that makes sense. regulations and such over radio waves
shouldn’t the arrow be pointing down?
ah that makes sense.
Ah so the stuff in between that has things like radio stations?
Is it due to cost? Does adding more frequencies increase the cost? (maybe that’s why WiFi 6E and 7 routers are so expensive)
Or is it because of compatibility? It would be more difficult to get everyone to agree on so many different wireless frequencies.
Or maybe it’s because of interference? Maybe adding things in between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz would make the network harder to read as things like 3Ghz, 4Ghz, etc. are too close to either 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz. But if that’s the case, how is 6Ghz okay?
Or maybe things in between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz ARE being used, but for different things that would break if WiFi started to use them, and if so, what are those things?
fluent reader is good!
ahh that makes sense
maybe it’s due to the inherent human“us vs them” mentality. the “us vs them” thing really causes a lot of problems :<
that makes sense. Honestly, I don't think it's really possible to get a perfectly fair system of democracy as everyone has different opinions, making it really difficult to make everyone happy. Nothing is perfect and humans are greedy, unfortunately
yeah, voting on the actual policies and laws rather than the people in charge might be more fair.
why is it called the “H2D” anyways? What does the H mean? What’s the D for? It can’t mean 3D, because the number before it is 2, not a 3.