What's the point of having a delete account feature if you can log back into it immediately?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by soulifix@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I'm going to come to the conclusion that people are simply uneducated. Simply based on the responses I've already gotten.

Let me prop up a very common thing that people love to absolute hate - rich companies. Particularly, Wal-Mart. They say everything and anything to bash the company. While some of the things said is valid, like running small businesses out and maybe corporate doesn't have all of the answers and the Waltons are particularly greedy.

Yet when I decided to google Wal-Mart's operating expenses, we're talking hefty amounts to run all of the stores it has, plus it's operations overseas. It's still a lot and I felt a ting in the back of my mind that maybe there is a bit of a reasoning for why a company as big as Wal-Mart has to do things like cut down expenses or lower wages a little.

And people simply don't understand how that part of business works. They're not in the shoes of the people operating a big company and they don't understand how much and what it takes to run a giant franchise. They think it's as easy as being sat in a position and all of the money the company is withholding is all in some giant vault, that'd be withholding billions that they can distribute or something.

So is all of the hate that something like this gets a little exaggerated because people don't understand or is it justified?


I sometimes do and I did just a few minutes ago as I'm typing this. I decided 5 out of 7, whether or not I was going to go to a chinese buffet today. The coin decided 5-3, that I will. Then I wanted the coin to decide if I'm going thrifting today and with a landslide of 0-5, it didn't want me to.

And do you stick to those choices?

[-] soulifix@lemmy.world 87 points 1 year ago

If we're perfectly honest - No.

Reddit has over 53 some odd million users. Million with an M. Lemmy has gained, at most, upwards of just thousands. To call it a 'mass exodus' is really overselling it.

It's going to take a fairly long time, for Lemmy to even scratch 100k even. I'm on both Reddit and Lemmy. Lemmy, for a more positive experience. Reddit, because the numbers are just there.

[-] soulifix@lemmy.world 24 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Okay, so let's go down the list. Musk has bought Twitter so he could:

  • Suspend the user that was tracking his plane
  • "Own the libs", I mean, he's definitely a republicunt
  • Run out all of the news outlets he deemed not trustworthy
  • Unban the orange monkey
  • Now rebrand Twitter as a letter because he couldn't let go of an era that was far, far better off without his existence
[-] soulifix@lemmy.world 22 points 1 year ago

The Matrix Revolutions.

Released in the same year as Reloaded, which I don't think a movie series of that caliber has been done in a long time or since. But we got two Matrix sequels in one year. Reloaded has gotten a little more accepted as time went on but people are still divided on Revolutions. I quite frankly, thought the mainline series couldn't have ended on more of a note than it did. A lot of the content has gone over everyone's heads, even at the time, because it was all techy-techy stuff and had biblical themes in it as well. But if you look at the entire Matrix series as you would TRON, it makes a little more sense.


Yes, this had to be made because already I am a little disgruntled about how the main unpopularopinion community is ran and what content I've found on there. So I wanted to make a true version, the 'true' part being, that it's sought for more thoughtful opinions that are beyond 2 lines and actually are more fleshed out we'll say.

It is not meant to be a platform where bigots, racists, sexists can finally get their rocks off by being who they are. That's what plagued the TrueUnpopularOpinion over in Reddit, it is infested with alt-right people pretending to be sophisticated and their mods are pushovers. I'm not aiming for this community to be that.


submitted 1 year ago by soulifix@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world
[-] soulifix@lemmy.world 20 points 1 year ago

Everyone's 'okay' with it until it's $5 more. Then another $5. Then another $5.

This is what's happening with all of these streaming services. They're all doing the gradual boiling water trick. They know if they turned the dial all the way to hot to make the water boiling, metaphorically speaking, that nobody in their right mind would want to jump in. But if they just turn the dial slowly, let the temperature build up by hiking these prices bit by bit, it wouldn't cause that much of a stir and people will be complacent with it.

[-] soulifix@lemmy.world 20 points 1 year ago

God, Retire already! You're not in the 80s anymore!

At least some bands from the 80s realized this, which is why they've spent some of their albums on experiencing new sound. Iron Maiden has done it, which is why they're still awesome, they aren't relying on their old reigns because they're a talented band that can evolve.

Motley Crue, can't do that. They're a one-era trick playing pony.


I expect this to happen but debating on having one today, but Papa John's is having a limited thing on the menu that has lasted for two months now. It's the doritos papadias and I've already had one. It was good except for the person making it didn't put enough ranch spices on it, it was mostly on the crust parts which defeats the purpose of the whole papadia.

Anyways, it's set to end tomorrow and the advert had said it would be available on menus through 23rd, implying it'll be available through the day until the 24th.

But I expect it to be removed as soon as even today because some locations are assholes like that. Where they'd remove limited time things way before it's even over. So that when you get there, you're confronted with the speech that it's not available anymore because of them prematurely removing it.

Some places are cool to even allow limited time items even go beyond a little of the date.

[-] soulifix@lemmy.world 27 points 1 year ago

I feel like with Lemmy, it's harkening back to a period of the internet where you can approach it and put it down for later. It's not yet constructed in a way like all of the other social media platforms, that want to keep you invested, even if you know what to expect. Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Twitter .etc all remind me of the days in the old internet, where you had web portals. These web portals were from MSN, Yahoo and AOL primarily.

They all had things there, to keep you attracted to them. They had their search engines, they had games, they had news, they had weather and many more things. All to keep you in one place and to keep you from venturing out to other places unless you used their search engines before Google became the juggernaut of that.

Social Media today, is designed now, to be like them. Except it's worse because they've got algorithms in place that they extract the data from, i.e you, to pitch to you things that you may be particularly interested in just to keep you invested.

For all of the numbers those social media platforms have, they sure do say a lot of nothing.

[-] soulifix@lemmy.world 61 points 1 year ago

This is what sickens me about America.

This country knows full well, what the right solutions are. We prop them on it's table every damn day. What does America do? Always going the opposite direction.

We worried about AI taking over jobs. It's happened and continues to happen, so we propped up UBI. America? "Naw, nah...no, you don't need that! Here, little Jack over there? Your boy right? Why, he's got too much time on his hands and plays too much video games. Now he needs to have a job. You'll let him get a job, won't you? If we lighten child labor laws some."

Fucking sickening, this country.


One of the biggest overlooks when it comes to cooking dinners or any involved meal with multiple ingredients is accounting for the calories each ingredient will take. Let's say you're cooking pasta and you want to include the sauce, some seasonings, some things to mix with the pasta .etc

You're done but you won't know what each bowl of that finished pasta will be like per serving. That's why you have to take into account, all of the calories of the ingredients. That tablespoon of vegetable oil you use, that's 100 calories. The sauce you're gonna use, that's probably another 100. The pasta, 140 probably. It doesn't work as if the calories are going to vanish by the time you're finished cooking said meal. Each bowl you could have, could amount to over 500 at most, but you may not know it and it's easy to overlook.

That's why also, it looks like people pack on weight so easily when they're down to just dinner meals to eat. They pile up fast.

[-] soulifix@lemmy.world 21 points 1 year ago

I haven't because Netflix hasn't given me a good solid reason to return to them.

I wouldn't exactly say everyone is too tired to fight this stuff. Because, a bubble has yet to burst somewhere if it hasn't already. Netflix just fails to see the bigger picture of this problem and once that bubble bursts, the bubble of financial strains on society, they'll feel it tenfold.


Lemmy allows you to edit titles in your posts. Reddit doesn't, for some obscure reason, allow this.

Lemmy's community or communities rather, don't yet feel like anything is as bad as what you'd expect from Reddit. You may know what I'm talking about but as a reminder, I'm talking about posts that don't quite seem as open minded. I call them small-talk, no-where kind of posts. The kind of posts that equals to a 4 line conversation with anyone in person, on the phone or even online. Never makes it past 'how are you' stages.

The nature of the beast though has yet to take effect because it's not strictly a Reddit thing, it's more of an internet thing, overall. I presume once Lemmy does reach triple digits in the thousands, we could expect to see some behavior that we don't like seeing. However...

Lemmy has a registration that can't be as abused as Reddit's is. I call Reddit's registration system, a machine gun for alts. Because of how stupid easy it is, to make an account. If you wanted to, you can stockpile a 100 Reddit accounts on just one e-mail while ignoring verification. And there isn't anything on Reddit that stops you from this either, just fill a few throwaway forms and boom, you're back on. Go to AskReddit, make a few empty comments, gain some karma or just bide your time a little until you resume your trolling antics again.

Easy to navigate, a nice little list of communities to hop to.

An engaging community, nothing feels too bait-y, things feel fairly contained. I don't feel as much as I did with reddit where anything I said that wasn't looking to instigate an argument, will be antagonized in any way. Reddit has a very spiteful hivemind as I'm sure we've all felt it by the DdoS attacks which is something Reddit users have been known to do in the past.

We need more places like Lemmy.


And that could very well mean that you won't ever get another shot with them again for quite a long time. So let's say there is someone you're crushing on and you've been hesitant on asking them out or feeling for them to work on something. But nothing comes of it for reasons.

Now, that person eventually goes off and gets swept away from another person. That's not just time you have to wait until they're let go from that. But, what if they're ruined from that relationship and swear to not date again? That hurts more than losing them in the first place and it's an unimaginable feeling. Bad enough that you've whiffed on any opportunity you could've had with that crush, yet now, you may never get a chance again.

So the next time you absolutely feel for someone and you'd like to have them. Take a chance and try. You may never know when you could be in this situation.


Quite a shame really, but not surprised. The moderators there are such a pushover, that they've catered to the Karens and the Kyles, where there are now posts that you know are from customers who don't care of employees. Just karma farming with their cheap pictures.

But oh, I've tried suggesting the moderators to make the subreddit private or find some way to verify as to whether or not someone actually works at Wal-Mart, but that went on deaf ears.

And god forbid some of us that complain about our jobs, are met with scrutiny and downvoted to oblivion because we went to a subreddit that's supposed to be FOR the employees and not the customers.

It deserves to die.

[-] soulifix@lemmy.world 30 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm open for a Somebody not Biden, Somebody not Trump, Somebody not Republican, Somebody not from a crazy batshit philosophy with rabid tyrants behind and Somebody who is competent to be on the ballot.

Can we get that someone, please?


My pick would be, dealing with the 'wild west' atmosphere. That being, before cyber bullying laws existed, you had bunches of people getting off scot-free with telling you to off yourself or call you a list of derogatory terms.

[-] soulifix@lemmy.world 67 points 1 year ago

Everyone should pile the blame on the GOP and current SCOTUS. The only ones not blaming are the ones obviously loving the idea of watching this country go to shit aka their voterbase.

[-] soulifix@lemmy.world 105 points 1 year ago

We're living in very interesting times indeed.

So we have one billionaire over in Meta, who's been making it very known how predatory in practice he is with getting your data and they fundamentally shatter the functionality of all of their platforms.

Then, we have this billionaire here who under a year, has made a total catastrophe of what was once a thriving platform once worth billions of it's own until he came and acquired it.

And then we have this not-a-billionaire who, is inspired by the self-destruction of the other platforms that they too, must follow suit, in hopes of aspiring success.

I wonder what book they're all reading from in the ways of business, that says if you suck harder, they'll mean a net positive.

[-] soulifix@lemmy.world 26 points 1 year ago

Guys! Guys! Don't you get it? He's "Winning"! /s

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