[-] orclev@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

So I listened to that entire video and I still don't know what corporatism actually is. There was a lot of talk about how various fascist regimes were corporatist and how it's about all the classes working together, but no actual explanation of what that means in practice.

[-] orclev@lemmy.world 11 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It's encoded as a regex which you can find here: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/blob/78702b59fd56f767f3d5612bfd60e294979f91f8/crates/utils/src/utils/slurs.rs#L74

It's honestly not a terrible list, but there's at least one entry in there that falls victim to the scunthorpe problem, and it sucks that it's not something administrators can easily customize.

Edit: looking through the PRs it seems like they made the filter customizable at some point, so this is a little outdated. The whole communist thing still applies though.

[-] orclev@lemmy.world 8 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

They run lemmygrad and are dedicated communists, as well as having a very opinionated "bad words" filter that's hard coded into the lemmy server software and not configurable without building it yourself.

Edit: commented below, but it looks like at some point they added the ability to customize the bad words filter as part of the site config, so that part doesn't currently apply. Early on there was a bit of drama about the original hard coded version though.

[-] orclev@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

Most of the tools that make an IDE an IDE. Refactoring abilities are very limited and basic. Quickly navigating complex code bases becomes tricky. The code completion and type annotations are often missing or just plain wrong. When compared to something like essentially any IDE offered by JetBrains it just doesn't stack up. Prior to RustRover being released I briefly tried to use VS Code for Rust using its LSP plugin, but it was just really bad in general, it utterly failed to analyze the code and provided almost no contextual help.

[-] orclev@lemmy.world 14 points 6 days ago

Absolute best case scenario, Biden dies of natural causes and Trump rots in jail. Only concerning thing in that scenario is that I'm not convinced Trump being in jail is enough to stop the morons from voting for him.

[-] orclev@lemmy.world 15 points 6 days ago

In before they nominate fucking Hillary... again. It would be one thing to claim name recognition if people actually liked Biden, but nobody fucking likes Biden. People stomach Biden because the alternative is so much worse. This is why we so desperately need some kind of proportional voting system, literally any kind. The public needs a way of telling the parties "here's how we feel about these issues" without it being a binary choice between bad and even worse.

[-] orclev@lemmy.world 171 points 6 months ago

They seem to be rather missing the point. It wouldn't matter if they switch to a caucus, he's banned from running in the state so all they would do is exclude Republicans from having a candidate for president in the general election. This is very much in the "don't threaten me with a good time" territory.

[-] orclev@lemmy.world 341 points 7 months ago

Bernie once again demonstrating that he's the only adult in a room full of children. It's got to be frustrating as hell to be surrounded by these morons constantly.

[-] orclev@lemmy.world 365 points 8 months ago

This next election is going to be an absolute shitshow. I guarantee they'll refuse to certify the election, and they'll try to hijack the electoral college (again).

[-] orclev@lemmy.world 204 points 8 months ago

Comment Closed: Duplicate Post

See other comment about different company going out of business for totally different reason.

[-] orclev@lemmy.world 211 points 9 months ago

I have so many questions, none of which are answered by the article. Was the flavor really picked by an AI? If so, how did they train the AI? What kind of AI was this? What other flavors did it come up with? Did they try a bunch of them and this was the best one they could get?

This whole thing just screams marketing stunt to me, and not a particularly good one. I can't wait for this whole AI thing to just die out already. How is it that every tech fad seems to somehow end up being even dumber than the previous one (although I think the whole NFT thing might have set a new low bar)?

[-] orclev@lemmy.world 203 points 11 months ago

Please stop posting this kind of garbage to the technology community, this belongs in a creative writing community more than it does this one. There is absolutely no technological basis for literally any of this. You just sent ChatGPT on a prolonged hallucination session and it's as relevant to this community as the plot of Terminator is.

I'm really getting sick and tired of all the unhinged "AI" posts constantly showing up by people that either have no clue at all how something like ChatGPT functions, or worse know exactly how it functions and are just generating clickbait for views.

ChatGPT is not a general purpose AI and it will never do anything other than creative writing. It can not tell you any truth that doesn't already exist in some form on the internet, and if you think it has either it or you are hallucinating (I.E. it's bullshit). AI are not coming for everybody's jobs in a general sense, although a bunch of moronic CEOs are eating garbage like this post up and salivating at the idea of firing their entire workforce and replacing them with AI controlled drones (hint, like most technology you can only replace many cheap workers with a fewer much more expensive workers who need to maintain the very expensive technology).

If your job involves physically doing something and it hasn't been replaced by automation yet then that's because it's cheaper to pay you to do it than it would be to program and maintain robots to do it, any "AI" isn't going to change that calculus.

If your job involves creating something then you're probably still OK even if "AI" is introduced, you'll just become responsible for fixing the half broken output of the "AI".

The only people that need to be worried about being replaced by something like ChatGPT are people doing low skill high turnover jobs where volume counts a lot more than accuracy like call centers.

submitted 1 year ago by orclev@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world
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