Somehow it's always the romanians
The truth is that there's crazies everywhere. Even in the military
It's a fair point, but I guess we would recognise them, especially if carbon-based.
Think of another issue. We evolved in 6 million years. Assuming it takes 4 billion for the planet to form and organisms to form, that means there's 8 bln years where civ can start. What's the chance that they are at a similar tech level as us? Really small.
Do you stop to talk to an ant on a field trip?
Sad yank noises
"The first phone with AI built in."
LOL Google are dellirious
What about autocomplete? Face detection? Virtual assistants
This veto shit made sense when there were 6 countries, now it's getting stupid.
Switzerland was never in the EU
Adevarul e ca majoritatea sunt prosti. Voteaza acelasi partid, au aceleasi deprinderi, aceleasi obiective ca acu 30 de ani. Si nu se schimba nimic. Si no fac legatura intre cele 2. Baga clasicul "Asa e la noi". Nu coaie, asa e voi, care vreti schimbare fara sa va schimbati
Gmail has AI powered spam filters for years. Stupid title
LOL. It would be easier to just become the richest man in the world and buy politicians
Information is power. A simple smartphone loaded with major historical decisions, sports results is enough to make you a billionaire. Take some tech textbooks to stay ahead of the game, maybe some newly developed medicine.
Yeah...most of the O2 comes from plankton. People seem to freak out about a few trees being cut down, but are chill when it comes to rising ocean temps