
joined 2 years ago

It's the only browser I have installed besides Safari, and my default browser but instead of just opening the link with my default browser, it advertises these other browsers to me and makes me click 'Default browser app' by default. wtf I'll be turning that off, should have never been a feature.

[–] sixfold 12 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (3 children)

Exactly. it was bottled at atmospheric pressure while it was boiling, so 1 atm and 100 degrees C. Check this graph to see the relationship between the water's temperature and it's pressure in the jar (since there is no air, only water vapor). If the vapor is condensed, then the pressure drops below the curve on the graph, that is, the pressure in the jar is lowered below the vapor pressure of the water. Any time the pressure is below the vapor pressure, the water will boil, releasing vapor, until the pressure is equal to the vapor pressure. The pressure does not become negative, it is still positive, just lower than the vapor pressure at the given temperature. You can get below the vapor pressure curve by changing the temperature too, which is what we usually do when boiling water at a pressure near 1 atm (760mmHg)

(1 atmosphere is ~760mmHg)

a slight aside, there is an important difference between the total pressure of the air, and the partial pressure of water vapor in the air. Inside the jar, the two are equal, but in a dry location (not humid) the partial pressure of water vapor is usually less than the vapor pressure of water at that temperature, but since the total large pressure of the atmosphere would not allow a pocket/bubble of very low pressure water vapor to form inside the bulk water, the water cannot boil, but it will evaporate at the surface anyway until the partial pressure of water is equal to the vapor pressure (very humid).


This is a jar full of only water (liquid and vapor). It boils at any temperature when you apply something cold enough to the top, like ice.

cross-posted from:

I put water in a jar and sealed it while it was boiling, and now it boils at any temperature. Super fun demo to try.


I put water in a jar and sealed it while it was boiling, and now it boils at any temperature. Super fun demo to try.

[–] sixfold 2 points 2 years ago

I decided to translate the worksheet into GLSL code on shadertoy. It was really cool to see the gradients and sub-coordinate systems represented by the intermediate variables in the calculation. Smoke and mirrors. Maybe you might have some insight into some of the calculations.

[–] sixfold 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)
[–] sixfold 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

I was thinking of doing three separate GOL simulations, one on each RGB channel, and letting the colors mix that way into like 6 colors. right now, I clamp the pixel brightness values to 0 or 1, so that's why it's black/white, or rather black/green.

[–] sixfold 1 points 2 years ago

2nd on the keep notes suggestion. I work on lots of unrelated projects, and each time I end up learning a bunch of new command line utilities, so I try to leave behind a text file describing some of the most useful commands I'd discovered that day. Usually helps me come back to a project and not be back at square one every time.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by sixfold to c/

I've been playing with shadertoy a bit, and here is a lil demo. It's probably not the best way to do it, code suggestions welcome.

Here's most of the code for reference:

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
    // fetch neighbor values from last frame, loop back onto screen if off screen
    mat3 n;
    n[0][0] = texelFetch(iChannel0, ivec2(mod(vec2(fragCoord) + vec2(-1., -1.), iResolution.xy)), 0).g;
    n[1][0] = texelFetch(iChannel0, ivec2(mod(vec2(fragCoord) + vec2(0., -1.), iResolution.xy)), 0).g;
    n[2][0] = texelFetch(iChannel0, ivec2(mod(vec2(fragCoord) + vec2(1., -1.), iResolution.xy)), 0).g;
    n[0][1] = texelFetch(iChannel0, ivec2(mod(vec2(fragCoord) + vec2(-1., 0.), iResolution.xy)), 0).g;
    n[1][1] = texelFetch(iChannel0, ivec2(mod(vec2(fragCoord) + vec2(0., 0.), iResolution.xy)), 0).g;
    n[2][1] = texelFetch(iChannel0, ivec2(mod(vec2(fragCoord) + vec2(1., 0.), iResolution.xy)), 0).g;
    n[0][2] = texelFetch(iChannel0, ivec2(mod(vec2(fragCoord) + vec2(-1., 1.), iResolution.xy)), 0).g;
    n[1][2] = texelFetch(iChannel0, ivec2(mod(vec2(fragCoord) + vec2(0., 1.), iResolution.xy)), 0).g;
    n[2][2] = texelFetch(iChannel0, ivec2(mod(vec2(fragCoord) + vec2(1., 1.), iResolution.xy)), 0).g;
    // sum of neighbors
    float sum = n[0][0] + n[1][0] + n[2][0] +
                n[0][1] +           n[2][1] +
                n[0][2] + n[1][2] + n[2][2];
    if(n[1][1] == 0.) {
        if(sum == 3.) {
            // if dead and has 3 neighbors, come alive
            fragColor = vec4(0., 1., 0., 1.);
        } else {
            // otherwise stay dead
            fragColor = vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.);
    } else {
        if(sum == 2. || sum == 3.) {
            // if alive and has 2 or 3 neighbors, stay alive
            fragColor = vec4(0., 1., 0., 1.);
        } else {
            // otherwise, die
            fragColor = vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.);
[–] sixfold 1 points 2 years ago

I thought there was something slightly peculiar about the narration.

The Human Shader (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by sixfold to c/

A GLSL shader computed painstakingly by hand by almost 2000 people

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by sixfold to c/

A very good introduction to shader programming, goes through all the basics and offers lots of tools to help get you started. Get out there a program a shader.


Now a set of useful mutations are implemented, and balanced so that the number of nodes or edges doesn't explode.

The mutations I've implemented (node are genes are nodes):

add random gene
delete node
delete group of nodes (range of indexes)
split edge    create new node in place of an edge (insertNode)
flip edge
duplicate node
duplicated group of nodes (range of indexes)
change node index (regrouping/separating functional groups)
change group of nodes index (transposable elements)
create random edge
delete random existing edge
scale existing edge weight
negate weight
redirect existing edge to random node
scale parameter (k1, b, k2)
negate bias

This is the next installment from the Gene Regulatory Network saga.



Reconstruction of auditory stimulus from intracranial electroencephalograms.

Cool diagram from the paper:

Here's a write up of it also, with the audio easy to listen to.

sourced from


Some very strange ways some people have apparently died.

Some of my favorites:

11 September 1063: Béla I of Hungary, when the Holy Roman Empire decided to launch a military expedition against Hungary to restore young Solomon to the throne, was seriously injured when "his throne broke beneath him" in his manor at Dömös.[68] The king—who was "half-dead", according to the Illuminated Chronicle—was taken to the western borders of his kingdom, where he died at the creek Kanizsa on 11 September 1063.[69][70]

9 March 2001: Bernd Jürgen Brandes was voluntarily slaughtered and eaten by Armin Meiwes, following an appointment via internet. At his request, Meiwes first amputated his penis and they unsuccessfully tried to eat it. Meiwes taped the entire amputation and killing, and conserved and ate Brandes' meat. Meiwes was eventually arrested and sentenced to life in prison. Meiwes became a vegetarian during his prison sentence.

[–] sixfold 12 points 2 years ago (2 children)
[–] sixfold 1 points 2 years ago

Actually, this is more than just interesting. This is unsettling.


Yandex software source code leak examined, and some history about the companies relationship to the Russian government. An interesting look at what goes on under the hood of a big data advertising business like Google.

cross-posted from:

cross-posted from:

I feel it's relevant, because of it confirming the possibility of "big tech" spying and cooperating with 3-letter agencies.

[–] sixfold 5 points 2 years ago

It's beautiful!

[–] sixfold 10 points 2 years ago

I hear you, but genetic change at the level of these diseases and traits can take on the order of hundreds of thousands of years or more to accumulate into meaningful trends. Social society is a part of that process, in the way it might be for other social animals. If social dynamics tend to result in communities harboring vulnerable individuals, then there is probably some selective advantage to that behavior, not the other way around.

[–] sixfold 20 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

This is a common misconception. These traits are not likely due to modern medicine (which is very, very new compared to the scale of human evolution). The environment plays a big role, but there is always a distribution of traits in a normal population, some good, some bad. Not to mention that what we might be self-selecting for must change very rapidly as civilizations rise and fall, preferences shift like the winds, and ethics rapidly evolve. I think this misconception can be dangerous, because of what you mentioned. Eugenics.

[–] sixfold 7 points 2 years ago (1 children)

It's very difficult and dangerous to be near an MRI 'shutting down'. Assuming what you mean is turning of the magnet. The magnet is always on, its a coil of superconducting wire submerged in liquid helium with a very large permanent current flowing around it. In order to turn off the magnet quickly, the electric current must be quenched, which can happen if the coil every stops being a super conductor. The current starts heating the coil, causing the liquid helium to boil off, which doesn't cool the coils as efficiently, and causes a rapid run-away effect where huge volumes of helium explode out of the machine, displacing all the breathable air in the room and blasting all the doors off their hinges, maybe even breaking windows. There's a lot of energy stored in the coil. It's not easy to turn it off.

Look up videos of MRI quenching

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