[-] souperk@reddthat.com 6 points 22 hours ago

I watched The last of us, and caught with the 4th season of The Boys. Highly recommend both of them

[-] souperk@reddthat.com 7 points 22 hours ago

Kinda facing the same issue, how did you reduce your screen time? Any tips are appreciated πŸ™

[-] souperk@reddthat.com 1 points 1 day ago

If you really want to make a difference, get involved in an organization instead of fantasizing about being some lone wolf that takes down an individual to magically solve systemic problems.

The whole point of the movie is the mobilaziation of the people. The mask is just a symbol.

Also, as I said, I am not American. I am active in my country, but I have no reason to get involved in American politics (aside from stupid posts on social media πŸ˜…).


Not an American, but I just noticed that the election day is on the 5th of November. Given the similarities between Trump and the chancellor, it seems like a good opportunity to remind people what is coming if they vote for Trump.

For those who haven't watched V for Vendetta, do it, the reference will make sense.

Remember, remember, the 5th of November,

Gunpowder, treason and plot.

I see no reason

Why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot.

[-] souperk@reddthat.com 13 points 1 day ago

They also scare the crap out of my dog, and cause a lot of accidents. Though, they can be beautiful...

[-] souperk@reddthat.com 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Lemmy's user base is pretty interesting, you will find interesting discussions in pretty much most communities. However, if don't find something interesting, don't be afraid to start a discussion on your own. Coming from Reddit I used to be afraid of the harassment, but Lemmy is a safer space ❀️

Some general pointers:

  1. Beehaw is a good place to look for interesting discussions
  2. If you find an interesting comment, take a look at the author's profile, chance is they have more interesting stuff for you to find
  3. Filter by subscribed and hot/active
  4. Look for opinion articles

Is this what autism feels like?

Sometimes yes, a lot of us feel isolated, struggle with socialization and connecting with others. Othen it helps to find other ND people, they are just as interested in whatever niche topic you are thinking about.

PS Yesterday, I started a post on AskLemmy after pondering about how technology and science is changing at a faster pace than people (mostly professionals) can adapt.

[-] souperk@reddthat.com 2 points 4 days ago

Yes, I always review the code, just avoid nitpicking the hell out of it.

[-] souperk@reddthat.com 3 points 4 days ago

Not really, we are a small team and we generally trust each other. Sure there are things that could have been better, but it's not bad either.

[-] souperk@reddthat.com 3 points 4 days ago

But they are sooo adorable 😍

[-] souperk@reddthat.com 2 points 4 days ago

Sounds fun, mind sharing your field?

[-] souperk@reddthat.com 6 points 4 days ago

Judging on other replies, it seems there are alot of people in IT/software development field that are burnt out by how fast everything is changing. That's people that understand it, are making an honest effort, but still it's too much.

Tbh, it makes me dread for my future...

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by souperk@reddthat.com to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

As a software engineer I have adapted to the world turning upside down every couple of years and having to learn new concepts and technologies. However, I have been noticing other fields struggling to adapt as things change in a faster scale.

For example, some researchers have pointed out that the number of papers about ADHD increases exponentially every year. However, most mental health professionals, at least in my area, seem to be severily outdated, often using information that has been debunked within the last 10-20 years.

So, I was wondering if other fields are affected and how they are adapting?

Edit: Bonus question, assuming a 40hr week (a luxury for most), how much time out those 40hrs would you need to spend on education?

[-] souperk@reddthat.com 97 points 4 days ago

I am definitely guilt for that, but I find this approach really productive. We use small bug fixes as an opportunity to improve the code quality. Bigger PRs often introduce new features and take a lot of time, you know the other person is tired and needs to move on, so we focus on the bigger picture, requesting changes only if there is a bug or an important structural issue.

[-] souperk@reddthat.com 4 points 4 days ago

That sounds a bit misleading, the server implementation is FOSS too, at any time someone could setup their own instance.

submitted 1 month ago by souperk@reddthat.com to c/autism@lemmy.world

I am reading "Unmasking Autism" by Devon Price and the introduction has an exercise that requires you to come up with 5 moments in your life where you felt fully alive. I have spent the better part of yesterday trying to remember such moments, but I am not even sure what it means... I was hoping the community here can provide some insights, either by sharing their moments or their definition of being "fully alive".

Full text of the exercise for anyone interested:

Instructions: Think of five moments in your life when you felt like you were FULLY ALIVE. Try to find moments from throughout your life (childhood, adolescence, adulthood; school, work, vacation, hobbies).

Some of the moments might leave you with a sense of awe and wonderβ€”β€œwow, if all of life was like that, life would be amazing!” Some of the moments might leave you feeling deeply recharged and ready to face the next challenge, or satisfied and fulfilled.

Write down each of these moments. Tell the story of each moment in as much detail as possible. Try to think specifically about why the moment stuck with you sodramatically.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by souperk@reddthat.com to c/community@reddthat.com

For the past 3 days I have trouble logging in reddthat using jerboa. I am able to log in to other accounts, including LW. Also, I am able to log in reddthat with the web app and Eternity. When I log in, I get a message Illegal input field, public_key is required (the full message is not visible).

I am using a password manager so I am sure I am using the correct credentials. I have reinstalled jerboa and deleted all data.

Anything I can try? Anyone else facing the same issue?

Edit: I have tried every version from 0.60 to 0.65, some of them I have used successfully in the past.


Hi, are there any reddthat members submitting to the #Fedivision2024 contest?

If you are planning on making a submission, let us know. I would be happy to support members of our community!

submitted 4 months ago by souperk@reddthat.com to c/adhd@lemmy.world

When reading about the shortage, they always write about Europe or America. This got me wondering, is there an issue in Asia? if not could we order from there?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by souperk@reddthat.com to c/foss@beehaw.org

I am developing a platform, the details don't matter, but it's a system the hosts personal data. As a result, I want to avoid hosting users in any way, and I am trying to make it as easy to self-host as possible.

I have some experience self hosting applications and I have some intuuition what to do or don't, but I wanted to see if I can pull from the collective wisdom.

Got any good resources to share? Any tips? Or, maybe some bad experiences or things to avoid?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by souperk@reddthat.com to c/python@programming.dev


Being a full stack developer, I have decent experience with both python and Typescript. I often use python for API development and I have been trying to write code that is pep-484 compliant (aka fully typed). However, often I get the feeling that if I was using TypeScript it would be much easier.

That got me wondering why there isn't a fully typed language that compiles to python.

I am aware of some arguments, so I am going to get the conversation started by providing my thoughts on them.


ts2python is a TypeScript to python compiler.

Unfortunately, it covers only a small subset of python's capabilities. I am not sure why this hasn't been adopted and/or expanded to cover more of python's capabilities, but I can see possible issues with some python features that are not supported by TypeScript like context managers or operator overloading.

Still wondering if it would be possible to extend the TypeScript compiles so it would support such features?


pep-484 describes how to provide type hints for python, it's not ideal but good enough that don't have to invent a new language.

IMO that's a trap, pep-484 (and other typing related peps) are not a good enough solution, on the contrary sometimes they are straight up misleading.

For example, consider the stubs for comparisons with built-in types, you would notice that they are defined as __op__(self, other: Any) -> bool: ... which is not correct as when other implements __opposite_op__ that is called instead of builtin.__op__, and it's return value may be of a different type.

Typing tools have not caught up with it, right now only pyright has full compliance with pep-484 (and other typing related peps). For that reason, SQLAlchemy had to introduce more than a couple of workarounds so MyPy can understand what's is happening behind the scenes, even for features that are pep-484 compliant.

Use Another Language

Python was never meant to be fully typed, and they make it clear.

True, but there are a bunch of libraries unique to python that make it a mandatory choice for many tasks. Things are changing and other options become available, but it's going to take time until there is another viable alternative.


Interested to read your thoughts.

  1. Is there another reason typing support hasn't advanced?
  2. Are you satisfied with typing support for python?
  3. Are you transitioning to another language?
  4. Are you aware of any new and exciting typing tools?

Of course, if typing is not an issue for you, that's okay, every software has different constraints.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by souperk@reddthat.com to c/askscience@lemmy.world

In physics, it's common to develop a formula and then stick a constant to explain the unknown. For example, Newton's theory of gravity uses the gravitational constant G on the formula F = G * m_1 * m_2 / r^2, later on Einstein gave a more accurate explanation with the theory of relativity which does not rely on a constant E = m * c^2. Constants provide a good enough explanation of the laws of physics that's useful for centuries.

I was wondering what's the equivalent in social studies? How do researchers deal with the uncertainty of human behaviour?

Edit: Comments made me remember how much I don't understand the theory of relativity, terrible example, sorry for the confusion. I need to rephrase the question but I don't know how.

I am looking for "glue" concepts, things that help connect observations with theory, aka if I calculate m_1 * m_2 / r^2 the result is slightly off but if I account for G, an empirical constant derived from observation, then everything makes sense for the observable universe.

Also, as someone said, I am referring to social studies.


This finding demonstrates that ASD + ADHD is neither an endophenocopy nor an additive pathology of ASD and ADHD, but an entirely different neuroanatomical pathology. In addition, ASD + ADHD displayed altered GM volume asymmetries in the prefrontal regions responsible for executive function and theory of mind compared with ASD-only.


Hi, I am thinking of studying in Eindhoven, there is a master's degree I really like. I have been interested in the Netherlands for quite some time since urbanists think really highly of the country. I got the news of the far-right winning the first round of the elections and that got me concerned.

I would like to know how local leftists view the change, abject terror? or "whatever" we got a robust system they won't be able to do much harm?

submitted 7 months ago by souperk@reddthat.com to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

TLDR; I would like to study the Fediverse and I am looking for recommendations and connections with like minded people/researchers.

I have a CS degree and I have aspirations for an academic career. In the past, I was interested in programming languages and the theory of computation. The past year I have been more interested in social issues like isolation, freedom of press, misinformation, and access to information. I have been following the fediverse closely and I truly believe in its potential.

My goal is to study social media as a computational system, how a bunch of people interacting with each other can generate reliable information. Topics I have been thinking about include: How neurodivergency awareness has been booming through social media, how scientific research can be done in a global collaborative environment instead of an institution focused, and how misinformation could be combatted with small interconnected social circles like mastodon.

I have been considering getting a master's degree in a related field like social computing. The Human Technology Interaction program of Eindhoven University seems interesting, especially the Behavioural and Social Computing track. Also, there is the option of diving into a PhD right away.

Either way I am broke right now, so I should probably start studying on my own while I try to create a safety net that would allow me to make my next step in 2025.

So, if you made it through my autistic info dump, I thank you and I was hoping to get your feedback. While any feedback is appreciated, I have the following questions in my mind:

  1. Are there any other terms like social computing that would help me understand the field?
  2. Are there any researchers you would I suggest I follow?
  3. Any books or papers recommendations?
  4. If you are a researcher/student with similar concerns, would like to have a chat? You can find my matrix handle on my profile.
  5. Any other universities I should look into?

Last but not least, let me know if you are interested for me to make a follow-up post with any information I gather.

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joined 11 months ago