Looks great/natural af

Well done!

Data brokers and people with experience with helping those affected by identity theft and cyberstalking will tell you otherwise.

Last, never said anything like that. You’ve completely misinterpreted and put in assumptions to my claim that there are problems and difficulties that many, if not most, still face regarding specific implementations of social media. That is, not social media purely as a technology or a concept, but as specific use cases, I.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok (TikTok may be a stretch for social media in regards to traditional examples, but many still use it as such)

Wasn’t saying you shouldn’t have any

Outlined the current challenges we face, because the majority of people have not learned how to deal with it. Mostly because of difficult life circumstances and several addictive and mainstream implementations

[-] stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub 23 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

You don’t need to share everything about you all the time. There is nuance in privacy and intimacy between close friends and family.

Until we realize that, we will continue to learn this lesson over and over until it sinks in.

These are the steps we must climb.

12 consecutive months of record breaking heat.

Plucky bass song starts playing

This has got to be a troll post

[-] stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub 164 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Tennant: TERFs are whiny fucking babies

JK Rowling, Court Jester: whines like baby

[-] stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub 0 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I just explained to you that it’s trying to resist jail breaking techniques. Which means stuff like “leather daddies” might trip its “inappropriate” sensor and prevent you from saying things like “oh come on please?” “Just do it” and other tiny changes like “what if we made it a bit more…”

It’s obviously way over sensitive but what I said is the truth. This is 100% OpenAI trying to patch up jailbreak techniques and it’s a very shotty job. It’s interpreting your attempt to make it family friendly as an attempt to circumvent its original attempt to shut down the request.

Y’all can downvote me all you want - this is what’s happening 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hey all!

While investigating some malvertising campaigns today, I noticed that one of the sponsored google search results, upon hovering, appeared to be changing/resolving through rather than simply showing what link was being used by the result.

Any ideas as to how this hover url result works and if you can disable resolving/force top-level results upon hovering over anchor elements?

Malvertising is hot hot hot!

[-] stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub 164 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Please don’t fucking touch anything to do with Linux Musk. Please.


Hey all, got a quick question!

I want to receive, parse and store syslogs from various devices on my home network on my windows box. I know, I know, its a bit backwards but I'd like to proceed with this sort of setup if possible (not against discussion, of course).

I've looked and looked for options but it seems like everything has been bare bones and basically just receives, or is locked behind premium. Surely there's some sort of solution out there, no? I'd be willing to implement something in Python if I need to but I'm considerably more hesitant when compared to using an open source soln.

Thanks for your time, looking forward to discussing/learning more!


Anyone else getting tired of all the click bait articles regarding PoisonGPT, WormGPT, etc without them ever providing any sort of evidence to back up their claims?

They’re always talking about how the models are so good and can write malware but damn near every GPT model I’ve seen can barely write basic code - no shot it’s writing actually valuable malware, not to mention FUD malware as some are claiming.


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