All words are made up
... no
Yer doing it wrong
I understand that better than css
No kidding, that's obviously Green Day
As an American I aspire to avoid the brands we export to the rest of the world.
Luckily I have some disposable income, I'm happy to support the local businesses around me (not the ones that donate to trump!) and even pay tariffs on foreign brands to support them instead of American culture-exporting brands.
I hope together we can all send a message.
That's Clutch with more steps
T3 portrays the actual moments of the rise of skynet, so even though I don't normally recommend it, for purposes of this discussion I wish you had seen it 😂
Careful you don't become an elementaryscoholic
Once they crossed the threshold there were men in the bathroom. If they want to uphold the law* they should have arrested each other.
* as I understand it, it isn't even a law in that jurisdiction, so as everyone has already pointed out this whole thing is a bunch of bullshit
When gandalf leaves, telling frodo to "keep it secret, keep it safe", he is gone for an unspecified amount of time researching whether or not the ring is in fact Isildur's Bane. If you take this to be a 17 year gap, the timeline matches the books.
Not in my book!