[-] pjnick@ttrpg.network 3 points 4 months ago

Clean shaven arms and legs, combed hair (with highlights?), and an earring all imply that the goblin does care about and maintain her hygiene/appearance

[-] pjnick@ttrpg.network 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

This is one of my favorite systems and I've learned a lot playing it, so I apologize in advance for what will probably be a wall of text. You can TL;DR the bold bits.

Black dice are like salt, sprinkle some on everything - Black dice are a great way to add adversity from the world (poor visibility? suspicious guards? time crunch?) and a good way to use generated threat (distracted, damaged gear). Also, many PC talents allow them to peel black dice off of skills they specialize in - and players really enjoy telling the GM they don't have to roll the bad dice.

Blue dice are like pepper, add a little to most things - They're a great way to reward players who have a clever approach, tie in to character backstory (my former-pirate probably knows who to fence stuff to around here), good roleplaying, or good preparation.

Facing a player with something they're good at is cool, facing a player against something they're bad at is interesting - You want a healthy mix of both. A gunslinger PC wants to take out hordes of mooks and absolutely should get the chance to let loose now and then. But if the party disguises themselves as maintenance personal as part of a heist, that same low-int gunslinger should be flagged down by one of the staff and asked to fix a broken grav-lift. It puts the PC in a tense situation where they have to think (I can shoot my way out, but that blows our cover. I can try to fix it but raise suspicion if I fail. Can I create a distraction? Can I talk my way out?). Making scenarios like this happen isn't too hard because...

Splitting the party is a great idea - As others here have said, combat balance is basically non-existent in this game, so a split party isn't a death sentence in combat (and even losing combat isn't usually lethal). Also, escaping from combat is much easier in this system than others (Hop on a speeder, hack a door closed, or just use a destiny point and shoot the door controls). Comms exist to keep the party in contact and allow them to coordinate/affect each other. (One character can make a distraction to allow the hacker to slip into a building - the hacker can then help the thief get past security, etc.) A combination of multiple objectives and time-pressure is a great way to get the players to split up. (And the Obligation system is great at creating secondary objectives for this purpose)

There's plenty of time to get things done in combat - Unlike DND, combat doesn't put a dead stop to everything else that's going on. The rules say that one full round of combat in this system is "one to several minutes". If combat breaks out, party members can still use skills, hack things, get to places, have conversations (probably away from the firefight). Very often in EotE, my players found themselves in a "fighting retreat" after tripping an alarm and needing to finish the objective or escape, it keeps tension up and you can use minion groups as reinforcements for added time pressure.

[-] pjnick@ttrpg.network 4 points 5 months ago

Meanwhile the village idiot is being flogged for heresy for daring to suggest that the prayer this stranger priest was chanting moments before his sister tumbled into the fire may have been responsible.

[-] pjnick@ttrpg.network 2 points 5 months ago

Timothy Treadwell and his partner were killed and ate by a brown bear after living with them for years

Actually, the bears that killed them were bears that killed them were not the bears he had been living with. The year of his death, he was actually visiting the area far later in the season than he had in previous years. The bears that were familiar with him had already moved out of the area (or started hibernation), and a new group of bears had migrated in.

[-] pjnick@ttrpg.network 3 points 5 months ago

Unfunny Anime Circlejerk: "Nah, I'd win"

[-] pjnick@ttrpg.network 3 points 6 months ago

Hbomberguy has a really good video about all of the problems that plagued production. It's a pretty interesting watch that covers the way the story was put together, where the writers got their ideas from, and a bunch of behind the scenes stuff.

It's pretty interesting: RWBY Is Disappointing, And Here's Why

[-] pjnick@ttrpg.network 3 points 7 months ago

And that's only if they recognize what's going on. If you're just minding your business and suddenly it's dark and hard to breathe, there are a bunch of monsters, spells, and magical phenomena that are possible culprits.

[-] pjnick@ttrpg.network 4 points 9 months ago

First time I've seen the word antediluvian used in a context that wasn't referring to the ancient super vampires from Vampire the Masquerade.

[-] pjnick@ttrpg.network 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

TL;DR for the Exemplar

The Exemplar is a strange beast. They're a martial that echoes power from stories and mythology, so their powers are reminiscent of Greek Heroes or Knights of the Round Table (even the flavor text says you may have drawn a weapon from a stone). Their gimmick is that they have a 'divine spark' that they can move between Ikons (representations of their divine power). Ikons can be part of their body (the face, the skin, a scar), a weapon, or a worn item - an Exemplar gets one of each type. In general: Body Ikons grant self-defensive abilities, Weapon Ikons grant offensive bonuses, and Worn Ikons grant auras that support allies.

While an Ikon holds the divine spark, it grants both passive benefit and access to a 'Transcendence' action. A Transcendence action is a powerful effect based on the Ikon, and after resolving the action the divine spark is forced to jump to a different Ikon. So the Exemplar is effectively playing a juggling act where they're constantly weighing the benefits of which passive Ikon effect they want vs the Transcendence action they're setting up for.

Some example Ikons: Gaze as Sharp as Steel (Body) - Passive: +1 Perception and +2 AC vs ranged attacks. Transcendence: Gain Reactive Strike feat for the round Scar of the Survivor (Body) - Passive: +1 on Fortitude saves. Transcendence: Heal 1d8 Hit Points (scaling with level) Yes, this allows effectively infinite out-of-combat self healing Barrows Edge (Sword-like Weapon) Passive: 1 Persistent damage on a Strike. Transcendence: Gain HP equal to half the damage it just dealt Fated Shot (Projectile Weapon) Passive: +1 damage per Strike. Transcendence: Can strike a 5-foot burst with a hail of projectiles. Victor's Wreath (Worn) Passive: You and all allies within 15 feet get +1 to attack rolls. Transcendence: Allies may immediately make saving throws (with a +2 bonus) to end ongoing conditions

As an Exemplar levels, they acquire additional abilities for their Ikons. (free actions with their Body Ikons at level 3, critical effects and alternate damage types for Weapon Ikons at level 7, and additional range and ally buffs for Worn Ikons at level 15). They also have the ability to 'reassign' Ikon status to new objects of a similar kind - so if they find a magical bow, they can make that their Ikon of Fated Shot for example.

Exemplar feats include some options for increasing offensive power (new weapon traits, bonus damage, alt damage types), physical utility, durability, and divine focus spells. There's a very fun one at level 4 called Only the Worthy, where you can command your worn or weapon Ikon to remain motionless - potentially pinning down a prone enemy or blocking a door - the feat also allows you to call the Ikon back to your hand.

[-] pjnick@ttrpg.network 2 points 1 year ago

Assuming you're being hyperbolic at the end there - the samey, no-actual-options feeling of DND is what drove me to Pathfinder 2e. And all the rules are officially free here.

But if you weren't being hyperbolic and want something in the same fantasy-action genre: Genesys is pretty awesome.

If you want something really real off-the-wall and different, try the one-shot friendly slapstick-comedy The Sorcerer Supreme (also free).

[-] pjnick@ttrpg.network 2 points 1 year ago

Not a problem, I’ll just grab some of the years from the end of my life and just kinda stuff them into the present to get me through.

Good as new without any downsid- why is my hair falling out?

[-] pjnick@ttrpg.network 3 points 1 year ago

Typically I use OneNote to keep all my setting and adventure notes organized.

For managing the stable of NPCs, I use Google sheets to track the name, summary, faction, location, and disposition towards the party.

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