DRMed.

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[-] onlinepersona@programming.dev 15 points 2 days ago

The West was laughing and pointing at China. "Look at them surveilling their citizens! So cringe." Meanwhile, people massively bought into surveillance capitalism, gobbled up all the bullshit about "if you have nothing to hide", and look where it's taking us. Yet people continue to buy Google products, swear that Malus won't ever be evil and store their lives on iPhones and Macs, they vote for right-wing candidates who talk about building walls, surveilling the poor, foreign, and different, and don't somehow fail to see how their countries are slowly becoming more China-like.

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[-] onlinepersona@programming.dev 7 points 2 days ago

I hadn't seen that, thanks! That gives me a little hope.

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[-] onlinepersona@programming.dev 29 points 2 days ago

I will never understand why people name stuff just by opening an English dictionary and simply picking a word.

Also why start a browser with C++? Google and Mozilla don't employ nincompoops to work on their browsers and still say 70% of their CVEs are due to memory management errors from C++. Instead of learning from that, they start yet another browser in C++.

In theory it great that this org wants to make an alternative, and probably being funded by a millionaire (billionaire?) can't hurt, but C++ man? Come on...

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[-] onlinepersona@programming.dev 37 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The "what do we even pay you for?" is just like with projects:

"why isn't this finished yet?"
We have to add tests and make sure we've tried to cover our bases.
"that's not necessary, if it works now, just release it" That's not-
"I don't care, I pay the bills"
Sure thing boss.
*a few weeks later* "This thing doesn't work"
Yeah, it's what we wanted to test.
"Well why didn't you?"

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[-] onlinepersona@programming.dev 23 points 3 days ago

Well done. That dev doesn't have to put up with that shit. People still treat opensource devs like free labor, pressuring them as if they are entitled to a product. If an opensource project is important to you or your company, contribute in some way that doesn't pressure the dev, otherwise stfu.

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If you think about productivity, you can't help but think that having the default state of your computer being an image with a few icons on it is less than stellar. For opening files, it will never be tidy enough to give you access to all you need, you need a launcher or a folder structure, meaning the desktop is bad at this. For opening apps, having visual shortcuts on the desktop is a duplicate of whatever panel or launcher you have.

[-] onlinepersona@programming.dev 30 points 4 days ago

So trying to hack hackthebox is not permitted? Confusion is the name of the game

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Fullstack GUI library for web, desktop, mobile, and more. In Rust using a HTML + CSS renderer built on top of Servo.


Anakin Padme meme:

Anakin: I will use agile to plan my project
Padme: 2-3 sprints ahead right?
Padme: 2-3 sprints ahead right?


This seems like a perfect usecase for IPFS


And others like him that have been ostracized. His mere presence seems to bring out quite negative emotions in people.

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submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by onlinepersona@programming.dev to c/programming@programming.dev

I'd basically like to run some containers within a VPN and some outside of it. The containers running within the VPN should not be able to send or receive any traffic from outside the VPN (except localhost maybe).

The container could be docker, podman, or even a qemu VM or some other solution if need be.

Is that possible? Dunno if this is the right place to ask.


Use https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun folks.

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submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by onlinepersona@programming.dev to c/linux@programming.dev

Pi-Hole and similar DNS adblockers just seem like a hassle. I can't tell my parents to buy a raspi, flash it, install and configure pi-hole, configure their routers or devices to point to the raspi, and do all of that from another city. Also personally, there's no time for that in my house.

Is there a program or systemd service I can run that pulls blocklists from somewhere (git, http, ...) and updates /etc/hosts? Before I go off and write a python script, systemd unit file, and shell script to install it on the linux systems of friends of family, does this exist?

Resolution comment: Tblock


A robotic gripper developed by Washington State University researchers is able to gently grab the majority of apples out of a tree without damaging the fruit.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by onlinepersona@programming.dev to c/linux@programming.dev

From another comment I made

A linux installer for windows that works just like a normal installer on windows. You download the .exe, double click it, it opens a wizard you can walk though, and by the end of the process, after it reboots, you're in a linux distro.

How could something like this be implemented?

My idea:

Best case scenario where multiple data partitions exist and can accommodate the user data stored on C:/ + there's a swap partition -->

  • download a linux iso
  • deactivate swap
  • replace swap partition with ISO contents
  • modify contents to auto install linux with settings from wizard
  • add boot entry to boot from old swap / modified ISO
  • reboot
  • install linux with a nice progress animation
    • move user data from C:/ to other partition
    • replace C:/ with linux
    • install alternatives to programs found on windows (firefox for edge, gimp for paint, inkscape for ..., libreoffice for MS office, etc.)
    • move user data to /home/$username
    • configure DE with theme (gnome for macos look, kde with theme for windows look)
    • other customisations
  • reboot into linux

Dunno if this is feasible in the best case scenario.

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I've heard it thrown around in professional circles and how everybody's doing it wrong, so.. who actually does use it?

For smaller teams

"scaled" trunk based development

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by onlinepersona@programming.dev to c/programming@programming.dev

I feel like there are many devs out there who expose a lot of personal details and opinions all over the web. Maybe it's just me, but when starting out with the internet I tried my best to separate my personal details (name, age, sex, country, ethnicity, family ties, relationship status,...) from usernames in public.

Seeing devs do it willingly and voice opinions on divisive or sensitive topics kind of messes with me. Aren't y'all afraid of missing out on job opportunities if someone reads your opinions, code, or other stuff tied to your personal accounts? Or letting anybody (maybe family, friends, acquaintances, ...) in on your personal life, mindset, opinions and other personal information?

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CID concept is broken (discuss.ipfs.tech)

TL;DR IPFS's "content addresses" don't actually address the content but a tree of the content stored in a protocol buffer, making it impossible to convert a hash to a content address.

DHT of CIDs? More like a Distributed Table of Lies!

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