[-] sin_free_for_00_days@sopuli.xyz 2 points 10 hours ago

OP is some weird anti-democracy troll or idiot. I'm not sure which, and I don't care to find out. Just posting for anyone who is too lazy to click on their profile. Blocking and moving on.

[-] sin_free_for_00_days@sopuli.xyz 5 points 11 hours ago

It might not be great, but it's something. As a life long fan since the Bjorg era, not being able to watch tournaments for years has been kind of deflating.

[-] sin_free_for_00_days@sopuli.xyz 1 points 12 hours ago

Done. Thanks for the head's up.

Ouch. That truth hit hard.

That's too bad. I was going to buy one, but I don't want to be associated with magats in any way or form. Other than living in the same country, for now.

cat *zip > big.zip && unzip big.zip You might be able to just throw it down a pipe cat *zip | unzip -, but I'm not sure about that.

This is just stupid. Why build where hurricanes keep hitting? Why build where floods happen? Why build where tornados happen? Why build where blizzards happen? Why build where happens?

[-] sin_free_for_00_days@sopuli.xyz 241 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

When I was a union rep there would be people that would bitch about the $70 bucks a month or whatever the dues were. I would explain that without the union their pay would be far, far less (not even bringing up the benefits of work hours, vacation days and whatnot). Like the "all taxes are theft" morons, the words often fell on deaf and willfully ignorant ears.


I can't seem to figure this out. I've been trying out different news aggregator sites to use as a home page. Right now I'm using skimfeed. I like it, but the links all have skimfeed baggage tacked on. Like this: https://skimfeed.com/r.php?q=1148&l=15649995&u=https%3A%2F%2Fxkcd.com%2F3006%2F

Well, the source looks like this:

<span class='boxtitles'><h2><a class='siteurls ts33' href='/news/xkcd.html'>XKCD</a> <a class='siteurls atat' href='http://xkcd.com' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>+</a></h2></span>

<ul><li class='nl1 bd33'><a href='r.php?q=1148&l=15649995&u=https%3A%2F%2Fxkcd.com%2F3006%2F' target='_blank' rel='nofollow' title='Demons'>Demons</a> </li><li class='nl2 bd75'><a href='r.php?q=1148&l=15642742&u=https%3A%2F%2Fxkcd.com%2F3005%2F' target='_blank' rel='nofollow' </li></ul></div>

Which, to be honest, is Greek to me. I'd like to rewrite the links so that they just look like https://xkcd.com/3006/ I don't really care what the link looks like, per se, the encoded bits. I just don't like the extra skimfeed stuff. Aesthetically.

Is there an extension or something that will help me with this? The couple I've looked at are either too complicated for my caveman brain, or site specific (i.e., remove google tracking). If I'm just being a little too retentive, feel free to let me know that too.


I don't know if anyone could use these, but I thought I'd share two commands I use sometimes while trying out different terminals. In my .bash_aliases file I have:

alias whatterm="ps -o 'cmd=' -p $(ps -o 'ppid=' -p $$)"


$  whatterm

and I have the following script saved in my local bin directory as testterm. I don't know how great of a test it is, but it shows the capabilities of different terminals and I like the pretty colors.


echo "# 24-bit (true-color)"
# based on: https://gist.github.com/XVilka/8346728
term_cols="$(tput cols || echo 80)"
cols=$(echo "2^((l($term_cols)/l(2))-1)" | bc -l 2> /dev/null)
rows=$(( cols / 2 ))
awk -v cols="$cols" -v rows="$rows" 'BEGIN{
    s="  ";
        for (row = 0; row<rows; row++) {
          for (col = 0; col<cols; col++) {
                    i = row+col;
                    r = 255-(i*255/m);
                    g = (i*510/m);
                    b = (i*255/m);
                    if (g>255) g = 510-g;
                                printf "\033[48;2;%d;%d;%dm", r,g,b;
                                          printf "\033[38;2;%d;%d;%dm", 255-r,255-g,255-b;
                                          printf "%s\033[0m", substr(s,(col+row)%2+1,1);
                                                    printf "\n";
                                                          printf "\n\n";

echo "# text decorations"
echo '\e[1mbold\e[22m'
echo '\e[2mdim\e[22m'
echo '\e[3mitalic\e[23m'
echo '\e[4munderline\e[24m'
echo '\e[4:1mthis is also underline\e[4:0m'
echo '\e[21mdouble underline\e[24m'
echo '\e[4:2mthis is also double underline\e[4:0m'
echo '\e[4:3mcurly underline\e[4:0m'
echo '\e[58;5;10;4mcolored underline\e[59;4:0m'
echo '\e[5mblink\e[25m'
echo '\e[7mreverse\e[27m'
echo '\e[8minvisible\e[28m <- invisible (but copy-pasteable)'
echo '\e[9mstrikethrough\e[29m'
echo '\e[53moverline\e[55m'

echo "# magic string (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode#Web)"
echo "é Δ Й ק م ๗ あ 叶 葉 말"

echo "# emojis"
echo "😃😱😵"

echo "# right-to-left ('w' symbol should be at right side)"
echo "שרה"

echo "# sixel graphics"
printf '\eP0;0;0q"1;1;64;64#0;2;0;0;0#1;2;100;100;100#1~{wo_!11?@FN^!34~^NB


submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by sin_free_for_00_days@sopuli.xyz to c/politics@beehaw.org

Report about the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post —

  • 26 Articles in the week following Smith's indictment of Trump for his attempted coup

  • 100 Articles — nearly 4 times as many — that mentioned Clinton’s server in the week after then-FBI Director James Comey’s notorious October 28, 2016, letter on new developments in that probe--

The US media has learned nothing and is doing a disservice to American voters.


The only one I've found is this one, but it doesn't work. It only triggers if I open the keyword interface and save it after every page load. I don't know enough to fix it.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by sin_free_for_00_days@sopuli.xyz to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Any advice for a regular smart 27 year old youngster, who has chronically underachieved and is motivated to turn their life around. They have a couple years of JC completed, and has no idea what path to take, or really what paths exist.

EDIT: OK, I see I gave slim pickins here. It's not me, it's my neighbor's kid. I've known his parents since before he was born. He's a super smart kid, but like a lot of smart kids, he got kind of jaded about...well, everything. I was visiting the other day and he asked me for advice, and my retired ass has nothing. Any relevant personal experience I may have, became dated years ago.

He's good at just about all subjects. His longest lifelong hobby has been video games. He took a few programming classes and liked it, but the thought of doing it full time as a career would quickly become torture.

He's kind of half-assed things and just realized he needs to get his shit straight. He was thinking something like finance, just numbers. Something solid that's just a career direction. He is going back to school, well most likely he is, but he needs an idea of what path to take. Most of his friends are unemployed/underemployed with computer degrees.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by sin_free_for_00_days@sopuli.xyz to c/worldnews@lemmy.world

Nobody seems to be talking about the continuing genocide of Rohingya in Myanmar nor India's heartless and illegal current actions.

“Refoulement is against international human rights law, regardless of if you’ve signed the refugee convention" - John Quinley III, director of international rights group

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by sin_free_for_00_days@sopuli.xyz to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

My ISP seems to be throttling my VPN connection. Just started a week or so ago. Anyone have any tips for correcting this shit?

Edit: Sorry, I didn't leave much info. I guess I was thinking in more general terms. I use PIA, have for years. I've tried to change protocols and ports, my VPN speed still sits around 10K. Just ridiculous. Speed test without VPN:

SOLVED!! OK, I'm an absolute idiot. The tl;dr I had accidentally toggled the Toggle Alt. Rate Limits setting. Thank you everyone for attempting to help that which couldn't be helped!


I read Kim's Mars trilogy years ago and liked it. I decided to pick up The Ministry of the Future a couple days ago. It's very different, and without any spoilers, I have to say it's made me hate humanity even more than I already did. If you haven't read it, it's a near-future climate disaster book. Well written, interesting structure, and just pissing me off. I'm about halfway through it, so maybe it'll swing the other way in the second half.


Well this looks more awful than I could have imagined. Incredibly shitty casting.


Nothing we all didn't know.


My mom has a hole in the ground that she puts her clothes drying hanger in. Like this. The hole in the ground is a 2" or so pipe, set in concrete. The pipe has filled with gravel. Anyone have a tip on getting the rocks out? I can only get so many out using my fingers and then trying to use a set of chopsticks.

[-] sin_free_for_00_days@sopuli.xyz 219 points 1 year ago

The US doesn't deserve John Oliver. Thank you GB!

[-] sin_free_for_00_days@sopuli.xyz 221 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Biden literally just cancelled oil and gas leases less than a week ago. I agree he hasn't done enough, but there is some validity to the old statement that perfection is often the enemy of good.

[-] sin_free_for_00_days@sopuli.xyz 193 points 1 year ago

Same, it's so weird seeing normal TV or using the internet without blockers. Feels like living in Idiocracy.

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