
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 18 hours ago

I miss those days, now it's the lower-back on step 4 that really scares me. Never get old.

[–] 17 points 5 days ago (3 children)

I find this amusing, had a conversation with an older relative who asked about AI because I am "the computer guy" he knows. Explained basically how I understand LLMs to operate, that they are pattern matching to guess what the next token should be based on a statistical probability. Explained that they sometimes hallucinate, or go of on wild tangents due to this and that they can be really good at aping and regurgitating things but there is no understanding simply respinning fragments to try to generate a response that pleases the asker.

He observed, "oh we are creating computer religions, just without the practical aspects of having to operate in the mundane world that have to exist before a real religion can get started. That's good, religions that have become untethered from day to day practical life have never caused problems for anyone."

Which I found scarily insightful.

[–] 17 points 1 week ago (3 children)

And the worst part is we, as a populace, will buy into the mining industry captured press and vote him in enthusiastically.

There's a large part of me that wonders how bad the world will have to get before people stop voting against their best interests, and a more cynical part that acknowledges that we probably won't.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I wonder which assets Rockliff, Ferguson and Barnett already have buyers lined up for?

Between this and DOGE lite it's fun that the Tasmanian populace will be paying for the stupidity of voting in the liberals for years if not decades. I can't wait to hear how we need to vote in the party of strong economic managers at the next state election from the entirely captured media.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I don't know all the ins and outs of her financial situation. But I do know it's been a point of contention. And she is not the first property owner I have talked to who has been pinged for not charging enough rent as far as a bank was concerned.

[–] 24 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Thousands of words of waffle to try to be apologists for those poor unfairly maligned property investors who were just doing their best when they took advantage of circumstances and taxation benefits to snap up the available supply of a limited resource.

Do they realise that enabling this class of people to do these things without the threat of social consequence is at least in part how this gets normalised.

Not only that but it skews society. My sister owns two properties thanks to an interstate move for work requiring her to spend more than a decade away from the first home unit she purchased. That first unit was on the rental market for a little under a year while my Mum saw out the lease at her rental she then moved into my sisters and is maintaining the unit as though it was her own. She pays the mortgage, pays for maintenance, rates etc. My sister calls the aggregate of these payments rent (I imagine she derives some tax benefits from this but I don't imagine it's super significant and she does pay for things like strata fees herself). Every time she talks to her bank she gets harassed about not deriving enough income from this property asset and that she won't be eligible for more money until she raises the "rent" my mother pays... By a lot. She is currently looking to sell the 2nd house she bought to put the money towards the next interstate purchase for the new requirements of her job and is being told the bank won't extend her a loan until the rent on the unit is increased to a "reasonable" amount.

Our system is broken, badly, and the only corrections I can see that would reintroduce equity will destroy the people who have invested into the property ponzi scheme. Find me a government who would bankrupt a large portion of the population, including themselves, for a better future. I'll arrange an airborne porcine squadron to replace the Roulettes for the next ANZAC day to celebrate.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Had a big thing written out, didn't like it when I read it back. So keeping it simple, I equivocated to try to deflect some of the potential rough replies from the cultists who have already drunk the Koolaid.

[–] 28 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Hmm, not meaning to get my conspiracy hat on here but do we think this could relate to the fact that Microsoft now has a quantum computing chip that they can hype to their investors to show they have the next big thing in the bag?

AI has served its purpose and is no longer strategically necessary?

Since they are only spending investors money it doesn't matter if they burn billions on leading the industry down the wrong path and now they can let it rot on the vine and rake in the next round of funding while the competition scrambles to catch up.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

My wife and I watched and loved this. Only problem is now she wants me to take up ANOTHER hobby.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I know a family, 4 voting adults, who won't vote Labor at any level because the father had a dispute with a Union when he was the 3IC of a medium sized business.

I mean I hear what he was saying, the union was protecting a bunch of workers who had hit the point in life where they felt the company should hold their current jobs open for the next 10-15 years (until they retired) and they refused to negotiate around upskilling to up to date technology and work practice's. The idea that a whole company should be stuck with 40 year old process on 50 year old hardware due to a small contingent of union employees is ridiculous.

But voting against your own interests at every state and federal election in the last 6 years and for the forseeable future as a response...

I had the "strong economic mangers" conversation with them about Gladys "Koala Killer" Berejiklian, "Oh she is doing a great job, you leave her alone... she's only ever done her best and she gets picked on all the time..."

[–] 19 points 1 month ago

Seems to me that Romania should just let everyone know that they are receptive to the idea but will need some funding towards the cost of improving the speed and efficiency of their court system.

Start the bidding at an even billion USD. Let Trump try to Art of the Deal™ that one past the american populace. Should be some interesting mental gymnastics to try to explain why he is valuing Tate at 500 million times higher than any rational person would.

I honestly feel like every country that has anything that Trump wants needs to start figuring out the most unreasonable price tags they can.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

You know I was thinking that rents have been climbing throughout the whole country. Maybe the government needs to take into account that Trump and his cronies are out there ratcheting up tensions internationally and posturing as bullies on a global stage, then apply a small rent increase on US bases on our soil. A lazy hundred billion or so for Pine Gap should cover a lot of trade shortfall and somewhat compensate for the extra risk we are shouldering. When Trump calls to posture about it tell him we will increase troops on the border to prevent fentanyl and crack down on the cartels, then offer him the same price and watch him Art of the Deal™ that into a negotiating victory for himself.


This is it, this "balanced reporting" and uninformed electorate is going to lead to Potato Head getting in.

We had a single election cycle of Labor and they didn't manage to completely fix our economy and all the Liberal fuckery of the previous 2 cycles, so we better give the liberals another chance to fuck us harder.

Every time I run into a Liberal voter I ask the same question "What one thing is most illustrative of them being strong on the economy?"

I have never been given a good answer.

PS not a huge Labor fan either but I know which side of the Overton window I prefer to be pushing on.

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