I think it was my sons pants to make him laugh.
I've never tried DotA, but did play Heroes of the Storm quite a bit when it wasn't on life support yet. Deadlock, on the other hand, I tried for 45 minutes and am now fairly certain it's got nothing to offer me.
90-luvulla Kiteen Pallon kunnianvuosina tuli käytyä peleissä ahkerasti kun vielä vanhempien luona asuin, ja olihan siellä tosiaan tunnelma aika hurmoshenkinen kun Rantakenttä oli täynnä. Nykyään tuo paikallisen suran pyhättö olisi paljon lähempänäkin, mutta eipä ole tullut raahauduttua katsomaan ensimmäistäkään peliä vuosiin. Pitäisi kyllä, onhan se hieno peli.
Henkilökohtaisesti olen kyllä haaveillut väkivallasta jo kauan ennen näitä viimeisimpiä sosiaaliturvaleikkauksia. Saa kutsua pikaviestiryhmään sitten kun aletaan pullottaa molotoveja.
My brother got it with a GeForce card so yes.
Haven't seen, will add to the shortlist. Thanks for the recommendation!
Listened to music, read some books, played nursery rhyme games, chewed on toys, bathed, laughed, napped, all the good stuff.
319 games in my Epic library, of which I've bought 4 or 5. In total I've played maybe 20 and finished about 6. I'm sure I'll get to it one of these days...
I cannot believe no one mentioned Minesweeper yet!
When it starts to get chilly, merino wool undergarments are your friend. When it gets really cold, dressing in layers is a necessity.
Eiköhän toleranssikin olisi tässä tapauksessa suomeksi sietokyky.
Onedrive seems to think they are magnanimously letting me peek at their files on their servers, instead of having copies of my files backed up to the cloud. I once turned off syncing for a folder containing game save files, since Onedrive kept spamming me with emails warning about many files being deleted at once every time the game deleted old auto saves. Turning off the sync deleted my local files. Fuck Onedrive.