I don't think this is possible without alt codes on standard Windows configurations. MacOS has shortcuts for them and Linux has them too (if you have compose enabled, which is disabled by default).

Works on phones through the special character input. Sometimes. Depends on your language, location, and keyboard of choice.

Seems rather unnecessary and pedantic to tell others to use it, though. This is a forum, not a thesis.

I see. In that case, I don't really have any good advice to give you, good luck with your endeavours!

I don't really know what people are doing to enrich their vocabulary and fluff up their language to be honest; my vocabulary and writing all stem from high school. However, my experience is that in order to write well, you need to read a lot. Learn what works for others, consider why it may not work for you, and pick up the good bits. If all else fails, open a dictionary, pick a word every day, and try to use it in a sentence before going to bed, just so you learn more synonyms and specific terms.

I'm pretty sure that when it comes to job applications, most people are probably using AI these days. Unless you think you can beat AI, it doesn't hurt to let the some kind of AI go over your text and steal some or the good bits.

That screenshot again proves that this person is extremely cringe, presumably a troll, but there's still no threat. At worst that's racism against Americans. Should obviously be removed by moderators from any normal online service that wants to encourage pleasant conversation, but that's not necessarily illegal.

As for the PDF, that's not a legal definition by any kind, it's a quick explainer for a law that only applies to hosting providers receiving complaints from European authorities. So yes, if the Belgian police sent a takedown notice regarding terroristic content then it does apply.

However, that regulation is mere instruction to EU states to draft compliant laws. It's not actionable legislation in itself (similar to the GDPR).

The full text of the Regulation does include this instruction for EU countries, which I haven't seen before:

In order to provide clarity about the actions that both hosting service providers and competent authorities are to take to address the dissemination of terrorist content online, this Regulation should establish a definition of ‘terrorist content’ for preventative purposes, consistent with the definitions of relevant offences under Directive (EU) 2017/541 of the European Parliament and of the Council (6). Given the need to address the most harmful terrorist propaganda online, that definition should cover material that incites or solicits someone to commit, or to contribute to the commission of, terrorist offences, solicits someone to participate in activities of a terrorist group, or glorifies terrorist activities including by disseminating material depicting a terrorist attack. The definition should also include material that provides instruction on the making or use of explosives, firearms or other weapons or noxious or hazardous substances, as well as chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) substances, or on other specific methods or techniques, including the selection of targets, for the purpose of committing or contributing to the commission of terrorist offences. Such material includes text, images, sound recordings and videos, as well as live transmissions of terrorist offences, that cause a danger of further such offences being committed. When assessing whether material constitutes terrorist content within the meaning of this Regulation, competent authorities and hosting service providers should take into account factors such as the nature and wording of statements, the context in which the statements were made and their potential to lead to harmful consequences in respect of the security and safety of persons. The fact that the material was produced by, is attributable to or is disseminated on behalf of a person, group or entity included in the Union list of persons, groups and entities involved in terrorist acts and subject to restrictive measures should constitute an important factor in the assessment.

However, the Regulation also refers to human rights such as freedom of expression. One can be of the opinion that it's better for the USA to stop existing without any plans or support for actual genocide. Someone expressing hate for your country isn't immediately a terrorist.

While that works pretty well, I find it strange how little people use the ability to tap an NFC tag to instantly connect. Getting the camera pointed at a code only takes a second but tapping a sticker is even quicker.

I guess most people don't know about that feature.

Can we have a setting to show phone calls as more than a weird notification? I've missed calls because my phone was on silent and I thought I was just getting a message.

Light warmth is something the manufacturer controls. There's nothing (except for maybe regulation somewhere) preventing manufacturers from adding high-CRI LEDs calibrated to warm white to cars. The price difference isn't that high compared to the price if a car. The harsh, blue light is a choice.

And while there is a difference between LEDs and halogens, it's not that big of an issue. Especially with competent diffusers over the LEDs.

LEDs are brighter at the same voltage and amperage, but not necessarily blinding. What's blinding is the idiotic height at which headlights are mounted today, misconfigured headlights (you're supposed to adjust them as you add more load to your car so they're angled right, which many people don't seem to know), and above all, people who don't know what they're doing replacing light bulbs with LEDs without the necessary load in series.

If anything, LEDs having MUCH better lifespans than bulbs is saving people.

I remember an interview with Wil Wheaton (who had a somewhat difficult life while recording TNG) in which he said he would sometimes seek out the exact right corner of the set where you couldn't see the outside world anymore and pretending to be on the enterprise to escape.

uBO effectively blocks every ad that can be blocked. Youtube has started to insert the ads directly into the video stream and that's not practically blockable.

Combining multiple ad blockers can interfere with ad blocking, though. Try creating a new, temporary profile with default settings and no addons, installing uBO, and see if it's still broken.

[-] skullgiver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl 16 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

This was much less of an issue back when you couldn't open a bank account in someone's name from halfway across the world. Phishing and identity theft were impossible to pull off until companies started trusting phone services and later the internet. You needed to show up in person with a realistic fake ID to do anything malicious. What else would you do? Spend (converted into modern currency) 25 bucks a minute on an international call to scam someone?

Now that nobody meets face to face for stuff like cashing a cheque or even ordering a large quantity of groceries anymore, the few bits of personal information we can use to prove our identity are the only things protecting us.

[-] skullgiver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl 27 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Because you're not paying extra for those problems to get fixed. And no, when you receive millions of forms per day, not every piece of feedback makes it back to someone to actually fix the issue. Especially when half those issues are "when I don't have internet I don't receive new emails".

Software, like hardware, is a balance between supply and demand. People would rather pay less for a phone crammed full of ads than pay for a service. Just look at YouTube for that one.

Also, those clunky interfaces are there for a reason. Maybe the interface element that's a lot better doesn't work in right to left languages. Maybe the information overload of too many buttons and labels made the old interface impossible to extend. Maybe the prettier solution doesn't work with screen readers or with the font size and colour cranked up for people with low vision. Maybe the feature redesign worked great but SomeCorp Tweaker Software will bluescreen the machine when it finds the word "checkbox" in a settings page for your mouse. Maybe the design team had a great idea but the feature needs to ship next week so whatever needs to happen to make that works happens, and the five other features planned for the month already eat up the rest of the dev team's time anyway.

But most of the time, things are suboptimal because there are seven teams of people working on features on the same screen/system/application and they need to make do.

If you have serious issues with some software, many companies will let you partner with them. In exchange for hundreds of thousands or millions, you can directly get support for your use cases, your workflow, and the stuff you need to get done, over the billions of other people that also need to use the software. And sometimes, that means your super duper expensive preference/feature/demand means someone else's workflow is entirely broken.

If you know what you want, there is a way out: going the way of open source and self hosted. Within a few years, you too will grow resentful of dozens of systems made by different people all interpreting standards differently and not working together. You have the power to fix each and every feature, bug, problem, and design flaw, but none of the time or the detailed knowledge. You don't have the money to pay experts, and even if you did, what they do may not entirely suit you either. Trying to fix everything will drive you absolutely mad. And that's why companies and people often don't try for perfection.

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