Proton anti-cheat works with punk buster and what ever garbage gta5 is using now.
Proton anti-cheat works with punk buster and what ever garbage gta5 is using now.
The pigs are the assholes kidnapping you.
But then you would be using reddit.... gross.
22TB drive for my NAS.
Wow, spotting a red dwarf reference in the wild is rare these days.
OK cool so now they are going to ruing gaming with bull shit "AI".
Fuck off microsoft.
Syncthing is so good, I don't know why anyone would pay for cloud storage.
There are people who still whine about what games others enjoy? Yikes.
Remote start doesn't need a server, Unlocking your doors doesn't need a server and temp controls don't need a server. These are things that are controlled and operated locally, But Hyundai sure as fuck thinks they do.
No, if you are using a chromium browser you are using chrome. to some extent or another google is involved. The level of googles involvemnet is different per browser but if you want to elimnate them completly you will probably need some obscure firefox fork. Even then without something like no script blocking googles servers almost every site will collect google analytics.