[-] robinn@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago

replied to the wrong person for the source ask mb

[-] robinn@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago

Exactly what happened here

User 1: It’s almost as if Chinese Imperialism, genocide and ethnic cleansing is still bad even if the West built its powerbase on Imperialism.

User 2: How many colonies does China have? How many countries has it invaded? How many wars has waged?

Fascists like you and followers of the capitalist death cult can only say this: Tibet, because they drove the feudal lords and dalai lama paedophiles; Taiwan, because the bourgeois dictatorship claimed that land as theirs, as if it isn’t historically all one China, a similar story with Malvinas, I guess you also think they belong to the British; Hong Kong, which was a British colony but for some twisted reason you think they should be it’s own thing, because again it historically has not belong to China; the Uyghur thing, which even Western sources deny and/or doubt of its veracity and which was propelled by a right-wing organisation pro US imperialism; and delirious ideas about China being “imperialist” in Africa or South America because it trades with them and builds infrastructure, instead of providing bogus “financial aids” which then end up in the hands of US puppets like you did in Argentina with IMF funds. So basically all of the “imperialism” you claim is China trying to recover its historical territories lost in the process of the proletarian revolution.

Meanwhile, I don’t see any of the likes of you denouncing the plethora of colonies Europe and the US has been having and continue having for centuries. Why are you no so openly in favour of a Hawai’ian independence movement but you are so fervently obsessed with China? I know why, because you have fascists freudian slips and you can’t even realise about it yourself, since you live surrounded by people who justify themselves, and you have never interacted with a person from the Global South that’s not a fascist. By the way, the things I’m telling you, this is not “tankie” stuff, I have Peronists friends, Trotskyists friends, and all over the spectrum in Argentina, and they all know what you people say is complete and utter disgusting, the thought that everyone agrees with this kind of thought is something only maintained in first world imperialist countries. Don’t fool yourself.

User 2: I'm not talking with someone who defends genocide

User 3: Yeah, don’t bother. Tankies are red fascists.

User 2: Yup, tankies are fascists under a new name.

[-] robinn@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago

Zenz is definitely homophobic and racist but do you have a source for holocaust denial?

[-] robinn@hexbear.net 2 points 1 year ago

Okay found out what Lemmy is and I hate it. Like wtf is this.

Hey, tankies, decent countries don’t have to violently suppress their populations and then lie about it. Oh, and socialism is worker ownership of the means of production, not whatever the fuck they’re doing in China. (inb4 people assuming I must support the US since I hate China)

The socialism understander has logged on. Wouldn't even know what to reply to this since it's literally nothing.

[-] robinn@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago

Umm guys the proletariat kinda bankrolls the bourgeoisie so it's really their fault.

[-] robinn@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I swear to god if they bring up criminal record or some other bullshit that doesn't pertain to this again I will go to the NYT headquarters and ********************************************************. The murderer didn't know he WAS (he got off the list before the murder jesus christ) on the "poor people who deserve to die" list. The people on the train said Neely never physically harmed or threatened to physically harm anyone, end of story.

"We're not justifying the murder" YES YOU ARE, THE FOCUS SHOULD NOT BE ON THIS

[-] robinn@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

I’d recommend reading Ch. 3 of Foundations of Leninism for a summation of this. Also, while some Trotskyists frame SIOC as a vulgar development of Stalin, Lenin (who both Trotskyists and MLs would like to claim as their own) actually spoke on this matter on several occasions.

[-] robinn@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

People watched it and won't admit it.


Part I

Yeah she quotes the CIA and state department (why would they lie?), and doesn't question it at all, which flies in the face of her "journalistic process" nonsense at the end.

"I remember my first, brief meeting with Seymour Hersh in Beirut in 2009. I was based there for the BBC..."

Of course! The British government propaganda station only reports fair and true information! Let us now critique his relations to Assad and gloss over this...

"But by the time the Syrian civil war sent shockwaves through the Middle East, Hersh’s relationship with the Assads seemed to affect his journalism. In Syria’s ugly, bloody civil war, he took the dictator’s side, claiming — against all existing evidence — that it was the rebels and not the regime who used sarin gas in chemical attacks. Unlike Hersh’s investigations into America’s chemical warfare in the 1960s, his Syria reporting seemed to be based on his assumption that the U.S. government lies, rather than witnesses or evidence"

The U.S. government does lie. Consistently. And where is her skepticism when it came to uncritically quoting the state department earlier (don't worry, she questions Russia's acceptance of the theory)? It has returned, it seems, only to provide no evidence for her point but merely suggest that the evidence exists.

"This is how disinfo 101 works... A piece is published, it triggers a reaction. Media then reports on the reaction, further extending the lifespan of that original piece.”


Part II

Let's see how much "disinfo" we can find in another article on this site:

"Pearls, rhino horns and arsenic: Covid-hit North Koreans advised to turn to traditional medicine"

"... guards were issued shoot-to-kill orders along the hermit country’s border with China, while state media warned people that everything from snow, to birds, to trash in the ocean could carry COVID. Citizens were ordered inside on numerous occasions, supposedly to shelter from 'dust storms from China' that the government feared could carry the virus."

Shoot to kill orders? This is shocking... surely the link will follow to some authoritative source on the matter (it's another one of her articles). And in this article, she just claims the same thing without any citation. Is this not how disinformation actually works? There's no link to state media on the warning of snow carrying COVID, but there is a link for their claim that state media suggested people stay inside because of dust storms. This links to a BBC article which states:

"Yellow dust refers to sand from Mongolian and Chinese deserts that blows into North and South Korea at certain times of the year. It is intermingled with toxic dust that for years has raised health concerns in both countries."

So they have legitimate concerns.

"North Korea’s main state-run outlet, Rodong Sinmun, has published official treatment advice for the virus. It advises people to take antibiotics, which are not effective in fighting the virus, as they treat bacterial infections. The newspaper also recommended dairy products and folk remedies like honeysuckle flowers and willow tree leaves. It also called for a medicine called angunguhwanghwan, a traditional North Korean concoction that contains pearls, rhino horn and gold leaf, as well as dangerous levels of mercury, lead and arsenic"

Again, quite shocking. No link is given to Rodong Sinmun but instead to NK News. The article contains no citations for its quotes from state media.

"North Korea has a track record of developing scientifically unproven treatments, such as injections made from ginseng which it claimed could cure AIDS. Pushing bogus cures is a family trait in hermetic, isolated states"

This claim is cited from an NPR article. NPR is a U.S. government affiliated news service, but we will see what they have to say:

"The World Health Organization says there's no known cure or vaccine for MERS, but state-run media in Pyongyang reports a wonder drug called Kumdang-2 will do the trick. The report makes no mention of whether Pyongyang is going to offer this miracle compound to its neighbor to the south. Or as the news agency puts it: 'the Korean puppet authorities' in Seoul. Note to readers: The next few paragraphs require us to use the word 'allegedly' more than a few times"

That note is included in the original article (go check). Why? Because they don't actually have any direct examples of state media suggesting this. (Note: there is no link for the "Pyongyang state-run media report" in the paragraph). They will say this is because it is difficult to access information on the DPRK, except both Rodong Sinmun and KCNA are publicly accessible in multiple languages online. Some articles aren't automatically translated into English, but this doesn't require an anonymous source to work around.

"While the government has announced that the military will be used to deliver supplies to people in the most need, Dr. Lim tells me the allocation of these scarce resources will likely be based on loyalty to the party — meaning that many North Koreans are likely to resort to alternative treatments"

No need to cite the government announcement, journalism is hard.

Part III

Now I found another report of Natalia's (author of the first article) that made me really unwell. It's titled: "A boom in 3D-printed guns, North Korean cat hunters and China versus Pfizer" seen here. The issue I'll be discussing is the middle item "North Korean cat hunters." Natalie writes:

"North Koreans along the country’s border have been ordered to kill stray cats, because they could 'bring the virus from China'"

This is deeply disturbing. The order is cited from Daily NK (which is funded by the NED, which itself is funded annually by congress). The article cites an anonymous source for the claim.

It seems Natalia is by far a more experienced purveyor of misinformation than anyone else. Far more reliant on trusting government sources at their word, far more interested in fabricating details to suit her agenda, etc.

[-] robinn@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

For the GDR, see:

  1. "What You Should Know About the Wall"
  2. "The Berlin Wall: Another Cold War Myth" by William Blum (author of Killing Hope)

For the Soviet Union, this is a thing you hear about many countries (Cuba and the DPRK for example). Since it's not accompanied by any data, you can simply say that people also immigrated to the USSR (or wherever else). This is equally valid. They don't know how many people immigrated to and from the Soviet Union, but they have an image cultivated by years of propaganda: so ask them. They'll be forced to tell you that they don't know. Then you will be done with it.

[-] robinn@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

I agree that it would obviously be preferable to use prestigious sources with good web design and well-known authors. Unfortunately my resources are limited. Feel free to suggest another article and I'll consider adding it (perhaps I could make a "mainstream news" section?).

[-] robinn@hexbear.net 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Grayzone is definitely very iffy but these specific posts are good. I verified each of the blog posts as well. The issue isn't "trust", if I cited a blog as saying something and they didn't prove their point then it would be a bad citation. The only time I cited blog posts was for analysis of establishment news, and critique them if you like but don't just go "they're not valid news sources", because that isn't the issue and nothing is claimed as a revelation or without proof. If the issue is with sharing this to other people, then you should first establish what the difference is between news and analysis.

Note: That AP article is far too entrenched in propaganda to be shared as a source. You'd have much more trouble with optics in that case.

Xinjiang Masterpost (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by robinn@hexbear.net to c/sino@hexbear.net

Xinjiang and Human Rights

The Xinjiang Atrocity Propaganda Blitz

Xinjiang: A Report and Resource Compilation

Thread on Xinjiang

Breaking down the BBC’s visit to Hotan, Xinjiang

Post actually going over a BBC report from within one of these centers

The Case of the Keriya Aitika Mosque

Thread on the UN Xinjiang Report

Xinjiang Police Files (XPF) Debunk

Note: The quote from the NYT Article: “absolutely no mercy” was from a 2014 speech on the terror attacks, specifically was referring to the perpetrators of the terror attacks, and did not scapegoat Uyghurs to any extent (what a wonder a three word quote could be taken out of context!) in addition, the phrase “organs of dictatorship” from that speech refers to the proletarian class dictatorship

Diplomatic Visit to Xinjiang by Representatives of Islamic Nations (2022)

Diplomatic Visit to Xinjiang by Representatives of Islamic Nations (2023)

Estimations of 1 million detainees (and onwards):

  1. 2018 UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination report authored by the NGO (Network of) Chinese Human Rights Defenders [which has received NED funding]

The report (which concludes 1.3-2 million detainees) was based on interviews with only 8 Uyghur individuals, then extrapolated to form percent estimates on the population of detainees in the XUAR

Uyghur 'unrest' was a CIA narrative planned to destabilize China, top US army Chief admits. 2018

  1. Adrian Zenz, member of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation

Adrian Zenz’s deliberate fabrications regarding sterilization statistics [“new IUD”]

[On “net IUD” (~80% as misleading figure)]

CGTN Documentaries: (the first one is better)

Fighting terrorism in Xinjiang

The black hand — ETIM and terrorism in Xinjiang

White Papers:

The Fight Against Terrorism and Extremism and Human Rights Protection in Xinjiang

Human Rights in Xinjiang - Development and Progress

Cultural Protection and Development in Xinjiang

Vocational Education and Training in Xinjiang

Western Establishment News Reports:

The Independent: More than 35 countries defend China over mass detention of Uighur Muslims in UN letter

Reuters: Diplomatic Visits to Xinjiang by Representatives of Islamic Nations

Associated Press: Terror & Tourism: Xinjiang eases its grip, but fear remains (provided by @stinky)

Foreign Policy: State Department Lawyers Concluded Insufficient Evidence to Prove Genocide in China

submitted 2 years ago by robinn@hexbear.net to c/effort@hexbear.net

[Part 1]

Chapter six of the Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea lays out a fairly straightforward democratic (parliamentary) process whereby:

  1. The Supreme People’s Assembly is the highest power in the DPRK, with meetings convened yearly or bi-yearly and national elections every five years (SPA member term five years), and is composed of elected workers/peasants (deputies), with the majority representing the Workers Party of Korea but with the Korean Social Democratic Party and Chondoist Chongu (religious) Party also present to a sufficient extent. The members are “elected on the principle of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot”, and have the authority to amend the constitution and introduce major laws.

  2. The Standing Committee of the Supreme People’s Assembly consists of members whose term limit is also five years, they can convene meetings, handle day-to-day affairs of the SPA, and are elected by the SPA members.

  3. The State Affairs Commission (completely accountable to the SPA), which functions as the representative of the state and handles regular state affairs, consists of a President (currently Kim Jong Un, hence the “supreme commander” title since he is the major representative of the state of the DPRK), the Vice President, and other members.

  4. The Cabinet (member term limit of five years), has members elected by the SPA and handles day-to-day affairs of the state (SAC).

  5. Local People’s Assemblies (covering multiple municipalities), which are made up of local worker’s deputies that are “elected on the principle of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot”, approve the local budget for the people's area which it represents. Regular sessions are held once or twice a year according to the Local People’s Committees which:

  6. -Functions in the same relation to the LPAs that the SASPA functions to the SPA. Consists of members elected by the Local People’s Assemblies whose term is also no more than four years.

As in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, there is no campaign lobbying, and democracy extends to all levels (the Taean Work System functions along the same lines but is not relevant to the discussion). However, the Constitution, some have said, is another matter to reality. The Wikipedia page for “Elections in North Korea” states for example, “Voting against the official candidate, or refusing to vote at all, is considered an act of treason, and those who do face the loss of their jobs and housing, along with extra surveillance.”

This idea stated matter-of-factly is cited from an Al-Jazeera article titled “Foregon Result in North Korea’s Local Elections”, which relies completely on quotes from a total of two sources. Firstly, a reporter in the Republic of Korea, who has no inside knowledge of the country (he cites no actual evidence) and is forbidden by law from extolling the DPRK’s system[1]. Next, a ridiculous conjecture-filled rant from a so-called “expert on North Korea”. The retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel cites no evidence again and relies on nothing but his own imagination. The citation offers no actual person with the relevant knowledge and experience to prove their position, and it may be discarded very simply.

A Time Magazine article entitled, “North Korea Elections: A Sham Worth Studying” is equally baroque. The author writes, “voting is mandatory and there is one option on the ballot.” Of course, there is no available evidence that voting is mandatory except for the large voter turnout as compared to capitalist nations. Comparatively, Vietnam had an even higher voter turnout for its 2021 legislative election. The author makes reference to reported narratives in state media and yet does not provide the relevant links even though all NK state media is publicly accessible online. The above narrative attributed to two random speakers is now apparently a common thread among NK defector testimony, which has its own issues[2] (of course a citation to verify this would be too much to ask, as the article provides no citations whatsoever except for the relatively publicized execution of Jang Song-Thaek). Perhaps this constitutes “studying” to the author?

“In November, 1946, North Korea held its first general elections, to approve or disapprove of what the provisional government had done. By this time there were three political parties: the North Korean Labor Party, which was by far the largest; the Chendoguo and the Democrats. These parties formed a ‘democratic front’ and put up a joint ticket, the ‘single-slate ticket’ so criticized in the west.

“I argued with the Koreans about it but they seemed to like their system. Ninety-nine per cent of them came out to vote, and everyone with whom I talked declared that there was no compulsion but they came because they wanted to. I discussed the question with a woman miner. ‘Did you vote in the general elections?’ I asked. ‘Of course,’ she said. ‘The candidate was from our mine and a very good worker. Our mine put him up as [a] candidate.’ I explained the Western form of elections. What was the use of voting, I argued, if there was only one candidate. Her vote could change nothing. It would be a great shame for the candidate, she replied, if the people did not turn out in large numbers to vote for him. He would even fail [the] election unless at least half of the people turned out.

“… ‘We all knew the candidate. We all liked him, we all discussed him,’ she concluded. ‘The political parties held meetings in our mines and factories and found the people's choices. Then they got together and combined on the best one, and the people went out and chose him. I don't see what's wrong with this or why the Americans don't like it.’

“She paused and then added, with a touch of defiance. ‘I don't see what the Americans have to say about it, anyway!’ Voting technique was simple. There was a black box for ‘no’ and a white box for ‘yes.’ The voter was given a card, stamped with the electoral district; he went behind a screen and threw it into whichever box he chose. The cards were alike; nobody knew how he voted. Were any candidates black-balled? I learned that there were thirteen cases in the township elections in which candidates were turned down by being thrown into the black box. This fact, which westerners may approve as showing ‘freedom of voting,’ was regarded with shame by the Koreans since it meant that ‘the local parties had poorly judged the people's choice.’ In one case a candidate was elected but received eight hundred adverse votes, organized by a political opponent. He at once offered to resign, as he had ‘failed to receive the full confidence of the voters’; the three political parties all jointly urged him to accept the post. The Koreans are familiar with the competitive form of voting also. This was used in village elections and in many of the township elections in March, 1947. These elections were largely nonpartisan, nominations being made not by parties but in village meetings. Secret voting followed, choosing the village government from competing candidates” (Strong, 1949).[3]

This firsthand account illuminates firstly the process of the Democratic Front (DFRF) candidate selection which involved surveying and holding meetings among several worker groups that anyone could attend. Then the selected candidate who was chosen via said mass meetings would be voted in through a confirming election which verified the success of the mass assemblies and the work of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland (and thus you have political agitation phrases such as “let us all vote in agreement”).

Actual experience elucidating the obfuscated “one candidate” situation as a democratic centralist worker-oriented candidate selection process abruptly does away with the focus of the majority of the critiques from ignorant fools. For example, when Anna Louise Strong protests that the Korean woman’s vote could have no effect, the woman explains that if the candidate receives less than half of the voting pool, they are rejected and a new candidate selection process begins. Even though the Korean perspective is that a rejected candidate means a select failure of the DFRF mass meetings, candidate rejection in some cases does at the same time show that voting was not rigged in favor of what foreign opposition nations would denote as “party selected candidates.” That candidate rejection occurs much less often now only serves to demonstrate the increased effectiveness of the mass assemblies.

Very well, one might say, but we mustn’t forget that this account and subsequent ones took place prior to the Korean War. Isn’t it possible that a “shock” of that scale could transform the political process into something entirely different?

[-] robinn@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

you're not funny answer my damn question

submitted 2 years ago by robinn@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

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