because they are all Russian agents
if protests did nothing, they wouldn't be forbidden in China and Russia and every other autocratic society
you don't announce you're going all in before you see your cards, dude
so after lots of investigation into this shitstain, the NY AG says he can't be trusted to even participate in business in the state of NY.. not just real estate, he can't serve as an officer in any corporation, because he can't be trusted..
yet everyone who voted for him gave him access to all of our secrets, and the ability to destroy lives if he felt like it
i want the Ukrainians armed and fed and warm, let's get to work
i didn't care who Hunter was before Joe became President, and i still don't give a single fuck.. Republicans are nothing but fucking trolls, and they can all fuck off to Russia any time they like, if that's the kind of place they want to call home.. they can live in a country full of trolls like them..
and if you mindlessly vote for Republicans because you think you're a Republican, you can starve for all i care
if you support Trump, you're a traitor
being a straight up psychopath seems to help a bit
Advertising team wants to find any way to make people search for as long and as often as possible (“increasing the journey length”) even if it means delivering less relevant search results.
i now understand what i've been seeing a whole lot better.. any time marketing starts interacting directly with engineering, your tech company is in trouble..
they're so brave, they are willing to go to war with stickers
what, they couldn't book the landscaping place?
this is a fake story, there haven't been any "warnings".. it's pure propaganda being shoveled by the Russians..