Man, I hope this is good. The action sequences they put in the previews at least look pretty cool. I suspect it's not gonna be good though.
Another alternative on the fediverse is NeoDB. I'm trying that one out for the time being. Its interface is pretty barebones and could use some work, but it's nice because you can track more than books.
Nah, AFAIK they just didn't release it because they thought they wouldn't even get more revenue from it vs just writing it off. They tried to shop it around but apparently no distributors offered enough on it.
Some species of flies and mosquitoes are also pollinators. One cute example of pollinating flies are the Bombyliidae. Mosquito larvae are also important food sources for aquatic and semi-aquatic species like frogs and fish.
Haha there's a reason why the Xenomorph from Alien is in part inspired by parasitoid wasps.
If you study wasps, you'll find that they very frequently have odd symbioses from species to species, most often as parasites/parasitoids or hyperparasites. Some even have symbiotic relationships with viruses that assist them in their parasitism - ichneumon and braconid wasps have symbiotic viruses called polydnaviruses.
If you wanna learn about some more wasp pollination, look up fig wasps (Agaonidae). Wasps are legitimately one of the coolest groups of animals.
Not sure if I'd call Novocaine a flop yet considering it had a relatively modest budget of $18m. It might make enough to break even or profit still. The bigger indictment is Black Bag with a budget of $50m and opening lower than Novocaine.
I think instead we're seeing more evidence that the mid budget movie doesn't have a place in theaters anymore and the only movies worth putting in theaters are tentpole blockbusters or lower budget movies that don't have to make a ton to break even.
I think Novocaine is original. Mickey 17 is an adaptation of the novel Mickey7
Interlibrary Loan isn't available everywhere (at least back when I used to work at a library ~10 years ago it wasn't). If it is, it often has an associated fee (usually at least shipping fees, sometimes an additional service fee). I think the common exception to that is public university libraries.
But I can't pirate copyrighted materials to "train" my own real intelligence.
I don't think it's been confirmed whether they've actually written this one off yet or not. There were reports that they had written off somewhere around $115m for scrapped projects last year, but there were no confirmations around which projects specifically were written off.
I'm not an expert in these matters at all, but if they had written it off, wouldn't they have had to destroy the materials?