Yeah it really like it It just need a bit of polishing in the hairs and such
I really enjoyed Flow a lot more than I expected The soundtrack and plotting were evocative I just had a problem with the animation, the idea were great, the design was good, the animals all felt real, but it felt like it needed to be run through the renderer a couple more times Everything was bit flat and the lighting seemed a little off and it didn’t feel like that was the look they were going for, just that they didn’t have a big enough budget I’m looking forward to see what’s next from the production team though.
Puzzle #595
Fuck you Purple that was not cool.
I’m confused I thought he was saving it for President Musk to buy. Does this mean Musk couldn’t get the loans?
Maybe it’s a because I’m rewatching it right now but the first couple that jumped to my mind was Andy and April from Parks and Rec. Andy is very warm and bubbly and April is not. They’re a very fun couple but I’m not sure about breaking gender roles so much as just not really caring about them. The rest of the couples in P&R are pretty good friendship and passion combos from Ron and Diane’s practical seriousness to Leslie and Ben’s friendly romance. It’s the first place I heard the phrase that’s become my relationship touchstone “I love you, and I like you.”
“Shatner figured it out? Shatner? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.”
Honestly Iron Fist was just starting to get good when it was cancelled. The whole 1st season was a wasted opportunity but the 2nd season was totally on an upward trajectory.
Bawk! Bawk bawk! Bawk!
Fuck this is the way I learn there’s been a school shooting!
And yet Colombo does in fact have all his shit together just messily stacked in a pile.
The Greatest Era of gaming was when I was between 12 and 22. And this is true for everyone no matter what their age is now. Between 12 and 22 I had enough time and energy to game all night and still go to school and none of life’s problems were stopping me
Just ripped through The Recruit season one to be ready for season two Light and breezy spy drama which I got to say is fun and just serious enough to be worth watching Aside from that I decided to hit the wayback and watch the first season of Columbo Fuck the late 60 were a time! And Peter Faulk was a serious star from the start I’m really digging it As the first season was all ‘movie of the week’s it’s nice seeing a whole story in a tight 90 minutes that still feels full