[-] roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 9 hours ago

I honestly don't even think the people who came up with this are thinking about that. Like nifty said, these policies will create a brain drain that will be bad for the U.S. economy, including the assets of the rich.

This is just some christofacist shit. I don't think they gave a thought to anything else.

[-] roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 9 points 10 hours ago

Yeah that's some bullshit. I got tagged by a speed camera in the Netherlands, two months later I got the citation in California. They sent it to the registered owner, sixt, they forwarded it to me.

[-] roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Nominal is more than inflation so real is above 0.

Real just has to be above 0 for inflation adjusted wages to be going up.

I still call bullshit though without knowing where the increases are. All the increases could be in the top 10% with everyone else going down and only the average is above 0.

Edit: I was wrong, the growth is actually weighted toward the lower end.

[-] roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I'm just one person and my sample size is small. But judging by the number of right-leaning people I know that send me stuff from RT and other similar places, and the number of left leaning people who repeat dispiriting talking points I see in those pieces (They may never vote republican, but their enthusiasm is certainly being sapped.), I would say the percentage is quite high. That's just people being swayed like you asked, not necessarily convinced to vote or act a certain way.

Again, I'm just one person, but from what I see around me Russia and its allies are winning the propaganda war.

[-] roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 5 days ago

I want to know what this is, but I'm not sure how to Google it. Can you give me a couple keywords to include with the name?

[-] roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 6 days ago

Yeah yeah

How about for an encore you tell us how The Godfather is overrated and Sharknado 3 is actually a good film.

[-] roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I'm not balking at communicating what I think the line is, either by trying to define it or by listing some things on one side and some on the other, because it's hard, although it is. I'm not doing it for two main reasons, no one else should give a damn what my line is and I wouldn't want to list a book that I thought was shallow fun when someone else could have related to it in a profound way. I don't want to shit on someone else's experiences.

I think your being dishonest and pretentious when you say the line doesn't exist. Plenty of books I've read lately, and enjoyed enough I'm looking forward to the next things from those authors, are not in the same league as things I would consider art. This is true for all forms of art/media. Jerry Springer is not art like (insert what you think is the best expression of art on the small screen here). Battlefield Earth is not art like (insert whatever you think fits here). Are you seriously going to try and pull some smug insufferable "everything is art" bullshit here?

I never said there is anything wrong with a good translation even though it obviously can't be perfect and something is almost certainly lost. My French is never going to be good enough to read Camus, so I have to settle for a translation.

But that's not how this started. Before you started your "the line doesn't exist", "Shakespeare is overrated", "aren't I just so smart" auto-fellatio session, you defended butchering art with ai in the name of allowing ESL students to read it.

No one who wants anything more than an entertaining read should use this, ESL or otherwise. If you're going to read something with the hope that it's more than just entertainment, you should try to avoid any further opinions or analysis on it, avoid TV or movie adaptions, not read the Cliff's notes, and not use this fucking app. If you're going to use the app, use it for something you don't expect to get anything more than a bit of fun out of. And if you think you'll never have the necessary level of mastery, or just don't want to wait, find a good translation.

Using this app on anything you would consider art is indefensible. I have a hard time believing this is anything more than you being bored and feeling contrary.

[-] roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 6 days ago

Oops, sorry, I thought I was replying to someone else.

I apologize for coming in so hot. I really do think entertainment and art appreciation ideally go together and didn't need to be explicitly said. I'm not in the habit of choosing to do anything I don't think I could enjoy. Forcing something for intellectual enrichment has it's place for schoolchildren, or if you feel the need for it as an adult, but these days I don't have the bandwidth. Maybe in retirement when there is more time.

[-] roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 6 days ago

I'm not sure if I said something to offend you or if you just woke up this morning and decided to spend the day being a pedantic twat, but I'll pretend you're being genuine.

I thought being entertained by appreciating art would have gone without saying. But if you're such a sad sack you can't be entertained by art...well, I guess that goes a long way toward explaining your attitude.

[-] roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Ultimately, every individual reader I suppose. But don't be obtuse, when you pick up a book I think you know if it's just a fun read or if you're expecting it to be something more. Either due to a particular person's opinion, or the opinion of society in general.

If someone is reading something they would like to appreciate as art, as opposed to entertainment, I don't think it's out of bounds to suggest they might enjoy it more if they waited until they mastered the language enough to appreciate the prose.

[-] roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Simplified language for learners is great. But I would suggest to learners that they use this on books that are for entertainment and save real literature for after they have the proficiency to enjoy it as it was written.

Sure, they could always reread it unaltered later, but you only get to read something for the first time once.

[-] roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com 32 points 6 days ago

Yeah, this is fucking bullshit, but it's not like Cliff's notes haven't been a thing for a long time. This is just another way for someone being forced to read something to slack off. No one who actually wants to read the book would ever consider this.

submitted 3 months ago by roscoe@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I apologize in advance of this is too basic a question for this community.

I just learned about lexisnexis and went to their website to request my report, opt out of everything I could, and request my information be deleted.

Are there any other companies like this I should be aware of so I can make the same requests there?

If it matters, I'm in California and it's my understanding that I have a few more rights concerning this sort of thing than some others do.

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