[-] teuast@lemmy.ca 21 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

To borrow a phrase from Steve Hofstetter, I've never flown a helicopter, but if I saw one in a tree, I could still be like "dude fucked up."

[-] teuast@lemmy.ca 19 points 7 months ago

maybe but they're less cool than non-oil ones

[-] teuast@lemmy.ca 20 points 7 months ago

My car is a bicycle. Specifically it is a 2017 Masi CX Comp.

Why own a Ford when I have my Chevrolegs?

[-] teuast@lemmy.ca 19 points 7 months ago

Who besides rich boys can afford to ride their bikes to work?

i bike to work in no small part because i can't afford to drive there

Single mothers getting their kids to elementary and middle schools?

in civilized countries, they can use a cargo bike (what the dutch call a bakfiets) to carry the kids. or the kids can ride their own bikes.

The elderly going to their doctors appointments?

many elderly people can still cycle. you may even see electric assist tricycles on the bike path in civilized countries. and of course elderly people also benefit from accessible and convenient public transit.

Working stiffs who can’t afford to live in downtown?

this is a real concern and i absolutely share your desire to build large-scale dense public housing developments in downtown around transit stations, as well as doing the same around more outlying transit stations such that taking public transit also becomes a viable option.

What do you think will happen to rents when is forced to get an apartment in one of the existing blocks?

wait, i thought you wanted to build public housing to address housing affordability? was that just me offering a solution, and not you? that's weird

[-] teuast@lemmy.ca 16 points 8 months ago

Last Saturday I went on a casual first date at a sushi place with a girl from Hinge. I liked her and hoped we would meet up again: she was cool to talk to, which was the most important thing, and also, while I don't exactly have a type per se, I do like some nice boobs, and sweet mother of mercy, did she have some. But she apparently didn't enjoy our date as much as I did, because she ghosted me afterwards. I sent her a few more texts over a couple of days, but alas, no joy was forthcoming.

I spent a couple more days feeling like twice-eaten dog kibble and being acutely aware of how touch-starved I still was, but I had another Hinge match I hadn't talked to in a week because of the first one, so on Thursday, after reality had set in, I hit her up (while... admittedly not being fully truthful about why I hadn't done so earlier, which I do feel kinda bad about even being reassured by a friend that I shouldn't) on the offchance I hadn't totally screwed myself by leaving it that long, and to my utter astonishment, she responded! And it turned out she was dealing with some serious shit at work (not wanting to be too specific, let's just say that since I had last talked to her, she'd walked out of the job and her therapist advised her to sue).

So I drew on my experience of having a prosecutor for a dad and gave her some tips for how to prepare a case, and then drew on my experience having had painful and traumatic experiences and offered to take her to a cat cafe in the city on Saturday, which she immediately accepted. Unfortunately, I got unlucky with transit, so by the time we actually met up at the cat cafe, they were minutes away from closing, but we were in the city, so we just went bar hopping instead: we got to know each other over wine, then once my not being a murderer had been established, relocated and got significantly stronger (and less expensive) margaritas.

We get into our cozy little booth in the bar, we get the social lubricant going, and after a while her hand is in mine, and I start giving her a hand massage. Most people carry a lot of tension in their hands and wrists, particularly when they're dealing with a lot of stress: if you've never gotten your hands and wrists properly worked over by somebody who knows what they're doing, do it, it'll change your life. And lucky for her, I'm a professional musician specializing in piano, so I've had it done to me enough to know how to do it, and I have the hands to do it very well. So she's saying how good it feels, and as we're talking I can feel her whole body relaxing next to me, she does the "why do you like me" thing that women I date seem to like asking me, and I tell her that I like her because I've been enjoying her company, because I think what she does is interesting (I won't specify, but it was a really interesting job hamstrung by lawsuit-worthy management), and also because I find her attractive, and then she says "Would you please kiss me?"

Sweet mother of mercy.

Well, long story short, we made out in the bar until a really bad smell wafted in, then walked around the area a little bit kissing each other some more until we both needed to get home, with her at one point starting to ask me something and then forgetting what it was because I was "too distracting." Then eventually we wound up back at my transit stop to go home, she called an uber to get herself home and then we kept making out until the uber arrived... about thirty seconds later, because fucking of course it would show up immediately the one time you kinda wanted it to take a while (she also expressed annoyance at this).

We have already made plans to meet up again in a few days, and will actually go to the cat cafe this time.

TL;DR Went on a date, got ghosted afterwards. Felt like shit. Then had an abrupt reversal of fortune, got another date, and made out with her at a bar. Also, cats.

[-] teuast@lemmy.ca 19 points 8 months ago

my sister frequently sends me reddit memes and tried for years to get me to play league of legends

[-] teuast@lemmy.ca 21 points 8 months ago

this is a law in the scientific sense, where its function is to describe a phenomenon that occurs in nature (or in society), not as in an authority is decreeing it so

[-] teuast@lemmy.ca 16 points 9 months ago

OK, you need to be walked through it every step of the way, then.

  1. Akhil gives a gun to Omar.

  2. Akhil knows Omar hates, to pick a threatened minority at random, gay people, and wants to kill them.

  3. Omar shoots up, let's say, a gay nightclub. In, to pick a city totally at random, Orlando, Florida. And just for funsies, let's call it The Pulse. I'm sure this totally imaginary scenario bears no resemblance to any actual event, and no gay nightclub called The Pulse in Orlando, Florida has ever been shot up by a virulent homophobe named Omar Mateen. Pure imagination.

  4. The judicial system would view Akhil as an accessory to murder in that instance.

Let me further introduce you to the concept of stochastic terrorism. Boy, aren't you learning a lot tonight! I'm happy for you.

[-] teuast@lemmy.ca 19 points 10 months ago

That money that's going to kids and families who need it is money that's not going directly to people who are already rich, and as such can only be made available during dramatic crises. Boring, ongoing crises, like the housing crisis and the poverty crisis and the climate crisis don't count.

[-] teuast@lemmy.ca 17 points 10 months ago

I would slightly rephrase this to "too little housing." Houses per se is not the answer, because just building more single family houses is not going to solve any problem that isn't going to be massively outweighed by other problems that are exacerbated, as we've seen over the past 70+ years of suburban development. Increasing infill density and allowing for "missing middle" housing and mixed use development is the way to go, at least as far as the problems faced by your downstairs neighbors are concerned. This also must be complemented by prioritization of public transit and active transport as preferred modes of transportation in cities, coupled with redevelopment of parking lots and a moratorium on any new freeway construction, as more traffic lanes always and only ever make traffic worse.

[-] teuast@lemmy.ca 19 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I use this one frequently. That and "you're not wrong, you're just an asshole."

[-] teuast@lemmy.ca 18 points 11 months ago

he's really rich and has paid lip service to liberal ideas, that's enough

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