I've known companies (usually smaller ones) that gave out genuine tasks or bugs they had during interviews.
I was talking about the title, not the 10th paragraph way down. Use your reading skills and tell me where the fuck "generative" is in the title.
No. Autocomplete is a feature. The model behind it can be gen AI and was for a number of years. IDGAF if it's not general purpose.
The point it you have no fucking clue what you're defending. LLMs and diffusion models have been in apps for months. You can say that General purpose LLMs embedded into mobile OS functions is novel, the rest of it is bullshit.
Write a matrix multiplication program in c. Then make it at least 10x faster from asm.
Visezi. Esti intr-o minoritate foarte mica daca vrei schimbare. Daca esti si inteligent, esti minoritate a minoritatii. Am votat, am protestat mereu, m-am implicat. Ca in final sa fiu injurat de concetatenii mei. Din partea mea poate arde tara, atat timp cat mie mi-e bine.
Eu aveam 18 cand am dat bacu, ce prostii vb. Nu ar fi ciudat sa se asigure statul ca ai capacitatea mentala sa beneficiezi de ceva. Si sofatul e un drept. Dar tre sa treci test de vedere, psihologic, teoretic, practic. Oricine poate beneficia de asta, dar unii nu pot.
Educatia e gratuita. Bacul e gratuit. Poti sa-l dai de 1000 de ori.
Vrajeli. Oameni needucati, unaware, neinformati sa militeze? Lol. Niciodata.
Restrictionezi votul la cei care iau bacul. E un barem super usor. Tre sa fii idiot complet sa nu iei bacul. Si demonstreaza ca nu ai capacitatea sa intelegi politici propuse.
Butter is fat. In any case, cheese sauces are made with pasta water and are part of the cooking process. You don't just melt cheese.
I misread OP. I was under the impression that you reset as a 21 yo
What's that? Profilactic?
You can just take back the experimental vaccine and save some people.
Alianta PSD AUR incoming
LOL cine ar fi prezis asta
Continuati cu hateul sclavilor